Chapter 2. What is happening

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At home

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At home

   "Aiden, why isn't my room clean " his questioning, was never calm and merciful I had to control myself from giving my excuse because he wouldn't care.
   "You worthless thing answer me! And not only didn't you clean the room you were selfish and cooked beef instead of fish like we asked you too, what's wrong with you huh, but all your good for is also making mistakes I'm very disappointed" his voice slowing beginning to sound dark and nonchalant.
I tensed I hated this man and even though he never hit me his words pierced me. All I did was got caught up with the work when they arrived earlier than excepted unfortunately there wasn't any fish so I wondered....what to cook. I bowed my head while my stepfather poured out his heart on how useless  I was. Why can't I please them? But, why can't I just back out 
  "Didn't you hear me boy!
  " huh?!"
  "Go to the attic! and don't even think about eating."
I tried to fake smile but ended up looking awkward instead and slowly turned to go upstairs when I was at there my mother was waiting and assured me with a smile on her face
  "Don't worry we still love you- you're just too worthless and that's your problem, but we still care and... love you."
And the words you say are goddanm lies there is no love here.
I thought as I began making my way upstairs simply ignoring her.

The attic is nothing scary; It's my room, the room downstairs is to show my grandparents that I'm being taken care of. My mood had fallen and I was crying like a baby I looked to my left where I kept my blades but quickly looked away.
  "Danm it" I mumbled "calm down"

In no time I had my phone setup and watching James Charles tutorials
  "Hey, Sisters!!!" He would say and that always perked me up he was my idol and makeup was my therapy I wanted to die but not like the others I want to die feeling good. too much to ask, soon I've been inspired once again and decided to proceed to do my makeup: awaking Adonisha. When I was finished with the base layer I was suddenly frozen and shocked with something looking like a tattoo coming from my right eye it was black and the pattern was intricately designed and now climbing over my nose...This was strange it took me a whole 7 mins to recover from my shock. I touched it and it didn't move are anything, okay...
"What do I do!" My voice sounding stressed how was I supposed to do my makeup with this drawing in the way I almost freaked but I just sat down on my bed and slowly started looking through my phone forgetting my problem. How strange can right now get, the media was going wild about these missing children lately and they all had something in common, my eyes came across this girl from my school who looked familiar. After a long look at her picture, I recognized, it was her; the girl who demanded me to be her boyfriend.
"Ha" I grinned evilly (which has kind of unusual)"Are you just trying to make me feel bad," I said under my breath with a hint of fake pity.
After a while, My eyes light up I finally had an idea to go with my new tattoo. I rushed off my bed went straight to my mirror and picked up my black eyeliner, I was planning on starting over and going drag, but this idea is way better. Soon enough I was done with my addition and I finally finished putting on my straight black wig stretching to my back. Then after it seemed I wouldn't be bothered by my parents any longer.


Only the heavens knew what was going on in my head, my parents should never know about Adonisha, but I couldn't lose my cool. And this is why I'm the God of lying.

   "Aiden I'm coming in!" A low feminine voice behind the door yelled

   "Wait!" I shouted as loud as I could


    "There are two mice currently by the door, It doesn't look like they plan to move "

   "WHAT!!" my mom gasped. I know my mom enough to know she will never chance rodents are anything disgusting she believes she's too fancy for that. I opened the door ajar and concealing my face and gave her my laptop she asked for after calming down. But then she grabbed my hand so hard I dropped the laptop on the floor causing it to fall down the stairs in pieces, she couldn't see my face but I was triggered not Aiden...Adonisha, she brought it her self 

   "Oh did I drop that," my mom filled with remorseless asked with that wretched smile of hers. My right eye started to throb giving me a rush of agony I felt dizzy and put my hand on it tying to restrain myself from completely losing it I've felt pain but this one was.... painful. While I was grunting and trying my best to quite my mother was saying these words that certainly didn't help, 

    "I also came to tell you, that you're a mistake I didn't want you at 17 but you very much. So why do you have to be so damn useless! You should consider how to make up your worthlessness to your father, and please stop the crying you sound disgusting." with that she swiftly turned and descended down the stairs. 

By now I was sitting down against my door trying to control myself from screaming, I was shaking like I was one of the tiny balls in a rattle,  the pain was getting worse I didn't know why I had this mark on my eye I was confused and broken, mom probably had a fight with dad and came to take it out on me, depressing, what she said shocked me I had no idea I... was a mistake. 

mistake? ....


you don't have to believe those words.

What is going on! why am I hearing voices in my mind?

mistake? It echoed. 

First of all that was not my voice it was a lot more feminine and suave.

Worthless? it echoed again

    "where are you?" I mumbled I felt dizzy again like I was drunk 

Don't believe them, honey 

A/N Gosh what's wrong with Aiden save this story is your library to be updated. Also, the picture of Aiden at the top is not all his physical features please keep that in mind(his eyes are hazel), thank you for reading.

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