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Y/n was on the phone with her mom.
"I hope you're doing good Y/n iee "
"Yeah mom I'm good as ever Jungkook is taking good care of me"
"Jungkook is a good kid. I'm happy you married him"

Just then she heard the front door open signalling Jungkook was home from work.
"Mom he's home I'll talk to you later"
"Ok honey take care. Bye"
"Bye mom" she hung up and placed the phone on the table.

"Was that your mom?" Jungkook asked as he removed his jacket and engulfed her from behind placing a kiss on her left cheek.
"Yeah. She said that you're a good kid" she laughed.
He turned her around and tightened his hold around her hip
"Am I not? Though I might be a little naughty kid" he said as he moved his hands over her butt.

"Jungkook please" she laughed and pushed him away.
"Ok ok. By the way my friend will be coming here in a few minutes" he said
"Which friend?" She asked out of curiosity.
"Alice" he replied as he walked to their bedroom

Alice. He met her on his business trip to London. I've seen pictures of her and she's very pretty. Jungkook kept talking about her a whole day when he came back from the trip.
Y/n walked to the bedroom. She looked through her closet for an outfit. Jungkook was still in the shower, she can hear him sing his favourite song, never not by Lauv. Baby boy.

She decided to settle on with a simple black crop top with skinny jeans.
Jungkook stepped out of the shower only with a white towel hanging loosely around his waist.
Y/n took a glance of him, and of course her eyes automatically looked at his lower half and she quickly averted her gaze. Damn he was sexy.

Y/n pretended to look through her clothes.
She could feel Jungkook's presence behind her. Even though they've dated for a year and been married for a month now, he never fails to make her nervous.

"Do you want something princess ?" He whispered in her ear. Y/n squeezed her eyes shut hearing his hoarse voice.
"Am I making you nervous ?" He wrapped his right hand around her shoulder taking her scent in.
"So sweet" he moaned.
Y/n was frozen in her spot, she wanted to turn around but she didn't have the courage to do it.

Jungkook's hand inched downwards slowly but just right at the moment the door bell rang. He groaned in annoyance.
"I'll go get it. Get dressed" Y/n moved away from her spot
"Let's continue later" he yelled as she exited the room. Y/n couldn't wipe the smile off from her face. She could bet she was blushing like a tomato.

She put her hair up in a ponytail as the bell rang once more. She rushed to the door and opened it swiftly to find Alice standing there with a smile plastered on her face
"Hi, I'm Alice" she extended her arm out
"I'm Y/n. Please come in" she moved a little so Alice could come in.

"Would you like to have something"Y/n asked trying to be polite.
Actually Alice was much prettier in person. Perfect blonde hair, blue eyes, great body. She felt insecure.

"No thanks. Where's Jungkook ?" She asked looking around the house. As if she's gonna find him sitting on the wall. How dumb.
"He's getting ready. He'll be down soon" she replied and went to the kitchen trying to seep all in.

She had this weird feeling in her. The only thought revolving around her mind was what if Jungkook feels something towards her. She's pretty, it's not like anybody will not like her.

She heard Jungkook's voice from the living room.
She peaked from the kitchen to find him laughing at something Alice said, he was almost in tears. He sat down beside her and they started conversing.

Well this is awkward Y/n didn't know what she had to do. Maybe she's gonna spend the  time at the kitchen.
"Y/n" Jungkook called her.
She tensed for a second and then relaxed as she walked to him.
She sat herself beside Jungkook.
He moved a little so Y/n would have enough space but that led to Jungkook's knee to rub against Alice's.

Y/n's eyes was fixed there. Every single move made her feel something weird.
There conversation was muted as for Y/n.
"Almost 400, isn't it Y/n ?" Jungkook asked placing his hand on Y/n's knee.
"Huh ?" She questioned coming back to sense.
"The number of guests for our wedding" he repeated
"Oh yeah" she nodded with an awkward smile.

Alice phone started ringing
"Just a minute" she motioned and walked away to the corner of the living room.

Jungkook turned his attention towards Y/n.
"What's wrong baby ?" He asked as he could clearly point out that Y/n is acting weird.
"Really ? I know you too well to believe your lie. Are you okay ?" He placed his hand on her forehead trying to see if she has temperature.
"I'm fine Jungkook" she muttered
"I'll make some tea for you two" she stood up but before she could leave Jungkook took ahold of her hand.

"You don't have to, sit down and talk with her babe. She's a nice person. Maybe you both could become friends" he told.
Y/n sighed knowing that it'll never happen.        She doesn't seem like a person who would get along with everyone. Even if she does Y/n didn't want to be friends with her. She was too pretty for her.

Her worries were all about Jungkook. Even though he's married he might have other desires.

Y/n tried her best to get along with Alice. She seems like a nice girl but that only increased Y/n's insecurity. She would be a perfect match for Jungkook

After an hour Alice bid her goodbyes as she was flying back to London tomorrow.
Y/n shut the door after her and Jungkook quickly pulled her in for a kiss. Y/n instantly pushed him away.

"Y/n can I talk to you please ?" He asked with a stern voice. Y/n wasn't acting normal today. He knew he had to do something about it.

He led her to the couch and sat her down beside him.
"Can you tell me what's wrong" he asked taking her hands into his.
"It's nothing Jungkook"
"I know you more than you do, please tell me" he pleaded

"She's pretty" Y/n muttered
"Is that what's bothering you ?"
" It's just that she's way more better than me" she hung her head low as her voice cracked letting those words out.

Jungkook pulled her and made her sit on his lap and wrapped his arms around.
"Baby look at me" he placed his hand on her cheek
"No one is better than you ok ? You're the only beautiful woman in my life"

"You don't have to hold back anything for me . I know I don't have a body like hers, I don't-----" she cried
"Shh baby. Stop saying things like that. I don't care about her, I care about you and to me, you have the best body, everything about you is beautiful. Why do you even compare yourself to anyone ? She's just a friend that's all. But you are my world, my everything. Don't ever doubt yourself Y/n please" he said. Y/n didn't realise that a tear slipped from her eyes.

This is the first time she realised how stupid was she to think that Jungkook might likeAlice. He wasn't just any man, he was special.

Jungkook wiped the tear off her cheek and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Their lips moulded wit each other like it always did. Jungkook knew that Y/n was his only one.

"I love you baby" he muttered
"I love you too Jungkook"
"Can we now finish what we started earlier ?" He smirked and quickly lifted Y/n off her feet and walked towards the bedroom.

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