Chapter 26: Test Subject

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I can't even process what was just said, the technician looks over at Jerome's unconscious body "I'm guessing this wasn't planned?" "what kind of crazy person plans three babies!?" I said frustrated and freaked out "look, I know this is scary to hear, normally for first time parents it's hard" "we're not first time parents, I have twins" "is it his first child well children?" "nope, he fathers one of my twins" "I'm sorry, one?" "I had a super-fecundation pregnancy, his twin brother is the father to my other one" "oh, right" she probably thinks we're fucking crazy, well she wouldn't be wrong "well, we can do a test to make sure that it hasn't occurred again, it is possible even if it has happened once" "the idiot on the floor is the only one I've been sexually active with" "are you sure? multiples can form from fertilization to up to two weeks" I did sleep with Jeremiah when we broke up "you know what, why not, it's better to be sure" "okay, I'll go get the doctor to go over the specifics" I nodded and she walked out, finally Jerome came and was freaked out, I told him about the procedure and he agreed it was better to make sure. the procedure flew by having been through it before, I laid in a hospital bed and the doctor came in with the results "alrighty, so are you familiar with hetero-paternal super-fecundation?" "yes, we've been through it before" Jerome answered "okay then, well Mr Jeremiah Valeska congratulations, you father one baby" he said and my jaw dropped "what!?" I practically shouted "according to our results a Mr Jerome Valeska fathers the other two" "I am Jerome Valeska" Jerome said getting pissed off already "oh, my apologies, but congratulations to you both" "how far along are the babies?" Jerome asked "uhh, it says they're all around 10 weeks" he answered and quickly walked out, we really can't catch a fucking break huh? "ten weeks?" Jerome asked me cocking his eyebrow "Jeremiah and I haven't even had se-" I stopped when I realized something, our quickie on the boys birthday, oh fuck! "actually, we did" I said awkwardly "great" Jerome said and stormed out, okay, I kind of deserve that reaction. I waited at the car for Jerome but he must have left already so I went home, I walked in and saw he wasn't here, I pulled out my phone to call him "you've reached Jerome, so there must be something wrong with you if you're calling me, hahahahaha!" I rolled my eyes and hung up and dialed someone else "hello?" at least he answered "Jeremiah, have you seen Jerome?" "I have" "where?" "right now" "he's with you?" "are you dense or just trying to annoy me? yes he's with me" "did he say when he's coming back?" "he said he was going to stay here for the night" "don't let him go anywhere, I'm coming over to talk to him" "do what you want, just don't make a mess in my house if you fight, I just got blood stains off my new carpet" "gross, I'll be there shortly" "ciao" he said and hung up, I pulled up to Jeremiah's rather large house and walked inside, the smell of bourbon and cigarettes stained the air, Jerome is definitely here and he's most certainly drunk, great, "Jerome!?" I called out, this house is huge and I have no idea where to go "did Ecco not come and show you in?" Jeremiah said walking up to me "lucky she didn't, I would've broken her nose" he chuckled slightly "fair enough, follow me" I followed him into a large office and saw Jerome with a bottle of scotch and dancing to loud music with Ecco, oh hell no, I stormed up to her and grabbed the back of her hair making her yelp, I shoved her to the ground and Jerome stepped back from me while Jeremiah went and sat his desk with a smirk on his face as he watched our altercation, "you bitch!" Ecco screeched and jumped to her feet, even if she's a body guard I will still smack this bitch down "don't touch Jerome" I growled to her "you mean like this?" she said and ran her hands down his chest, I'm going to kill her, "last warning bitch" I spat and she winked at me and ran her tongue along his cheek, she's dead now, I ran to her and twisted her arm around till she screamed, she threw her head back and headbutted me hard in the face, I kneed her crouch and she dropped her guard while in pain, I kicked her hard in the ribs three times until I heard a satisfying crack and her cry out in pain, as we fought I could hear Jerome laughing hysterically, she dropped to the floor on her knees and I grabbed her head and smashed her face into my knee, she fell back but jumped back up onto her feet weakly, she went for a sloppy jab but I grabbed her fist and side kicked her making her fly across the room and smack into a bookshelf knocking her out cold, don't fuck with me, suddenly Jeremiah piped up "Hm, you were right brother guess I owe you $50" they did not just bet on if I would lose it if I saw Jerome with Ecco "excuse me?" I said already feeling my anger hit a boiling point "Miah said you wouldn't react crazily if you saw Ecco and I said you would lose it, looks like I won" Jerome said in victory looking over at Ecco's unconscious body, that motherfucker, I walked right up to him, placed my hands on his shoulders with a sweet smile on my face and kneed his groin, hard, he groaned and dropped to his knees "bastard" I spat and stormed out, I heard Jeremiah laughing and Jerome groaning in pain and I left the room. I stepped into my car and saw a flash of red leave the house, ugh I'm not dealing with him right now, I slammed on the gas and drove away.

