Chapter 41: Wedding Bliss, Sorta

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5 years later, their wedding

No one's POV: Sky rolled over her bed and felt warm body heat and smiled "morning my baby" she said stroking his hair "momm I'm nearly 5, I'm not a baby!" "my apologies, sweetie" she said with a smile, he sat up and stretched his arms out and yawned, Jerome took the older boys to a hotel for the night but River wanted to stay with his mother, her bedroom door swung open and in ran Ariella "hi mommy!" she said and Sky lifted her up onto her bed "morning baby girl" "when's daddy getting back?" "you'll see him later when we get married" she said and stepped out of bed "here comes the bride!" June shouted from the hallway "all dressed in white!" she said stepping into the room with Sky's wedding dress in a protective bag "morning June" she said smiling and Sawyer and Skylar came running in and jumped onto her bed "morning guys" "hi aunty Sky!" Skylar said excitedly and Sawyer just waved "ready to get married?" June asked and Sky took a deep breath "I am".

Jerome was woken up to quiet giggles and someone shooshing another person, "Leo, I will kick your fucking ass if you have a girl in this hotel room" he deadpanned and heard the sound of the window open and close, he shot up and saw Leo sitting there 'innocently' on the couch where he slept "he had her here all night" Cade groaned tiredly from the floor next to the couch and Leo kicked his side "ow!" "shut up" Leo whispered "jesus, you boys are gonna be the death of me" Jerome groaned falling back onto the bed "you had us old man" Leo said and Jerome threw a pillow at him and suddenly Cade's phone started ringing and he put it on speaker "morning mom" "hi, honey, how did you sleep?" "uh-" he looked and saw Leo and Jerome were sending him a warning glare to not tell his mother about Leo's 'visitor' "fine" "that's good, are Jerome and Leo fighting already?" "kinda" "am I on speaker?" "yes" all three of the boys said in unison "morning guys" "hi baby" "hey mom" Leo and Jerome said "are you guys getting ready yet? we have to go for pictures in 2 hours" "that's plenty of time dove, relax" "Jerome I'm serious, get ready all of you, I love you" then she hung up "you wanna marry that?" Leo asked "you came out of 'that' smart-ass" "exactly, I didn't get a choice and you do" "Leo, I will throw you through the window" Jerome said and Leo burst out laughing "we need to start getting ready" Cade said sitting up and rubbing his tired eyes "you boys shower first and get ready and then I will, Leo you're showering first, you reek of sex and alcohol" "a badge of honor, dear father" he said smugly "get in the bathroom, smart-ass" Leo stepped over Cade and purposely stood on Cade's hand as he walked passed, Jerome hit the back of his head and he shut the door to the bathroom.

Sky huffed and sat her phone down "relax, they're fine" June said opening the front door to let the stylist in "Jerome and Leo clash, a lot, and Cade told me they were already fighting" "you're the one that forced the boys to all stay in one room" "yeah, to make sure Leo doesn't sneak that little skank he hangs around with into the room, if I had let him stay in his own suite, I'd become a fucking grandmother 9 months from now" "well you don't need to worry, because you know Jerome would've kept a close eye on him" "you're right" "now sit at this table and get stunning, for your wedding" she nodded and sat down and the stylist got to work.

Jerome stepped out the bathroom in his wedding tux and he saw his boys were also in their tuxes "you boys look good, clean up nice" he said not really knowing how to compliment teenage boys "thanks dad" Leo said "thanks dad, you look good too" Cade said and Leo rolled his eyes at his brother sucking up "hey, dad can I add a plus one?" Leo asked "don't you already have one?" "yeah well she got annoying, so can I invite someone else?" "if they can be at the church in half an hour and not look like trash, then fine" "cool" he pulled out his phone and started texting someone.

