Chapter 37: The Full Truth

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Two days later.

Jerome and I wanted to just keep it between us for a day or two before announcing it, of course we told our kids but nobody else, I called June over for lunch to share the news with her and I'm so excited. I rolled over on my bed and felt his body heat next to me and I snuggled into his chest "Mmm, morning my beautiful fiancee" he kissed the top of my head and his regular raspy voice was raspier due to it being morning, "morning my handsome fiancee" I said looking up into his eyes "I think we have a good ten minutes before Ariella wakes up, you up for the challenge Mrs Valeska?" he said glancing over to make sure our daughter was still asleep, I pondered for a moment and had an idea "in the shower? I'll be able to make breakfast earlier for the boys if I shower at the same time" "god, I love you" he said grabbing my face and planting kisses all over my face making me giggle, we slipped out of bed quietly and stepped into the shower room shutting and locking the bathroom door, I stripped off and Jerome ran the water, we both stepped in and he let me stand under the water "you're so beautiful, baby" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me close "you're so fucking gorgeous and you're all mine" I smiled widely and he kissed me softly, until our kiss turned into a full on make out and he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist "I wanna hear you scream for me baby" "is someone forgetting we're parents?" just now thinking we've never had sex with our kids in the house at the same time, not once, he rolled is eyes and slammed all the way into me and I moaned out but his eyes widened and he put his hand over my mouth quickly so I didn't wake up our daughter, he's so sexy when he cares for our kids like this, I love it when he takes the role of being a father so seriously, "shhh, baby, parents remember" he said smugly "shut up and fuck me Jerome" "done" he said and started pounding into me while covering my mouth, after we were finished he stepped out of our bathroom that's connected to the bedroom and I quickly used the toilet, I stepped out a few minutes later in my towel and Jerome was still in his I looked over and saw Ariella was standing up in her cot, she must've just woken up or she would've cried "hello baby girl" I said in a baby voice and lifted her up and brushed my hand over her red and black hair, she has ginger red hair like Jerome and black streaks through it like the black in my hair, "good morning, princess" Jerome said in his baby voice and she smiled and clapped, Jerome's her favorite for sure, suddenly the boys came walking in "ugh gross, put some clothes on" Leo said "or you can knock before you walk into someone's room" Jerome sassed while lifting Ariella from my arms "you guys are old, how do you still have sex?" Leo asked sitting on our bed "actually Leo, studies show that people up to 80 years old can have sex" Cade added and sat next to him "nerd" Jerome said "Jerome! come on guys no talking about sex before we've had breakfast, and no calling our kids nerds" "maybe don't have sex before breakfast then" Leo sassed "how do you kids even know about sex?" Jerome asked "we go to public school dad" Leo said and Jerome nodded "point taken" "when did you start having sex dad?" Cade asked "well I was te-" "ten years older than you two, he was a LOT older than you both" I interjected not wanting to give the boys any ideas "yeah, that" Jerome said and I know the boys aren't convinced "whatever you guys say" Leo said, he's really been developing Jerome's smart-ass attitude lately, "why are you both even in here this early? go play or something" Jerome said sitting Ariella on our bed so she can crawl around "Leo was bored and wouldn't let me read, and then said we were gonna see Ariella" we both looked to Leo "would anyone believe me if I said that it was Cade's idea to come in here?" "no" Jerome and I said in unison "meh, worth a shot" he said and Jerome and I rolled our eyes, he's definitely Jerome's son that's for sure "we've gotta get dressed at some point, so are you guys gonna leave or stick around for the show?" Jerome said pulling his clothes out of his drawers and they both ran out shutting the door behind them and Jerome cackled, I death stared him "what?" "ten? really?" "I wasn't gonna lie to them" "don't tell our kids you were having sex at ten Jerome, they'll get ideas, especially Leo" "baby, I'm not gonna lie to you here, I'm pretty sure Leo already is" "what!?" "all he talks about is sex, and he's always talking about these girls he hangs out at school" "he could just be friends with them" "what nine year old kid, that's just discovered sex, is just friends with girls?" "oh my god, have you spoken to him?" "no, I don't wanna embarrass the kid" "I mean have you had the talk Jerome?" "oh, that kinda speaking to him, yeah I already had the talk with him" "what did he say? was he confused?" "doll, I'm not going to discuss the sex talk I had with my son to his mother" "what about Cade?" "oh, that kid's fine, he's gonna be a virgin till he's at least 20" "Jerome!" "sweet heart, the kid reads books for fun and he gets upset when you don't let him read books for fun" "maybe he'll meet a nice bookworm girl" "and if that happens, I'll have the talk to him then, but let's face it, Leo is the cassanova and Cade is a loner" he does have a point, suddenly we heard June and Leo's voices downstairs "knock knock!" she called out "sup