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Trent walked through the woods. He and Duncan were so far away, that they forgot what they were even there for.

Duncan was hysterical. Freaking out about Courtney. Trent wanted to try and comfort him, but he knew it would end poorly.

He kind of know how the delinquent felt. If anything happened to Gwen I would...Trent stopped his mind from continuing. No. He thought. We discussed this, she said no. I need to respect that. 

"Hurry up!" 

Trent looked up, seeing Duncan stopped, he realized that he stopped as well. "Sorry, I was just..."

Duncan took a breath, "Thinking about your girlfriend?"

Trent blushed, "She isn't my girlfriend, and you know it."

"She likes you, y'know."


Duncan rolled his eyes, smirking. "A week ago, she accidentally texted me thinking that it was Leshawna, guess she forgot to delete me as a contact." He looked at Trent's shocked face, "Want proof?" He then grabbed his phone from his  pocket.

Duncan stared at it for a minute, clearly annoyed. "No service, great."

There was awkward silence as the guys sat. 

"So....Courtney, huh?" Trent broke the silence.


"You like her."

Duncan jumped up, "I do not!"

Trent rolled his eyes, "Because, you're going crazy, wanting to turn back. That isn't the delinquent that used to torture Cody in middle school."

"Who the hell is Cody?"

"A scrawny kid, brown hair. Punched you when he found out you and Gwen were dating."

"Oh yeah!" Duncan let out a laugh, "The guy has some guts in his small body."

Trent smirked, "So, if you don't like Courtney, why are you going crazy? And how did you recognize her on the bus?"

Duncan sighed, leaning back on a tree.

"Y'know how I joined your school in 8th grade? It was because I was kicked out of my old school. That's where I met Courtney," Duncan looked up, smiling a bit, "We called each other names, the Princess name just...stuck, like how she called me Ogre." He looked down at Trent. "We became friends." Duncan frowned, "Then...on a Tuesday...Courtney left school in tears, I had no idea why until....until someone said that her Dad died." Duncan looked down at the dirt.

"The next day I was....acting protective, I guess. I felt bad y'know? If my Mom died I wouldn't know what I'd do with myself. Anyway, a girl kind of like Heather bullied her. Saying stuff like 'guess your old daddy can't walk you down the isle' or 'you look sick, better call your dad! Oh wait, he's dead.'"

"I don't know why I did it, but I punched her, right in the face. According to the school rules or whatever the principal said, guys can't punch girls. If it was another guy I punched they wouldn't care. So, I got expelled and Courtney never talked to me after."

Trent looked at him, shocked. "Wow...I....I'm sorry, man."

Duncan shook his head, "Don't be...I just...if she died, I don't know what I'd do."

Trent nodded, turning, "You think we better go back?"

No answer.


Trent turned, his eyes widening.

The delinquent was standing there, staring at the knife lodged in his stomach. 

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