2 hours later. Sky, June, Ariella, River, Sawyer and Skylar all stepped into the back room of the church, Sky slipped on her dress and there was a knock at the door "Jerome, that better not be you" "it's not mom" "come in" her two sons stepped inside and June took the little kids out to give them a minute, "wow mom, you look beautiful" Leo said "thank you" she said and brought them both in for a hug "are you ready to finally become a Valeska?" Cade said "I've been ready for 15 years" "let's not keep you waiting any longer, your soon to be husband is waiting" Leo said pulling her in for a hug and then Cade did "we'll see you out there" Cade said and they stepped out, Sky stood in front of the church with Ariella and Skylar in front of her with a basket full of rose petals each, behind her was June, suddenly heels clicking up the stairs followed by loafers caught their attention, Sky turned her head and almost dropped her bouquet "sorry we're late, traffics a bitch in the city" "Barbara? Ozzy, Ed!?" she ran over to them all and hugged them tightly "we couldn't miss your big day, we've been waiting 15 years for you and Jerome to finally tie the knot" Oswald said smiling "I can't believe you're all here!" "believe it baby, wait! who is this?" Babs asked leaning down looking at Ariella, "this is Ariella, my daughter and that's River my son" "they're so cute!" she said looking at them "where's the groom?" Oswald asked "in the church, probably arguing with Leo" "I'll see you in there, I need to go and see an old friend" he hobbled inside leaving Barbara and Ed to catch up with Sky "you do look amazing" Ed said "thank you Eddy, new suit?" she asked looking at his green suit and matching green hat "he's going by the riddler" Barbara said rolling her eyes "you said you wouldn't make fun of it, like Oswald does" Sky chuckled at their bantering "calm down Nygma" "mom?" a voice said from behind them, they all turned their heads to look at the girl standing in front of the stairs "Bab's? what are you doing here?" Barbara asked and Ed walked into the church to take his seat "my friend's parents are getting married and he invited me, why are you here?" "I'm friends with your friend's parents" "oh" she said stepping up the steps and stood next to her mother "my son's are friends with you?" "not son's just one, Leo" "you're friends with Leo? my son Leo Valeska?" "that's the one" "Bab's go and sit inside, the ceremony is starting soon" Barbara said and her daughter stepped inside the church "I had no idea he knew your daughter" "I didn't either" "shit, look at the time, I'm about to get married!" "ready?" June said standing next to me "almost" she turned to Barbara "be my late bridesmaid?" Barbara's jaw dropped, she nodded and Sky pulled her in for a hug "whew, okay, now I'm ready, let's do this".

Jerome's POV: I stood in the groom's back room fixing up my bow when I heard footsteps "hello old friend" I turned my head to see Oswald "Ozzy!" I pulled him in for a hug "it's been too long" he said straightening up his suit once I released him "how you been?" I asked "good, I'm just in town for the wedding, I have bigger fish to fry in the world" "that's the Ozzy I know" I patted his back "two groom's? have to say I didn't think you were the type" I heard a thick Irish accent and turned my head "Seamus?" "it's good to see you too, Jerome" he came up to me and we rough-house hugged and Oswald stood there confused "Ozzy, this is my smart-ass, shit head cousin" "more like more handsome, lives in a better country, cousin" he said in his thick accent "you wish" I said shoving him lightly "me ma sends her best wishes, she still can't fly because of her sickness" "I understand, tell her I appreciate it" he nodded and Cade and Leo walked in, "dad, it's time" Cade said "dad? what the hell have I missed?" Seamus said, we've only recently reconnected after many many years "oh yeah, these are my oldest son's that's Leo and that's Cade, my daughter Ariella and youngest son River is with their mother" "who's waiting outside the church, so let's go" Leo said hurrying us along, I stood in my spot, beside me was Leo and Cade was next to him and next to him was Oswald and next to him was Seamus, I waited patiently until the doors to the church opened and everyone stood, and I felt time stop for a minute when I saw her, she looked beautiful, her white and black hair was pulled up into a perfect braid crown, her dress was strapless and laced at the front revealing a little bit of cleavage, and her face was just jaw dropping, she was perfect, and about to be my wife.

I walked down the isle and felt my eyes lock with Jerome's and instantly felt tears sting my eyes, this is really happening, I'm about to marry Jerome, he's going to be my husband.

No one's POV: Sky walked up and stood in front of Jerome and they joined hands and the preist started the ceremony "dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to honor the vows these two will exchange out of love in holy matrimony, if anyone objects, speak now or forever hold your peace" the room was silent and he continued "Jerome and Sky, I believe you have written your own vows" Jerome cleared his throat and began "Sky, I've never met anybody like you, the first day I met you I knew I wanted you to be mine, granted you were a pain in the ass and still are-" the guests and Sky chuckled "but I wouldn't change a single thing about you, you gave me four beautiful children and gave me the life I'd only ever dreamed of, you make me completely crazy in the best way, I wanna grow old with you by my side as Mrs Valeska, I've waited 15 years to call you my wife and I don't wanna wait another second, so with this ring, I, Jerome Clayton Valeska take you, Sky Lucielle Bloodsaw to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or worse, through sickness and in health until you decide otherwise, I'm forever yours" he slid the ring on her finger and tears dropped down her cheeks "Jerome, you came into my life and completely turned it upside down and I'm so thankful you did, I don't even want to imagine what my life would be like without you in it, you make me want to rip out my hair some days but I wouldn't change you for the world, you're an amazing father to our children and there's no other man I'd choose to spend the rest of my life with, you came into life like a hurricane and swept me away and I never wanna get off this crazy and exciting ride with you, so with this ring, I, Sky Lucielle Bloodsaw take you, Jerome Clayton Valeska to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or worse, through sickness and in health until you decide otherwise, I'm forever yours" she slid the ring onto his finger and looked into his glossy eyes through her own "by the power vested upon me, I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride" Jerome grabbed her face instantly and pressed his lips to hers and kissed her passionately like there was no one else in the room, just him and his wife.. they were finally Jerome and Sky Valeska.

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