Chapter 7

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When Sesshomaru regained his awareness his ears were ringing and his breathing was erratic. The remaining two sorceresses were dismembered and scattered across the square, which was nothing more than piles of rubble. He could taste blood in his mouth, and his hands were stained red.

"Lord! Lord Sesshomaru!" Someone was calling him in the distance. "Lord Sesshomaru!" He turned to see Kensei was only a few feet away calling to him. "My Lord, are you alright?"

He was still trying to regain his senses. "Inuyasha," he said in between breaths.

"He is badly injured, my Lord, but he is still breathing." With that, Sesshomaru was fully alert. He saw Inuyasha on the ground. He knelt at his side to see blackened veins had spread throughout his chest, but no further. He struggled to keep his emotions in check as he looked down at him. He looked to Kensei and his men as he thought of a plan.

"Tanro and I will fly him back to the castle immediately. Sanro, you will fly ahead of us to the castle, to inform Himari of his condition. Tell her to prepare the necessary treatment," Sesshomaru commanded.

The two crow tengu yokai moved swiftly as ordered. As they flew back, Sesshomaru's mind was racing. He protected me despite everything, he contemplated in disbelief. Koga's words came back to him, "If I had gotten out of my own way, I could have had more time with Ayame."

Sesshomaru's body retracted at the thought, will I lose him? I'll never get to tell him what I had decided, he thought.

"Faster Tanro! There isn't time to waste," he called out, flying even faster. He looked down at Inuyasha's limp body. "I will not let you die!" He promised aloud.

When they returned to the castle, Himari had made the necessary preparations. She stopped Sesshomaru when he tried to enter her medicine room. He growled at her as if he would attack. "To dispel the curse, I will need complete concentration. Wait here until I am finished," she ordered.

Sesshomaru waited all night, unmoving from the door. He felt his sanity slipping as his ears were filled with Inuyasha's cries of pain inside the room, and the sound of his own yokai's mourning. He felt as helpless as the day Rin died. He didn't think he could feel fear and pain like this anymore. He thought that part of his heart had died with Rin. Sesshomaru's heart stopped when suddenly there was a deafening silence. He moved toward the doors ready to break them down, but just then Himari opened them.

"The curse has been dispelled, My Lord Consort. His body will need time to heal, but he will live. The curse should have killed him. I can only imagine his heightened Inu Daiyokai nature is what kept it from spreading more quickly. You can see him once we move him to his chambers, where he will be more comfortable."

Inuyasha laid in bed fairly still, besides the occasional grown or wince of pain. Sesshomaru couldn't bring himself to leave his side. He kept seeing the moment over and over again in his mind, Inuyasha standing before him bleeding. "I said I would keep you safe." Sesshomaru felt so undeserving, so unworthy. He remembered how fragile love makes you. Love is always paired with eventual pain and grief, and it had almost visited him when that sword pierced Inuyasha. He couldn't deny that the man before him meant something to him, but could he survive nurturing these feelings? Was he strong enough to open that door in his heart again? There are so many walls, he thought to himself.

As he was deep in thought, Yuri the badger servant quietly entered the room. "My Lord, is there anything I can bring you?" she asked.

"As I have said before, no. I need nothing."

"My Lord, it's been more than two days, and you haven't left that chair. Even Master Shippo has retired to rest," she said, concerned.

"I said I need nothing. Now please, leave me. I don't want to be interrupted again, unless it's for his treatment," Sesshomaru commanded. Yuri left the room without another word.

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