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"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."-Richard Puz

Duncan was, how you'd say, protective of Courtney when the others returned with Jose. 

Of course, in the terrible situation, Heather had to laugh when they announced that they got together. "It had to have happened." She joked to them, earning a playful glare from Courtney.

"Uhm, amigos?" Alejandro looked towards the rest of the group. "Could you uh," He nodded to Jose. "Give us some privacy?"

The rest of them quickly nodded and stepped far back, enough for the brothers to start to talk.

"What are you doing, Jose? Actually, no. Why are you doing it?"

Jose let out a laugh. "Why do you think? Chicas love a dangerous man."

"You almost stabbed Heather!"

Jose looked over at Heather. "Ah, so that's your precious girlfriend?"

Alejandro blushed. "She isn't my girlfriend, Jose.."

Jose turned back to his brother, letting out a mischievous smirk. "Ah, so she's single?"

Alejandro tensed up. "Don't you dare think of it. At all!"

"Oh, Al. I already am."

Alejandro looked over at the rest of the group, who were pretending to not notice. He met Heather's eyes. He quickly turned back to his brother. "Having second thoughts, Al?" Jose laughed.

Alejandro quickly punched his brother in the eye, leaving a bright red mark covering the area.

Jose quickly stood, brandishing his knife. "You've messed up, brother!" He dove towards Alejandro, the knife pinned at his heart. 

"NO!" Heather screamed, quickly running and pushing Jose away. 

It was a battle over the knife as Trent and Duncan held Alejandro back. 

Suddenly, a low growl was heard around the group.

Everyone froze as eight large lions walked out of the trees, each were snarling at the teenagers.

"What are lions doing in the forest!?" Courtney screamed.

Even Jose and Heather stopped as the lions quickly charged. The teens grabbed sticks, pocket knives, anything they could to defend themselves. 

It was a mess of blood and screams as the lions started to attack. The boys stabbed at the lions with knives, while Courtney and Heather swung at them with sticks. Soon, only two lions remained alive. But, strangely, they all stopped at a low whistle. 

Jose smirked as the lions all turned to him. "Jose...what are you doing?" Alejandro stared at his brother in shock. 

"Fixing your mistake." Jose pointed towards Alejandro as the two remaining lions charged towards him.

Alejandro's life seemed to flash before his eyes.

His family.

"Come on, my chico hermoso, blow out your candles!" His mama said as 6-year-old Alejandro smiled as his birthday cake was brought in front of him. "Mama, I can do it! He's too weak!" Jose offered. "Hush, Jose! It's his birthday, he can do it!" Carlos ruffled Alejandro's hair, "Come on, brother. You can do it!"

His friends.

Justin gave a smirk at Alejandro. "Dude, of all people, of all girls, you pick Heather?!" "Shut up!" 13-year-old Alejandro hissed at his best friend. Justin let out a laugh and put his backpack down, stepping on it. "Hey, everyone!" Justin screamed in the hall, getting everyone's attention. "I'm assuming you all know Heather, right?" Some kids nodded, some just stayed quiet. Alejandro saw Heather push towards the front of the group, staring up at Justin in confusion. "Well," Justin continued. "Alejandro likes her!" Heather quickly blushed as a lot of kids started to laugh. "No!" Alejandro pushed in front of Justin. "I do not! And I never will! She's a selfish drama queen who just wants attention for herself!" Everyone shut up as their gazes turned to Heather, who stared at Alejandro in shock. She blinked back tears and quickly ran out of the group of students.

He felt a claw pierce his flesh and shut his eyes. Suddenly, it stopped. 

He opened his eyes to see Duncan and Trent, the pocketknives in their hand were gone, dead lions on the ground, the area near the lion's heart each had a knife inside.

Jose let out a gaze of fright as the group approached him. He dropped the knife. "Fine, you've got me." His eyes trailed around the group, landing on Heather. "Oh, and Al?" He smirked. "If I can't have her....nobody can!"

He pulled out a pistol from his jacket, aiming it to Heather.

He shot.

Heather braced herself for the bullet. But felt nothing.

All she saw was Alejandro on the ground, a hole in his chest.

"NO!" She screamed, quickly rushing towards Jose, grabbing the knife and holding him down.

Jose smirked. His face was inches from hers. "Y'know, Heather." He whispered coldly. "We could have been perfect together. You don't deserve my brother. Of course, with the way he is right now, I don't think you'll ever happen."

Heather glared at Jose, angry tears starting to form on her face. "I'm glad. Then I'll never see you again!" She stabbed the knife right through his head.

Jose started laughing, blood coming out of his head and mouth. Then, he went still.

Heather quickly stood, looking over at the group, who were trying to stop Alejandro's bleeding.

She ran over, staring at the three. "Y-you could save him right? Like Duncan?"

The three looked at each other than back at the Asian. 

"Gwen helped Duncan. We...we don't know how, Heather. I-I'm sorry." Courtney looked at Heather with pity.

Heather let out a cry.

"D-don't." Alejandro whispered.

Heather crouched down, putting the Spaniard's head in her lap. "I'm s-sorry. I didn' shouldn't have.."

"He's dead, isn't he?"

Heather nodded. 

"Good," Alejandro smiled. 

Heather looked around at the other three, who, as if on cue, slowly walked away.

"Please don't go.." She whispered to him.

"Heather..." Alejandro looked at her, starting to tear up. "Get out of here. Promise me you'll do it." Heather started to sob now, slowly nodding.

"I love you..." He whispered. 

"I know..."

She kissed him. Never wanting to let go. She tried to think it would save him. That he would never die and they could still be together. 

A whistle could be heard from far away.

And a single crow flew away.

"Those we love never leave us. There are things that death cannot touch."-Jack Thorne

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