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Today morning when Jungkook left for his rehearsal he asked Y/n to make his favourite cheese pasta. She spent all her time cooking it with some special touch into it. She texted Namjoon 2 hours ago and he said that they will finish their concert in an hour. She decided to surprise him instead of waiting for him.

Namjoon texted her back saying that it would be the right time to leave now. She put on her jacket and took Jungkook's car to go to the venue. She reached the place within 15 mins. She was invited by Sejin at the entrance, he took her backstage where the boys will be now.

"Yaah !" she was startled by the voice coming behind me. she turned around to find hoseok walking towards her.
"Hi Hoseok" she smiled as she gave a side hug to him " How was the concert?"

" As usual, the energy tonight was so high, we have only a few shows left ?"
"Namjoon said that you're here to surprise Jungkook, he must be in room no 21" he said
" Oh thank you" he waved as he walked away

Y/n looked for the room Hobi said Jungkook must be in. 19,20, ah there it is 21 As she went to turn the handle down Namjoon pulled her back. She gave him a questioning look raising my brows.
" Didn't know you'd be here this early" he said with a nervous laugh. Fishy, he's never like this.

" Is something wrong ?" she asked tilting her head in confusion
" ah n-no ----------Y/N don't" before he could to stop her she opened the door And met with something she never expected Jungkook laying on the couch with a girl on top of him. As soon as he heard the door click he quickly pushed the girl away and stood up brushing his shirt off.

The food dropped from her hand in shock and her eyes welled up with tears. She still couldn't process what she saw. Namjoon came in hanging his head low
" Y/N its not what it looks like " Jungkook said as he approached her . She couldn't speak a word but the tears rolled down. How could he do this to her ?

By this time all the boys rushed inside the room "Baby" jungkook said as he tried placing his hands on her waist. She pushed him away and cried harder.
"Shut up, just shut up" she sobbed

" I can explain Y/N"
"Explain what Jungkook, how you kissed her and god knows to what extend you have gone ?" her heart just couldn't take what she just saw.
Why did this happen. She never wanted something like this to happen. Just an hour ago she was happy how her life was perfect, how lucky she is to have a boyfriend like him. But now she's just living every girls nightmare.

The girl just stood there fiddling with her hand. She couldn't blame her, it isn't her fault, its Jungkook's fault.

" Why Jungkook , why did you do this to me ?" she cried harder , he was crying now as well. It made her sad to see him in this position. He meant a lot to her, he was her only one in this world after she lost her family. She just wants to hug him hard and tell him not to cry but she can't do that. Because he hurt her, he didn't think about her when he had that girl over him.

" I'm really sorry bab----"
" Sorry? Is that all you have to say. Jungkook was it all a lie when you told me that I would be the only girl you will love ? Did you really forgot all the moments we spent together. Did I really mean nothing to you ?" I asked

" Baby I really love you, I was really stupid to do something like that, forgive me baby" he cried covering his face
" I CAN'T JUNGKOOK, I can't forget this day forever" she said wiping her tears.

"Baby no, please don't leave me, I'm sorry" he said rubbing his eyes with his sleeve.

She just stood there without uttering a word. Namjoon walked to her holding her hand
" Y/N--" I raised my hand showing him to stop.

She walked closer to Jungkook. Her heart felt heavy looking at his face. The face which always had her attention, the bunny smile, but now all she could see was a cheater

A loud noise was heard in the room as her hand came in contact with his cheek. Yes she slapped him He put his hand where she slapped him and cried more crunching his eyes " FUCK YOU JEON JUNGKOOK" she said as she turned back and walked out of the room

All her guts disappeared once she left the room. She ran fast so she could disappear from this world as well. She found a empty hallway. She couldn't hold it back anymore, she screamed so hard that she felt like killing herself, her tears kept flowing like a river. She slid down the wall and sat on the floor, pulling her knees up to her chest and sunk her head.

'Why jungkook why ?. we could have been so good together, why did you do this to me, I wish none of this happened and I could wake up from this bad nightmare and you would be there to comfort me'. But no this was all real. He didn't care about her, it was all a lie. She leaned back and closed her eyes exausted from all the crying.

" Y/N" she opened her eyes to see Namjoon sitting near her on the floor. The emotions rushed back in as soon as she saw him
" Come here" he opened his arms, she sobbed again as she fell in his arms as he hugged her tight and placed a kiss on her head.

" I loved him, Joon. SO MUCH " she cried as he patted her head
" I know Y/N, I know you did, everything happens for a reason you know" he said. She could hear his breathing as she was laying on his chest

" You are a strong girl, Y/N. You deserve better. Don't ever doubt yourself because of him"he said She raised her head to look at him, he just gave her a gentle smile.

She didn't know what took over her but she moved up a little and placed her lips on his. He was startled in the beginning but then he kissed her back. He placed his arms around her waist and pulled her up so now she was on his lap. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss. They almost had a make out session, both of them pulled away to catch their breaths. It was now awkward so she just turned her gaze away

" Look at me princess" he whispered which literally gave her chills, she looked at him and he placed his hands on both side of her head and placed a soft kiss on her forehead

" I have always loved you Y/N, I promise I'll treat like a queen " he confessed out of the blue. Her jaw dropped in shock at his sudden confession.

" NOW TELL ME Y/N, WILL YOU BE MY QUEEN ?" he asked . She didn't need to think anymore. She just nodded my head

" FOREVER ?" he smiled
"FOREVER" she whispered before he pulled me in for for another kiss

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