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Thing is,I didn't care to talk with this chubby guy unless we were in U.Kg.But I did consider him 'the chubbiest person alive' since L.Kg.

I don't know why I am even writing about this guy.Once I gave him a friendship band..obviously he didn't care to remember it was friendship day.Next day he comes up to me giving me a friendship band and yeah,I was on cloud nine.And then he tells me,"I wouldn't have given it to you.But you gave me one band and so I was obliged to give you this.It cost me 8 rupees."

Seriously...who does that?

Anyway,while we were in U.Kg.,the authorities denied entrance via the front gate, something which the parents vehemently opposed.And the outcome was a road blockade as a sign of protest.Our mothers made us sit on Cossipore Road(okay fine,everyone was doing that to protest you know).Neither me nor Ritankar understood what the hell was happening...we didn't care actually.Our only concern was we were made to sit on the road and we were missing a painting competition at school.Soon we got bored and started to talk.That was the beginning and yeah,unfortunately he has become that best friend of mine who is:

1)Can be found nowhere when I am in grave danger.2)Can call me at any time and then after an hour or so I would be like,"What did you actually call for?".3)Responsibly makes all my secrets public.

And the funny thing is ,I still end up telling him all my secrets because I know,at the end of the day,no matter how much he scowls at me he is gonna support me.

Another thing,all the characters of this story (including me) have nicknames which would be revealed gradually.But they are not always addressed by their nicknames.As for Ritankar,literally nobody calls him Ritankar.

Though he has got many nicknames and this wonderful name which means,'Someone who gives freedom',everybody calls him Golu. Don't ask me why.Figure it out yourself ;) !!

Character Summary:

Physical Appearance:Short,really chubby,cute looking.

Likes to:Code,study.

Birthday:13th December.

Member of:The Crazy Gang(Paglami Forever).


Favourite subject:Every science subject except biology.

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