Finishing Chapter 4!

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Hey! I've finally finished part 4! Sorry for the long wait! Also, I will not be updating until after June 24, I have a tournament the 23rd, which is also on my birthday.

"Hey Cap!" I heard a voice call out. "Oh, hey Aquarius." "Um, I was just wondering If you wanted to help me look for Aries and Sagittarius." He said. "Sure! Anything for one of my friends." (I just realized how cheesy that sounded 0-0)"Do you know where they last were?" Aquarius asked. "I remember They were outside, but I think the principle had sent them to detention." "Let's check there then." Me and Aquarius walked through the halls silently. It was almost awkward, but not quite, since we were practically best friends. We reached detention, and started looking around. "What exactly are we looking for?" I asked. "Foot prints, I guess." Aquarius said sounding a little confused. "Or just anything suspicious." "There are foot prints leading to the middle of the room, but it just stops there. There's absolutely nothing else." I said getting slightly frustrated. "How about we split up and search the school." Aqua suggested. (I'm just gonna call him Aqua for now on and Capricorn Cap.) "I'll take the East part of the school and you take the West." I started walking towards the West side of the school when I felt that something wasn't right. I put it aside, thinking I'm just paranoid. I started looking in all of the classrooms, but they were all the same. No evidence of anything. Just empty rooms. And then i came around to the Principle's office. I looked around the room, found nothing but then I saw it. A mass of black matter. I couldn't even tell what it was. I was about to yell for Aqua, but It pulled me towards it. All i could remember were shades of black and grey before I passed out.

Hey! I Finally finished this chapter! On the 24th I'll probably start working on the next chapter, and it will probably come out around the 27th. Chapter Wise there will probably be 13 chapters, one for every Zodiac sign, and then one big one at the end. You've also probably noticed that the "Vice and Virtue" Part has not come up very often. it will come up in the future! I promise! Also, Please vote on what kind of story you would like next! So far the cliche kind of story is winning. By July 4th if nobody else has voted, I will be doing the cliche type. See you guys next chapter!

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