aunty June" "and sup to you Leo, where's your mom?" "having sex with dad" "what!?" oh for fuck sake! I ran downstairs, we were both getting dressed while we were talking, "hi June" "uh hi" "don't listen to Leo, he's doing sex ed in school" "yeah, we're learning the pull out method, clearly you or mom's never tried it" June's mouth hung open "Leo, go to your room" he rolled his eyes and jumped off the couch and walked upstairs "sorry about him, he's just going through hormonal, changes" "don't apologize, I get it, Sawyer called me a bitch yesterday" "preteen's, exciting huh?" we both laughed "so, what's this news you wanted to tell me? you're not pregnant again are you?" "oh uh, no" "well, what is it?" "well.." I lifted my hand and showed her my ring and her jaw dropped "are you serious!?" "yep! we're getting married!" "oh my god!" she pulled me in for a hug "congratulations!" "thank you" "we need to celebrate!" "I'll go and open a bottle of wine"I said and walked to the kitchen, four glasses later we were both pretty tipsy "I can't believe Sawyer is about to be 5 and in school!" June said sipping her drink "I can't believe Leo got suspended" "what!? why?" "he punched a kid" "why did he do that?" "he said the kid called our family freaks" "just send Jerome to the school, no kid will say shit again" "that's not helpful June" "I like her idea better than yours, doll" Jerome said stepping into the kitchen "congratulations big bro" June said hugging him "thanks" he said and grabbed out a scotch glass "where's Ariella?" "Cade's reading to her" he responded and poured himself a bourbon "you okay?" I asked looking at him "yeah, but Jeremiah's on the news with that crazy bitch you tried to help" "what?" "who is he talking about?" June asked confused, I stood up and walked to the lounge and saw the headline reading JOKER AND HARLEY QUINN CAPTURED she looked different in her mugshot, half her hair was black and the other half was red, rather than the honey blonde color she used to have, and she wore her hair in low piggy tails, she had white face paint on and dark red lips and had a black mask over her eyes, I guess she did come back, "am I missing something? who the hell is that?" June asked breaking me from my thoughts "no one, she's just someone that used to work for us" I responded and she nodded "okayy, well I better get home, congratulations to both of you" she hugged me "thanks June" I said and she left, "penny for your thoughts, doll" "I don't get it, she was so scared of him and desperate to get away from him" "the bitch is crazy doll, not much you can do" "we promised to protect her" "and we did, she went back to him on her own, we did all we could, whatever happens to her, isn't on us" "you don't care that he could be abusing her still?" "not really, she ain't my problem, she went back, it's her own stupid fault what happens to her" "what if that was our daughter Jerome? would you just say it was her own stupid fault?" "no, because anyone stupid enough to lay their hands on my daughter, will find their legs broken and their eyeballs gouged out with a fucking spoon" before we could say anything else we both held our ears from the high pitch scream our daughter sent through the house, we both shared worried looks and ran into the kids play room and standing there with our daughter in her arms was Harley Quinn, Jerome pulled out his gun and I got ready to tear her apart "not so fast, brother" Jeremiah stepped out from the corner of the room "she's so cute, but a loud little thing huh" Harley said patting her back gently "Harley, please put my daughter down" I said and her expression flashed into an apologetic one and Jeremiah noticed this "Harley, you will do no such thing, until I say so" "what the fuck do you want?" Jerome growled out "we need a place to stay, the cops are every where and no one knows of this establishment" he said calmly "you want to stay in our house? no! absolutely not!" I said and Jeremiah shrugged "Hm fine, Harley, drop the child out the window" she started walking over "NO!" I called and he held out his hand to stop her "you can stay" Jerome's defeated voice said from behind me "Hm, my brother the noble family man, give the child back to them, Harley" "but, won't they just kill us Mistah J?" "my brother is many things puddin, but a liar he is not, we have his word and he has mine, now give, the child, back" he growled the last parted agitatedly, she slowly walked over and placed Ariella in my arms and I cradled her to my chest "I can't believe I tried to help you" I spat at her and stormed downstairs with my baby in my arms, I went and checked on my boys and they were fine, Harley had scared them a little, I went back upstairs and sat in my room cuddling my baby, I finally managed to put her to sleep and laid her down in her cot safe and sound, I looked over and saw Jerome's cigarettes on his nightstand, I grabbed one and slipped outside onto the verandah from my bedroom, a few minutes later the cigarette was half way done and the door to step outside from my room opened "taking up smoking, doll?" "just needed something to distract me" "you okay?" he sat opposite me popped a cigarette in his mouth and held his hand out to me and I placed his lighter in it, before I could pull my hand away he closed his so we were holding hands "I'm sorry doll, I'm sorry that happened" "I was so scared Jerome, I- I thought-" tears welled in my eyes and he pulled me onto his lap and hugged me "I know, I know doll" he said stroking the back of my head "I don't know