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Arguments became more often between Y/n and Jimin. Why ?
Because he was an idol and he had to spend more time working. Sometimes he doesn't come back home, but instead stays at the studio composing for his album.

Y/n was married to Jimin six months ago, they didn't know each other before, it was an arranged marriage.

But they tried their best to work it out, and yes, they did work out. But as time passed by Y/n wanted him by her side, she felt that they were becoming distant because of his work.

She didn't want that to happen, she loved him and he loved her, she didn't want anything to go wrong.

She watched as Jimin entered the house, removing his bag he quickly walked to their room without minding to notice her presence. Y/n sat on the couch silently waiting for him to come back, she felt it, she felt the distance.

He doesn't kiss her once he came back home like he did before. He forgot what cuddling was, he just forgot her, amidst his career.

As she heard the clicking sound her head turned towards the door to find him in a pair of t-shirt and sweat. His hair was dripping wet.

"Is the dinner ready ?" He asked running his hand through his hair.
"No" she simply replied
He sighed rubbing his face

"Y/n you just had one job to do and you cannot do it properly" he groaned.
Y/n didn't reply but instead kept her lips sealed.

"Gosh, I'm already in so much stress and now I have to put up with you" he muttered as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Wait" she interrupted him.
"Do you even remember me Jimin ? You only look for me when you're in need of something" she said

Jimin looked at her as he came back to the living room.
"What is your problem Y/n ?" He asked in a very uninterested tone.

"You don't spend time with me. You don't really care about me"

"It's my work Y/n, you know that very well. You knew the consequences when you married me"
Y/n bit her lip trying to calm herself down.

"Why don't you--------" he interrupted her
"Why are being a drama queen. It's a fucking small thing and you wanna create a big scene" he yelled pacing around the room.

"Jimin I'm not asking you the world I just want you come home leaving behind your work" she paused.

"I want some time for 'us'. You know how I feel being alone at home all day" she sighed, as she felt tired of the argument.

"Why the fuck don't you understand, I'm an idol, I don't have a normal life. You signed up for the marriage knowing all this" he screamed.

"See ? Everything is a task for you. You don't love me because you care for me. You love me only because your parents said so" she said as tears started pooling her eyes.

"Are you saying that I don't love you and you're just a task for me ? Amazing Y/n, I give you my all and this is what I get in return" he scoffed mocking a laugh.

"J-jimin, that's not what I meant, I-I need you to-----"
"What ? Quit my dream and sit home" he asked.

"P-please Jimin l-listen to me" she stuttered
"I have an amazing and supportive wife" he fake clapped . This broke her heart more, the fact that her husband didn't understand her feelings.

"I didn't know that it's gonna be this hard to manage a wife. I needed someone supportive not someone who blames me for everything. I'm already exhausted and now you add on as a burden" he said.

"I-I don't...." she couldn't get your words out.
She didn't know if he really meant what he said.

He was not the same Jimin who kissed her good morning everyday, who took her out on dates, who made her feel like the luckiest woman in this world.

Y/n decided not to fight anymore. Maybe she was really a burden for him.


Jimin knew he fucked up, he wasn't in his right mind. He wanted to talk to her about everything and sort it out. He loved her more than anything and he wanted her to know that.

He knew that he should have spent more time with Y/n, he was just thinking from his side of the story.

As he made his way to the bedroom he heard soft sniffles from inside. He quickly opens the door to find Y/n laying on the bed, hugging a pillow as she stared at the plain wall.

He gently made his way to the bed and sat near her.
"Y/n ?" He called out. When he got no reply he placed his hand on her back as her caressed her.
"Baby ?"

She laid there without moving a muscle.
"Am I hard to love ?" She looked up at him with teary eyes.

"I'm really sorry for being a burden to you. I wanted to make you happy, not feel like you're forced to live with me. You don't have to act like you love me. I understand I-I'm just making your life har----"

"Baby, no. Don't say that" he said as he pulled her in for a hug.
Y/n buried her head into his chest as she let her sobs out loudly.

"Baby you are the best thing that happened to me. You have no idea how happy you make me. Everyday I come home knowing that you will be waiting for me, and that is just the best feeling. Yes, I've hurted you a lot, took you for granted, never made you feel special like you did to me" he held back his own tears

"Baby loving you was never hard, I don't want you to doubt that. I want to love you forever. I know I've been a bad husband, I'm so fucking sorry baby" tears rolled down his cheeks.

Y/n could hear his fastened heartbeat and how his voice cracked. His hands caressed her hair slowly.
"Jimin I---- "
"Shh baby, you don't have to say anything, I just want you know this"

Y/n stopped sobbing as she got comfortable in his arms. She felt relieved hearing his words, she knew they were honest.

"I love you Y/n, you're my everything"

This is how relationships work, you always find each other in the end no matter what.

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