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Recently Y/n and Jimin have been arguing a lot.
Y/n tries not to let any words out but Jimin just bashes her with words and the next minute they both apologize. But they realised they aren't the same from two years back.

Today Jimin said that he's gonna stay with the boys in their old dorm. Y/n was slightly disappointed but she didn't want to interrupt his time with his friends. After all they were with him for a very long period than me.

But Jungkook and Namjoon invited Y/n to their dance practice session in the the evening. She tried telling them that she was busy but they compelled her to join.
She didn't want to go because she knows Jimin would be there and he wouldn't like her being there. She didn't want to disturb his time with his friends.


Y/n was sitting down on the floor near the mirror watching the moves carefully. It was new for her to watch them practice. Jimin has never taken her to their company, she has visited only a very few concerts and she barely would be able to see anything. It's not that Jimin doesn't like her, it's just he was being overprotective. He was trying not to expose her to the media.

They all moved in sync, perfect coordination. Y/n's thoughts goes back to her school days . She was a cheerleader back then, the practice sessions, hanging out with the girls, those were her sweet memories of it.

They were now practicing for their upcoming muster. And she watched how everyone was giving their best into it. Inbetween breaks they would play around and have fun, it melted her heart. They are meant to be a family.

They wrap up their rehearsal with dimple choreography and everyone lays down on the floor exhausted. I quickly get up and collect water bottles and give it to each of them. They muttered a thank you before gulping it all in.

We sit around and talk about stuff.
"Y/n I have to tell you a secret about Jungkook" Hoseok whispered loudly so Jungkook would hear him.
"What is it?" I laughed
"He cried in his sleep yesterday because a dinosaur was chasing him" he cracked.
All the members cooed and teased him including myself.

Jungkook covered his face with his large hands and laughed
"Hyung I hate you"
You could clearly say that Jimin was giving you stares constantly. Well obviously, because today morning he argued about how Y/n never cleans the dining table.

"Oh and why hasn't Jimin made out with Y/n yet. Usually he's pretty touchy everytime we come" Jin commented.
"He fought with Y/n today" Taehyung said.
Y/n's head quickly turned to his side. She couldn't believe that Jimin told him about everything.
"They must've fought about who loves who more" Namjoon laughed
"Well that can be true"Jin said.

"Ok Y/n what was your ideal type boyfriend. Let's see if Jiminie is up to your standards" Hoseok asked.
She glanced at Jimin and he quickly averted his gaze somewhere else.
She sat up straight.
"I wanted a boyfriend who wouldn't argue with me 24/7"she said looking at Jimin

"I wanted a girlfriend who would be more responsible"
The members eyes widened at his reply.

"Well I wanted a boyfriend who can cook so he doesn't always has to wake me up at midnight everytime he was hungry"she rolled her eyes and smirked.
"I wanted a girlfriend who wasn't clinging to me 24/7"
The tension in the air was increasing.

"I wish he was the same Jimin from two years back" Y/n said as she lowered her head.
"At least I didn't cheat on you like you father" he said. Everyone was shocked on his reference. They didn't expect him to bring such a sensitive topic back.

Yes her father did cheat on her mother and that was the reason her mother killed herself in depression. This was a trauma in her life for several years until Jimin came in the picture.

And him mentioning the same event brings back her fresh memories.
Prominent tears slip from her eyes.
Jimin just realised what he had said and regretted every single word.

Taehyung patted her back
"Jimin you took this too far" he said. The members were feeling guilty for what he did.
"Do you really think this is a joke" Namjoon scolded.

Y/n couldn't control her sobs. She missed her mom, she couldn't believe that she let her go. Taehyung engulfed her into a hug
"I miss her Taehyung. I miss her so much" she cried into his arms.
He patted her back trying to make her feel better.
Everyone was frozen in their spots. They realised how it should've felt to loose her mom like that.

Jimin couldn't stand seeing Y/n cry like that. He cursed himself for doing something like that. His eyes were teared up seeing her cry.
He knelt down sobbing as Namjoon hugged him looking at his state.

"Y/n we're all here for you" Jungkook said as he put his arm around her shoulder.
"Listen Y/n we love you and you have all of us. Stop crying please" Taehyung consoleded her. She burried her head into his neck and cried. Her memories didn't leave her, it haunted her. And for the fact Jimin brought it up hurted her more.

Taehyung and Hoseok helped her stand up and took her to another room to calm her down.

Jimin couldn't control his sobs. He was crying loud in Namjoon's shoulder
"Hyung I didn't mean to hurt her. I'm so stupid"he cried
" Don't take your anger out on Y/n. She's so innocent Jimin. She only has you, she lost her dad and her mom. It's not easy for her to forget that. And you arguing with her isn't making it better Jimin. You took it far today. Treat her like your princess. She's your future don't let the little things come between you. Be a good man to your girl Jimin." Namjoon said patting his back.

Jimin wiped his tears with the sleeve of his sweatshirt and nodded. He realised his mistake. She was his Princess and she should be treated like one.

He walked to the room Y/n was in. He slowly opened the door to find her laying on Taehyung's shoulder while he was muttering something to her.
Ask soon as he looked at him he stopped talking.

"Let's give them some time alone" Hoseok said and Tae nodded. Both of them left and the room was surrounded by silence. Jimin walked towards Y/n and knelt down in front of her on his knees.

"Look at me baby" he put his hand under her chin and made her face him.
She still had fresh tears in her eyes. He used his thumb to wipe the tears away.
"I'm so sorry for what I did back there. Please forgive me Princess" he asked with tears forming in his eyes looking at her.

Y/n broke down once again hearing him talk. Jimin quickly wrapped his arms around her and swayed back and forth.
"Please don't cry, it hurts seeing you cry" he said as he placed a kiss on her cheek.

"I miss her Jimin" she sobbed.
"I know princess, I know you do. But she wouldn't like to see you crying like this. She's in a happy place from all the sufferings"Y/ n nodded understanding.

Jimin is the only person who can make her calm.
"I promise I'll be your ideal boyfriend baby, I'll learn to cook " Y/n elbowed him playfully and giggled
"I love you baby" he kissed her forehead and hugged her close to his chest.

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