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I was humming, swaying in the chains that bound me to the ceiling.  I continued as I heard someone entered the room not bothering to look up.  A piece of bread was shoved towards my mouth, and I pressed my lips together, ignoring the offering.  He slapped me hard, but I was unfazed, humming, and swaying to my own tune.

He struck my side, and I clenched my teeth.  "Why must you make things so difficult?"

I licked my dry lips.  "Killing me would save you a lot of difficulty... you should know that by now."

He chuckled.  "Why would a do such a thing, I plan to make you mine once more."

Disgust ran through me.  "I'm alre-"

He backhanded me.  "Your engagement means nothing to me... it never has. He'll die soon enough."

I pursed my lips.  "How about releasing me from these chains and saying that, bastard?"

He laughed, a deep, terrible sound.  "Why would I give you the satisfaction?  Don't worry soon enough you'll be chained elsewhere."

I lounged at him but came up short.  "You'll never have me, Madara... I guarantee you that much."  His chuckled echoed through the room as he left, and I fell limp.

Damn him...  I sighed and focused on the trace amounts of chakra still flowing through me.  He's still alive... for now...  I started to hum and sway again.  An untold amount of time later, I looked into onyx eyes, and my heart ached.

He approached and put cool water to my lips.  "Sister..."

I drank slowly.  "Thank you, Little Brother."

He gently touched my cheek, freshly bruised, for the seventh day this week.  "You can't survive like this."

I chuckled darkly.  "Trust me when I say I can, and he will ensure that much."

He pressed his lips into a thin line.  "Shisui's eyes..."

I nodded.  "I knew it would happen eventually... they're too precious to discard.  Really do wish I could remember how I killed him, I'm sure it was gruesome.  Could've given me some enjoyment while I hang around."

He lowered his gaze.  "Let me he-"

"No." I snapped.  "You doing this is risk enough, go before you are caught."

He looked hurt but nodded.  "I'll be back when I can."

I smiled at him, ignoring the pain in my cheeks.  "See you soon, Little Brother."  I began clicking my tongue and thinking, swaying against the chains again.

I concentrated on my chakra, only allowing it to flow in my trunk. Otherwise, my bindings would absorb it.  Who has been helping him plan this, I wonder... these chains are ancient...  I lost track of time again. Easy as it was in a pitch black room with no windows. 

Eventually, I felt a flicker within me, and it woke me from a sleep I didn't know I fell into.  So... it's begun...  I grit my teeth.  This wasn't supposed to happen...  I ignored the dread that began to fill me.  Focus...

I started moving again, noting that I was swaying further than I was when I fell asleep.  This is so tedious...  The man I despised most burst into the room, clearly pleased with himself.  "Seems Pein is making good on his promise.  May need not strike you so hard... I did say I wouldn't touch you after all."

"Go to hell..."

He grabbed my face, forcing me to look at his face.  "I wonder just how much fight you really have in you."

I smirked.  "What happened to your mask, Madara?  It certainly suits you better than your face."

His nostrils flared as he gripped my chin tighter.  "Soon, yo-"

"Madara... toying with your prisoner again?"

He frowned and turned to face the younger Uchiha.  "Sasuke... seems your sister is yet alive."

Sasuke's eyes were as dead as his face.  "What sister..."

I pursed my lips.  "I really need you to get over all that. It's petty at this point, Little Brother."

He gave me a cursory glance.  "I have no siblings... only traitors I want dead."

I frowned.  "I mean... not like I'm subdued and hanging by chains, defenseless or anything.  Not much stopping you, just saying."

He began to walk away.  "Hn."

I sighed.  "Damn, so close..."

Madara chuckled and released me.  "He may be enjoying this as much as me... see you soon, Kunoichi."

I licked my lips as the door closed once more.  I listened carefully before I tested my bindings.  Almost... but not nearly close enough to be of any use...

An unexpected visitor rose from the ground, and I glowered at them.  "Why if it isn't the ultimate traitor himself..."

They shifted uncomfortably.  "Kunoi..."

"Don't say my name."  They simply stared at me.  "You know I've had a lot of time to think about how I would go about killing you, but also about why you would be involved in all of this.  What would you gain, Zetsu?"

They averted their gaze.  "We would... it's none of your business..."

I smirked.  "And there it is... Black Zetsu, what do you gain?  I remember a tree that could drain the chakra of its victims... not that I can recall the name for the life of me..."  They looked at me suddenly, and I chuckled.  "I see... go return to your master and relieve me of this eye sore."

They hesitated.  "You... will not be effected... Shut up... let's go."

I waited some time, working to loosen the chains more.  When dust finally began to fall I allowed my chakra to flow as close to them as I dared and pulled in my limbs with all my might.  I smiled weakly as I fell to the ground, grunting when I made impact.

I staggered to my feet and waited, making sure no one was coming before removing the cuffs and taking a look at what held me.  "Ancient indeed..."  I heaved a breath and forced my body to move forward. Thankfully, Sasuke had already told me the fastest way out.  I can only hope he is waiting as planned...

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