Chapter 1: Welcome to Gotham Baby

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Case file No. 603. Name: Sky Bloodsaw

Age: 17

Crime: Murder

Eye Color: White / Black

Hair Color: White / Black

Mental Illness: Bipolar With Psychosis Tendencies and DPD

Case file No. 588. Name: Jerome Valeska

Age: 18

Crime: Matricide

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Red / Orange

Mental Illness: Insane, Extreme Sociopathy, Sadistic Tendencies, Malignant Narcissism

Case file No. 610. Name: June Bloodsaw / Valeska

Age: 15

Crime: Unknown

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Red / Orange

Mental Illness: OCD

Case file No. 702. Name: Formally Jeremiah Valeska / Currently Joker

Crime: Murder And Destruction of Cities

Eye Color: Formally Green. Currently Pale Green And White

Hair Color: Formally Red / Orange. Currently Dark Green and Black

Mental Illness: Insane, Extreme Psychopathy, OCD

Run. That's all I can do, I can hear him getting closer, the sound of feet padding closely behind me, I can hear his breathing becoming slightly out of breath. This is my chance to out run him, I pick up my pace and I hear a muffled groan of defeat from him, YES I'm gonna get away from him! I run a little bit more and stop to listen for his movements, but to my surprise there was none, no padding of his feet, no jaggered breathing from him, not a single sound in the pitch black night. Just as I start to turn and run again I feel a hard grip to my wrist, I feel hot breath enter the vicinity of my bare neck, he's right behind me, I attempt to choke out a scream but he was quicker, he whipped me around to face him and placed his cool palm over my mouth, he brought his face dangerously close to my trembling form and I felt his hot breath hit my face as he whispered almost sensually "caught you" followed by a loud maniacal cackle, it was the only thing heard in the dead of the night.

One month earlier

I shuffled over the left side of my bed and flicked off my alarm before it sent an ear piercing ring through the room, I threw my thick grey blanket off my small form and slipped off my queen sized bed, I heard whistling from the room next to mine and instantly knew it was my sister, well adopted sister but still sister none the less, I heard heels clacking down the hallway they stopped at my door and I heard a stern yet quiet knock, then the heels stalked away to the room next to mine and delivered another knock to the door similar to the one on mine, my aunty Tabitha does this every morning as a symbol that it's time to train, she only let's us off the hook on the weekends which unfortunately the weekend has just ended and it's an early Monday morning. I threw my snow white colored hair into a loose pony tail, no my hair is not black like the princess it's white like the color snow it's a rare color and I've had it since birth lucky me huh? I pulled on my black and blue striped leggings and the matching gym singlet and chucked on my black and white converses and stepped out of my room only to be greeted by my sister "morning Sky" she said said sleepily I let out a soft chuckle at her sleepy form rubbing her eyes that are still coated with sleep "morning June, sleep well?" I asked shutting my door and she did the same and we started walking the hallway to the elevator "I was sleeping well" she said emphasizing the word was, we stepped into the elevator both of us in our clothes ready to train and I pressed the button to take us to the basement of the penthouse.

The heavy steel doors opened painfully slowly to reveal our aunty Tabitha punching a boxing bag, she stopped took a quick glance towards us and went back to punching the bag, I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the elevator glancing back to see June very slowly go to step out "you know, those elevator doors could cut a persons head off, so I'd step out faster June" I said with a chuckle as she sped up her pace and almost ran into me trying to get out of the closing doors way "stop trying to scare your sister Sky" aunty Tabitha said sternly as she walked over to us her heeled boots clicking against the cement floor, she was dressed top to bottom in her signature all black skin tight leather suit paired with knee high black boots and her shiny thick black hair pulled into a tight high-top pony tail, the woman was effortlessly flawless she has perfectly dark sun kissed skin and just a tad of makeup just enough to give her more of a glow, her signature whip was sprawled out on the floor beside her feet "are you both ready to train? I didn't wake up at six just for you to both waste my time" she said throwing off her boxing gloves "well if you didn't wake us up then we wouldn't have to waste your time" I said with my regular smart-ass attitude, she looked at me unnamused suddenly she threw a stern blow to my face "what the fuck!?" I yelled holding my mouth angrily "you must always be prepared for surprise attacks, and I am not going to deal with your bitchiness today" she said stepping into the ring we train in, I wiped the blood from my lip looked at it and smirked oh it's on now. I charged at her and blew a sharp jab to her stomach and she doubled over for a second giving me opportunity to sock her in the face, she quickly recovered and now the real fun begins, she threw one punch to my face then with the other hand jabbed me in the stomach with her elbow, should have used her fist, I grabbed the back of her head and smashed it hard into my knee feeling her teeth pierce my flesh I yelped and she chuckled "never use an attack than can injure yourself and give them opportunity to strike" she said as she quickly side swept my feet and I went tumbling to the floor, I retaliated by stealing her move and she landed with a thud, she straddled my waist attempting to get the upper-hand I flipped us so I was in control just when I thought I would finally beat her she pushes hard against my chest winding me and knocking me back and she gained back full control, I was heavily breathing and tapped her shoulder as an indication that she had won this round she smirked and stood up extending a hand to help me up "you're getting a lot better Sky, you almost had me" she said said wiping blood from her mouth "almost!? I did have you, you just landed that cheap shot!" I said almost out of breath she just breathed out a chuckle "you think the criminals in Gotham care about the rules and fair shots? cause trust me, they don't" she said then started guzzling down some water "when can I have a go in the ring?" June's sheepish voice filled the room, Tabby and I looked at her nervous form "I've already told you June your father doesn't want you in the physicality level of training, stick to the boxing bags like I've told you" Tabby responded and walked over to the bag she was punching when we got here and motioned for June to join her "but it's not fair! none of you know what my skills are because you won't let me train!" she said stomping her foot "don't fight me on this June" Tabby said sternly but June wasn't having it this time, she strutted past Tabby and walked into the ring and crossed her arms "June, last warning!" Tabby said turning her full attention to the acting out teenager, June stepped over to the weapons crate and pulled out a Katana, Tabitha was quick in her actions she grabbed her whip and flicked it so it wrapped around June's weapon and tugged it out of her grasp we heard it clamber to the floor "you wanna play June? let's play" Tabby said stalking towards June with an unreadable expression but it definitely wasn't happiness. June went for a sloppy punch in the face but Tabby blocked it easily and socked her in the face there was a loud crack that echoed through the room presumably her nose that's no doubt broken, June tried again to use my tac tic and grabbed the back of Tabby's head but she saw the move coming Tabby was quick in her movements she grabbed June's arm that had hold of her and in about two seconds flat Tabby had thrown June over her shoulder and she landed with a loud thud followed by a crack I heard June whimper but I know better than to get involved with someone else's fight especially one they initiated, Tabby finished with a final blow to June's mouth and stood over her "don't EVER undermine my authority again, understand?" Tabby said stepping back from her to let her have some space "y-yes aunty Tab-bitha" June said through sobs, Tabby stalked over to the elevator and once she was in it and disappeared I darted over to my broken and battered sister "oh June, come on let's get you cleaned up" I said holding my hand out for her to stand up "she hates me" June said her voice defeated and broken "she doesn't hate you, she's just a hard-ass that doesn't like it when people go against her" "even her own family?" "she's not our family June" I said sitting her on a seat and wetting a cloth "does that mean we're not family Sky?" "no June, you're my sister, blood or not we're family" I said kneeling in front of her and dabbing her mouth "I love you Sky" "I love you too little sis" I said brushing hair from her face "I'll clean you up and then we can get some breakfast okay?" she nodded in approval and I smiled up at her.

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