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Y/n was laying on her couch, watching TV as she ate her lollipop. Today was Wednesday which means her boyfriend was still at his office working.
She looked at the clock, he must here soon. She pulled herself from the couch as she made her way to the kitchen, usually Jin eats dinner at home but today he informed that he'll finish it at his office.

She made some toast and scrambled eggs. Yes, it was a breakfast menu but Y/n was too lazy to cook anything.
Jin was the one who cooks usually when he's at home during weekend. And that's how their story started, she met him at a barbecue party, Y/n wanted to meet the man who made those delicious barbecue, that's how they met.

Y/n was bad at cooking but she could manage now as Jin taught her some.
She took out the egg and assembled both in a ceramic plate. She lifted the plate making her way to the living room.

The door bell rang before she placed the the plate on the table, she hopped her way to the door excited to meet her boyfriend.
As she opened the door a strong smell of alcohol hit her nose. She scrunched her nose, looking up she found Jin stumbling as he couldn't stand straight.
"H-hi babyyyyy" he sand as his face was plastered with a wide smile or more like a drunk smile.

"What the hell Jin" she mumbled as she tucked her hand under his arm supporting him. He put all his weight on her which made Y/n stumble a little.

She dragged him to the couch and pushed him on it. She hated alcohol, she cannot stand the smell of it. Jin never gets drunk, he knows his limits but today he was like a whole different person.
Y/n placed her hand on her hips as she stared at him. He was mumbling something which was inaudible.

"Bibi comi here" he patted to the spot beside him. Y/n sighed as she moved to his side.
"Why the hell did you drink so much ?" She yelled pushing his hand which was trying to reach her.

"M-my friends, I-I lost a *hiccup* bet"
Y/n squirmed her eyes in confusion.
"A bet ? "
She didn't get a reply for a few seconds before he started talking again
"A tiny tiny tiny bet" he mumbled

"So you had to drink ?"
"N-noooo I had to kiss her"
Y/n's eyes widened hearing his words. Her heart started beating fast, was he just talking shit because he's drunk ? No but people speak truth when drunk than sober.

"Her ?"
"Yeah Madeline" he giggled with a smile
"Who the fuck is Madeline ?" Y/n stood up as she was raging.
"M-my h-high school crush" he hiccuped again.
Y/n could already feel her emotions building up.
"So you k-kissed her ?" Her voice trembled
"Mhmm" he dragged as he closed his eyes.

Y/n's lips trembled, he heart felt like it might stop anytime. Tears were already pooling in her eyes. He cheated on her.
"C-cuddle me bibi " he mumbled
"Fuck you Kim Seokjin" she screamed as she ran back to their shared bedroom. She closed the door as she fell on her knees crying. He mind was collapsed completely, she didn't believe Jin would do that to her.

Her stomach grumbled, but she couldn't care less about her hunger now. She curled into a ball on the cold floor, her eyes slowly closed, tear were still slipping down her eyes.
Jin's eyes fluttered opened, his head was aching because of last night's hangover.
He found himself on the couch, he was still wearing the same clothes. He tried recalling what exactly happened yesterday.
He met up with his high school friends, they visited a bar and drank way too much.......a-and he kissed M-madeline.
"Fuck" he muttered under his breath.

He facepalmed his forehead, he hated himself for doing that. He couldn't believe he kissed another girl, how stupid was he.

Then fear overtook him, how did he come back home. Where was Y/n ? He rubbed his face a few times before making his way to their room.

He clicked the door open as his mouth felt agape. Y/n was laying on the ground curled up into a ball. Her lips were slightly trembling because of the coldness of the floor.

Jin didn't waste a minute as he quickly tucked his hands beneath her and lifted her up in his arms.
"Baby" he mumbled pressing a kiss on her forehead. He laid her on the bed as he reached the end of the blanket to tuck her in.

Y/n stirred a bit before her mind shot up making her open her eyes in shock. Her eyes focused on the figure sitting near her. She sat up, Jin turned around to look at her.
"Baby why were you o----"
"Shut the fuck up" she screamed as she pulled her hair into a ponytail with the rubber band on her wrist

Seokjin was confused.
"Cheater" she mumbled under her breath, she tried to move out but Jin held her body.
"What's wrong baby ?"
Y/n was already on the verge of tears. Yesterday's event wasn't a joke to her, and the fact that he wouldn't have told her if he wasn't drunk hurted her more.

"Don't pretend like you don't remember" she scoffed moving the sheets to the other side of the bed
Jin was terrified
'Did I spill it out ?' he thought

"I-I know you cheated on me" her voice cracked as the tears were already pooling
"No baby, listen to me plea---"
"There nothing to talk about" she paused "H-how c-could you do this to me ?" She stuffed her head between her palms.

Jin's eyes were tearing as well, looking at her cry hurted him more than anything. He wasn't on his right mind yesterday
"Baby was a m-mistake, I'm so sorry" he tried to hold her hand only to be pushed away.

She got out of the bed, wiping her tears as she rubbed her face.
"I'm done Jin. I'll go back to my parent's" she said.

Jin quickly stood up
"Baby no--- please, I'm so sorry, I was drunk as fuck. I don't know why I did that.
"How would you feel if I kissed a another man huh ?" She asked as he wrapped his arms around her small frame.

"You c-can't leave me baby. You promised" he cried.
It was too much for Y/n to take in, she hasn't seen him cry. She stayed calm
"I didn't want this too Jin. I wanted us to be forever but I don't think I can live with the thought that you cheated on me" she said as she turned around to wrap her arms around his neck.

She took his scent for one last time before parting.
"I'll miss you, Jinnie" she kissed his cheek.

Jin stood frozen in his spot as tears were staining his cheek. He knew he made a mistake, he can't justify that. He understood how Y/n must be feeling but he wanted her. He can't live without her.
"Y/n p-please" he hugged her before she could leave

She pushed him back, she has to leave now or she would change her mind
"I'm sorry Jin" she whispered as she turned on her heels. The thing she heard was Jin's loud cries as she wiped her own tears.

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