Jerome's POV: I stood up and looked over to Miah who was smirking, bastard, I looked over to the bookcase and that crazy bitch Ecco was gone "where's that chick gone?" "probably gone to lick her wounds" he replied and started pouring a scotch, I shrugged my shoulders but something caught my eye "Miah, was that door open the whole time?" I saw the armory door in his study wide opened, he looked over and sat his drink down and slowly stood up "no, it hasn't" he said walking into the room, we stepped in and saw a knife case open "Miah" I said in a warning tone, he stepped over and saw there was a knife missing from the middle, fuck, "find Ecco, now!" he said running out of the room and I followed after, I ran outside to see Sky slam on the gas, and something moved in the backseat, no,no no.

Finally being far enough from Jerome I relaxed and slowed down "awh puddin, you really shouldn't have done that" I stopped the car when I heard a shrill voice speak from the back seat "what the fu-" I stopped when I felt something cold and sharp touch my neck "shh" she said in my ear from behind my seat "Ecco" I breathed out and she giggled "surprise baby" she said putting slight pressure on the blade and I felt a trickle of blood drip down my throat "Ecco, please" "not so tough now are ya?" "I'm sorry, but please-" "shut up!" she's fucking crazy "drive the car" she demanded and I did as said "turn left here!" she shouted and I did pulling into Arkam asylum, what the hell? a man with red glasses and a woman with dark skin and purple lips greeted us at the car door "miss, Ecco I see you've brought me the test subject?" test subject!?? "yep, and she's feisty so be careful" she said and two men in white came and dragged me out of the car "NO PLEASE!" I begged and thrashed against their grasp "Jeremiah is almost mine, but with you around he'll never move on, so you have to disappear" she said and climbed into the front seat, she planned this, "Ecco, please!" "have fun Strange, but you owe me" "of course miss Ecco, good day to you" the man addressed as Strange responded and Ecco screeched off in my car, they dragged me down a corridor and stopped at a wall, the man in glasses pressed the wall and an elevator appeared, they dragged me inside and took me to a room with a bed and funny looking equipment, they threw me onto the bed and strapped me down I tried to thrash and wiggle out but they were too strong, "miss Bloodsaw, I'm so glad you've finally arrived, we've been watching you for quite sometime" what the hell? "who are you?" I asked in fear "ah, my apologies, my name is Hugo Strange, call me Hugo" "what do you want from me?" "that's very easy, we want your brain" my eyes widened and I struggled against my bounds "relax miss Bloodsaw, I don't want to kill you, not yet anyways" "please, I'm pregnant" "I heard, not to worry we can sort that little problem out easily" what!? "please" I begged, he used his fingers to summon over the dark lady, she had a gas mask in her hand, she placed it over my mouth and I held my breath "don't fight it miss Bloodsaw, embrace it, we're going to make you all better, make you who were supposed to be" not being able to fight the gas any longer I felt my vision get blotchy and finally darkness swallowed me up.

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