Kisses and Coffee

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"I was kinda surprised you were already up by the time I decided to get out of bed." Said Ink. "Especially since you fell asleep while watching tv last night."

The skeleton was already dressed and ready for anything, despite waking up only a few minutes ago.

"Heh, I guess I just wasn't feeling it." Error replied, shrugging it off. "I made coffee if you want any."

"Okay!" Ink chimed in reply, smiling brightly.

The smile seemed contagious, the destroyer smiling as well. He watched the other until the smaller skeleton was out of sight, likely heading to the kitchen.

Error felt his face flush a light yellow as he sat there. He was dying to try something, but he had to time it perfectly so it didn't feel awkward.

Come on Error, just get up and casually walk to the kitchen. Then act. He told himself, slowly standing up from the couch, grabbing his empty coffee cup that rested on the nearby table.

He took a quiet deep breath as he made his way to the kitchen hoping to calm his nerves. Upon stepping into the kitchen, he saw the other grabbing a coffee cup from a cupboard above the coffee maker. The destroyer kept an eye on the other as he gently set his dirty cup beside the sink instead of placing in the sink like usual, keeping in mind of how it annoyed the other when he placed it in instead of beside. The creator always felt better at least knowing one thing in his life remained decently organized and clean.

Error then slowly came up behind Ink, the smaller skeleton finishing pouring coffee into his cup and picking the cup up. The creator was surprised when he felt the destroyer wrap his arms around his waist.

Ink nearly dropped his cup, not even noticing that the other had ever entered the room.

"E-Error!" Ink exclaimed, relaxing once he situated the cup in his hands. "You almost made me spill my coffee! You know how that stuff burns and stains..."

The creator's expression showed a slight annoyance and irritation, and he glanced back at Error behind him. He would have chewed the other out if coffee had been spilt on his white, long sleeved shirt.

"Oh, s-sorry!" Error nervously apologized, the blush on his face slightly darkening.

The destroyer avoided eye contact. He had to wait for the other to calm down before trying anything...

The creator sighed, a small smile coming to his face.

"It's alright, Ruru." Ink replied. "I just wasn't expecting it. It's not like you to sneak up on me like that..."

"In fact..." The creator began, looking forwards again.

The destroyer felt him relax in his arms. It gave Error a little more confidence that his attempt hadn't been completely ruined. He was about to move his hand to the creator's scarf when the creator began to speak.

"You've been acting odd lately."

Error stopped before even beginning the movement. He remained quiet.

"I can't help but wonder if something's wrong." Ink continued, a saddened and worried look coming to his face, his eye lights changing to a circle of soft blue and a larger oval of purple. "Could you tell me what's on your mind?"

"Um... I-" Error cut himself off, his confidence fading and his blush darkening as he glanced away from the other, aiming his glance to the floor.

The creator blinked, his eye lights returning to normal as he glanced behind him at the destroyer. He noticed the other's blushing, lightly blushing himself.

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