Update! (Please Read!)

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I'mHer so sorry for not updating recently, I've been taking a break for something special that I'm planning and I hope that people didn't loose interest. The time that I've been taking a break is to brainstorm ideas for a new Zodiac book, and possibly a book that isn't a Zodiac book. And, I will let you guys vote on which kind of story! (There may be more options added in the future) You are allowed to vote for as many different options as you want, but you can only vote once for a specific type.

1. Heroes And Villains. I've seen this before and really liked it, so I thought that I might give it a try.

2.Just Heroes

3.Just Villains

4.Cliche Good and Evil/magical power stuff XD (I like these kind of stories just because it reminds me of what me, my sister and cousin would make up together when we were like 7 8 and 9.)

5. High School. (I've also seen this before, I've never really been that interested in it, but people seem to like it, so i might give it a try.)

6. Reality TV show. (I've never seen this done before, it probably has been done, but I guess this would kinda have the Zodiacs in one house, and it would basically be like a reality tv show.)

7.Other. (If you comment a different kind of story on this, It will most likely be added!)

8. Other 2.0 (If you don't like any of these on the list, you are free to ask me to try and think of more!)

Once again, I am so sorry for the lack of updates, I will most likely be updating sometime soon. The votes for this are VERY much appreciated. I would like to get the first chapter out as soon as possible! Thank you all so much!

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