A Comforting Note

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~Normal P.O.V.~

        I wandered the unfamilliar mansion. Up and down steps, halls, throught doors, and all over, trying to get a map in my mind in case i got a chance to escape the slut (Alois) and the fangirl (Lizzy). I walked out into the dining room to see 3 purple-haired boys polishing the big table...they were kinda cute... but, they all had brusies and wounds...? what happened to them? "o-oh, Hello!" i said to them. they looked at me a moment and all whispered to each other. one finally walked to me and bowed. "I am Tomson, this is Timber, and thats Canturberry" He said, smileing a moment. Timber came over, nearly pushing Tomson out of the way, and kissed my hand. Canturberry kissed the other. "Well, i guess that means i get to kiss you here" Tomson said as he kissed me check, making me blush 50 shades of red. the other two servents started ushing and hitting at Tomson in jellousy. I couldnt help but giggle. They stopped after awhile and stared behind me in fear. "What do you three think your doing?" I hear Claude say from behind me. Dear god. The three stifened and went back polishing the table agian. Cladue put his hand on my sholder and turned me arround to face him. "Would you like me to show you the garden untill tea time?" He asked as if i was a guest.Better than being treated like a prisoner i guess...i wanna go back to the Phantomhive mannor... "u-uh sure."  i stutter out. Claude holds his hand out and i hesitantly take it. i kinda have a bad feeling about this. He guided me to the garden doors and held them for me. He then took my hand agian, and lead me around the garden, pointing out every type of flower. When i finally got tiered oof his braniac talk i held my hand infrount of his mouth. "Is somehting the matter my lady?" He asked, clearly not seeing how annoying he could be. I moved my hand away from his, and walked over to a shady willow tree and sat in the grass. "My lady, you'll stain your dres-"
        "Shh." I simply replied with. i closed my eyes and listened to the chirpping birds. "My lady, i must go prepare the tea, will you be alright out here?" e asked, starting to head to the door. "Yes, ill be just fine. If Alois asks, im relaxing in the "Big bush of roses"." i say, opening my eyes and winking at him a moment befoe closeing them agian. i heard the door shut as i sat there, listening to the sounds around me. I feel on my neck for the choker, relising Lizzy most likely took it because it wouldnt match the dress. I miss the manor so much...And even though im still mad at Sebastian, i miss him more than anything in the world. I dont want Lizzy's plan to work, Ciel hates her and Luci love him. If Luci gets kidnaped too, then maybe together we could have a better chance of escaping. Who knows.
        Suddenly i heard a thunk not far from me. "Huh?" I ask, walking over to the sound. I find cinder block wall covered in vines. i look down at the floor to see a brick with a note on it tied with... what is that? i pick up the heavy brick and examine the 'string' on it. Oh!!! Its the choker Sebastian gave to me! but who gave this to me? i push another cinder block up to the wall and step up on it to look over the wall. I look over to see Grell standing there. "Grell!" i say with excitment. "Shhh, i dont want the Trancy's to hear. We are going to get you out of hear, make sure you read that note when you get the chance, ill tell the others where you are. Sebastian was devistated, ill tell you more later. Bye!~" He said running away. "But! I need to tell you something!!!" I yell over to him, still keeping sorta quiet. "Write me a note and do the same i did at this time tomorrow!~" He said, before he ran from my site. I must write about the plan Lizzy had when i go inside. I wonder if Lizzy's plan will actually play out... i step down and go back to the tree, putting the choker and note in my pocket. ill deal with these tonight when im alone in my room. I sat back and thought more about Sebastian...
        "Darling stop thinking so hard" i hear come from a womanly voice. I look up to see a woman in a maids outfit, blue/purple hair, and a bandage over one eye. "oh Hello!" i say, as she had caught me off gard. "I didnt mean to frighten you." she said with a soft smile. "My name is Hannah. I am a maid at this estate." Oh! So im not the only girl here other than Lizzy... " She giggled a moment. "I was sorta feeling that way as well" She paused a moment. "Claude and Alois have sent me out here the retreve you for tea... Alois didnt seem too happy" oh god. now what. did Lizzy do somthing wrong? did he see Grell givening me the note?  "oh, okay." i say, as i stand to my feet. I followed Hannah to the dining room i had been in earlier. The Triplets and Claude stood lined up behind Alois's chair, which stood at the end of the long table. "Why hello my child!~" He chirped to me as Claude pulled my chair out for me at the other end of the table. Just as i was about to sit down, Alois snapped his fingers. "Ah, ah, ah! Come sit by me!~" He flirts to me, patting the chair next to him. Oh god, gross. I walk over there and sit next to him reluctanty. "Now, i must say, while you stay here we cant have you doing nothing..." He trailed off. Claude poured tea in the cups in front of us, and Alois took a sip. Claude poured the tea in the boring way, Sebastian and i can do it better... "So! i have an idea!" Alois chirped to me, snapping me from my thoughts agian. "Would you like to be our Maid you know, untill i free you?" I stare at him a moment before relising he is serious. "NO." I say, clearly not amused. "Well, thats too bad. Lock her in her room" He said, snapping his fingers at the Triplets picked me up, on e holding each arm and the other holding my feet as i struggled to get away from them. "ill come to your room and ask you agian when you've come to your sences." Alois said, waving to me with a smirk on his stupid face as the three servents carried me away. God how i want to smack that smirk off his face so far that it fliys to the moon.

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