what I would do if I lost any of my children" I buried my face into the crook of his neck and sobbed "it's okay baby, you're not gonna lose any of them, I'll never let that happen, I promise" "I love you" I said in his ear "I love you too, baby" he responded and I pulled my face from his neck, he used his thumbs to wipe my cheeks "now no more crying gorgeous" he leaned in and lightly pecked my lips "you're so beautiful, how did I get so lucky?" I cracked a smile and he did back "there's that smile" I gave him a quick peck on the lips and walked back inside and laid on our bed and he followed me in "right now?" he said suggestively and I rolled my eyes "I was thinking more along the lines of cuddling" he shrugged his shoulders and climbed on top of me and positioned himself in between my legs and he laid his head on my chest and I stroked his hair lightly, suddenly the door opened and in walked the boys "gross, why are you always doing gross stuff?" Leo said "why are you always barging into people's rooms without knocking?" Jerome said while not moving from his position "I thought old people didn't lay like that?" Leo said and we both rolled our eyes "how old do you think we are?" I asked and he shrugged "I don't know, like 40?" "dude, I'm only 27" Jerome said "and I'm 26" I added "technically, since you both died you don't add on the years you were dead, since you didn't actually age" Cade said and Jerome and I looked at each other "then I'm only 26" Jerome said looking back at the boys "and I'm 21" I said and Jerome snapped his head to me and did the math in his head "ooh, so I'm marrying a 21 year old, hot" "gross, dad" Leo said "this is my room smart-ass" "Leo, Jerome, cut it out" I said "oh by the way mom, my teacher gave me this note to give to my parents" Leo said and handed it to us, I quickly read through it "shit, Jerome we've gotta go down to the school and discuss Leo's behavioral problems" "that sounds like something you're gonna doing by yourself, cause.. I don't wanna" he mumbled into my chest and I groaned "it says 'both' of us" "just tell them I'm dead" "everyone knows you're alive again dad, you were on the news and blew up the power plant" Leo said and Jerome rolled his eyes "what kind of dumbass school requests to see two resurrected parents that run the city and kill people?" "it's Gotham dad" Cade interjected "that's actually a good point.. fine! when is this stupid thing?" "tomorrow" I said and he nodded and laid back on my chest "mom, how long is The Joker and his weird girlfriend staying with us for?" Leo asked "I don't know, whenever the cops aren't after them so much, just don't worry about them and they won't bother you" I replied "she keeps pinching my cheeks and calling me cute" Leo said with a weirded out expression "Jerome-" "I'll talk to Jeremiah" he mumbled "I don't want that bitch touching my children" I said quiet enough that only Jerome could hear me "I will talk him baby, don't worry" he leaned up and kissed my lips "ugh, gross! I'm scarred for life!" Leo said dramatically "one day, you're gonna walk in on us naked or something cause you didn't knock, and then you'll be scarred for life" "what does that have to do with what he said Jerome?" "I just want him to learn how to knock on the fucking door" Leo shrugged and walked to the door and knocked on it loudly, suddenly Ariella started to stir and then start crying, great, "now look what you've done" Jerome said climbing off me and lifting her up "I did what you asked, you told me to knock on the door, so I did" "I did say that.. little smart-ass" Jerome said and sat on the bed and put Ariella down and she climbed onto my stomach "hello bubba" I said in a baby voice looking down at her and she giggled and smiled, she crawled up my body and laid on my chest, but lifted up my shirt up and the boys saw my stomach "what happened there mom?" Leo asked "that's where we came out right? it looks like a c-section scar" Cade added "no boys, it's from where your mom had an operation" Jerome said trying to keep it a secret "what kind of operation?" Leo asked "was it a bad one? because that's a big scar for not being a c-section" Cade said "do we have a secret brother or sister!?" Leo asked, yeah they're not giving up on this one, "no, I was gonna have 3 babies, but something happened" "did they die?" Cade asked and I felt tears sting in my eyes and Jerome shifted over to me and placed my head on his chest "we didn't mean to make you cry mom" Leo said "boys, why don't you go play for a bit?" Jerome said softly and they nodded "we're sorry mom" Leo said and walked out and Cade followed after and they shut the door, he carefully pulled me onto his lap to not disturb Ariella and he stroked my hair slightly while I silently cried in his chest "it's okay baby, it's okay", finally after I calmed down I felt better "I probably made the boys feel horrible" "it's not your fault doll, it's something that's hard to talk about" "they're going to ask again though sometime, I think we should tell them" "are you sure?" "we can't keep our entire past a secret from them, they're getting older and more curious, every day" "yeah I know, I just thought we'd have a bit more time until they found all the things we've done and had happened to us out" "they deserve the truth, we can't keep our secrets from them forever" "okay baby, it's your decision, but now to my next question, are we telling them the full truth or make it really child friendly?" "the full truth".

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