Chapter 15: Two Heartbeats

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4 months later

Jerome's kept to his word he doesn't talk to me, he only asks about the baby through June and I used to run into him in the hallways but he moved rooms to downstairs near his study so now I don't see him at all, my belly is starting to finally show and today June and I are going to find out the gender, she told both Jerome and Jeremiah but said neither of them showed much interest, which is fine with me, Jeremiah comes and sees how I am sometimes but he only asks about me and not really the baby, honestly I think he might be in denial that it could be his, and Jerome only ever asks June if it's healthy and if I know whose it is yet, it's been kind of hard but at least I'm not entirely alone, a girl named Bridget well firefly has become good friends with June and I and Barbara recently joined Jerome and Jeremiah and she lives here now too, although I'm pretty sure her and Jerome are sleeping together, but she's nice to me anyhow. Barbara and firefly were helping me find an outfit for my ultrasound, they've both kind of become my protectors in this house, along with June, I get a lot of shit from most of the guys here but the girls make sure they don't step out of line, especially since I'm carrying an heir to one of the twins, "okay, this one!" Babs said pulling out the red backless dress I bought the day I found out I was pregnant "it's stretchy too, try it on" she said throwing it to me, I looked down at it then stepped into the bathroom of my room, I moved out of Junes and moved into the one a guy named Bane was staying in, but he went rogue so I took his room now my room, I stripped out of my comfy pyjays and slipped into the little red dress, my baby bump being just visible I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes traveled down to my stomach, my little baby is in there safe and sound, I smiled at the thought rubbing small circles around my belly "that's a nice dress" his voice startled me and I jumped back hitting my back on the bench "fuck" I groaned he ran over to me and hesitantly put his hand on my back "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he said helping me sit on the closed toilet seat "it's fine, I just didn't expect to see you" I said clutching my stomach as a reflex for me being in pain "to be honest I didn't expect to be here either" "then why are you Jerome?" his eyes went from mine and slowly traveled to my belly "I just-" at the sound of his voice the baby kicked hard making me hiss in pain "what, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly standing up "nothing, nothing's wrong the baby is just kicking" I said leaning forwards a bit to relieve some of the pressure "oh" he said crouching down in front of me "can I?" he gestured to my stomach and I got the picture, I nodded and he placed his hand on my stomach, the baby started kicking and I saw his facial expressions change from worried to amazed in seconds but suddenly another expression flashed across his face, he stood up quickly "fuck!" he cursed and stormed out of the room, confused I ran out to follow him I ran out the bedroom door and just caught him "Jerome?" "don't, just don't come near me please Sky" his eyes were glossy and I could tell he wasn't kidding, I turned away and walked back into the room, the three girls all crowded me checking for bruises or marks "he didn't hurt you did he?" Babs asked "I knew it was a bad idea to let him in there!" firefly added "I'll kill him" June interjected "girls I'm fine, he wanted to feel the baby kick" they all shared worried looks and then nodded "let's go, we're gonna be late" I said and we all left. the ride to the clinic was beyond awkward they all wanted to know what happened and why Jerome freaked out, but to be honest I didn't even have an answer myself, we pulled up and saw a familiar black car and they all noticed it too "did you know he was going to be here?" Babs asked and I just shook my head and jumped out of the car, we walked in and saw him sitting in the waiting area clearly scaring the women already here that know who he is, I walked over to him while June spoke to the receptionist "I thought you weren't interested in the baby" firefly spat "I didn't come for you Bridget, I came to see if I'm going to have a possible son or daughter" "how generous" Babs interjected "I am still your boss you know" he said with a slight smirk on his face and the girls shut their mouths quickly "unlike Jerome I have no ill feelings towards you or that baby my dear, besides it could be mine, wouldn't want to miss the moment you find out what it is" I nodded and sat down beside him, he could tell I was nervous and he laced his gloved fingers between my bare cold ones, holding onto my hand tightly I could see he was also nervous "everything will be fine my dear" he whispered in my ear and I relaxed a little, finally the nurse called my name, I walked in followed by firefly, Babs, June and finally Jeremiah "wow full house here today, you're a lucky lady, is this the father?" the technician asked "uh, one of them" June piped up "one?" she asked confused "my twin brother is also a possible father" "well at least the baby won't be able to tell the difference" she joked trying to lighten the mood "we don't look the same" Jeremiah deadpanned and she shuffled uncomfortably and I rolled my eyes "alrighty then, let's get started, this might feel a little cold" she said squirting the room temperature gel on my bare stomach I shifted a little but then relaxed "okayy now, there's your baby" she said pointing to the screen I felt tears well in my eyes and Jeremiah laced his fingers with mine, suddenly the door flung open "sorry I'm late" "um, who are you?" the technician asked "baby daddy number two" Babs said sarcastically "what did I miss?" he asked sitting down beside me, he looked to mine and Jeremiah's conjoined hands then looked to the screen "I was just showing them the baby in full scale, would all three of you like a copy?" "yes" we all said in unison "alrighty then" she said all cheery and started pressing some buttons "you're so lucky you have a big support system, my baby's father was no help" she said moving the monitor around "oh yeah, no I'm super lucky" I said sounding cheery but sarcasm dripping from my voice, Jerome rolled his eyes at me "maybe if you didn't fuck my brother, you'd have some more support" he said in my same cheery tone but anger dripping from his "brother please, let's not do this now" Jeremiah said his tone dripping with boredom "okay, would yous like to know the sex?" "just one second lady" Jerome said shutting her up "don't talk to her like that Jerome" I said annoyed that he's doing this now "I'll talk to whoever the the fuck I want, however the fuck I want and if you don't like it-" "what you'll hit me again?" I said challenging him, June was right I can give him a run for his money and with all these hormones I sure as fuck will "don't test me" he said clenching his fist "okay, I think I'm gonna call security" the lady said but Jerome was quicker he pulled out his gun and pointed it at her she went to scream but Babs covered her mouth "for fuck sake Jerome!" I said pissed off at him, it's times like these that I remember that he is literally certified insane, "shut your mouth, pick up that little monitor thingy and tell us what the damn baby is" he said stepping closer to the lady that was now dripping tears onto Barbara's hand "now" he growled lowly and she nodded and moved back over to me 'I'm so sorry' I mouthed to her and she just nodded a tad enough for me to get that she doesn't blame me, she continued the scan and Babs went and sat back on her chair next to June and after a few minutes Jerome put his gun away, thank god, "okay, would you like to know now or put in an envelope for you?" she asked trying to sound as cheery as possible, this poor woman, "now" all three of us said once again in unison "alright , oh um wait a minute" this got my attention quickly "what, what's wrong?" I asked sitting up panicked, Jerome and Jeremiah shared a similar expression to mine "no, nothing but the monitor is picking up two heartbeats" she said moving the monitor around "what does that mean?" June asked "it's twins" Jerome answered staring in awe at the second baby on the screen that was hiding behind it's sibling, I've been carrying two babies the whole time and didn't even know "it looks like it might be a super-fecundation" "what the hell does that mean?" Babs asked the question we were all thinking "it means that by the looks of it, one baby has a different father, we can find out by drawing blood from the amniotic sack and it's entirely safe but it's totally up to you" "okay, yeah" I said while nodding "okay, I'll just go get the doctor and she will walk you through it.

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