Chapter 3. Who's next

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   Why is It so, dark? ; I must have passed out 

 however I realized that I needed to wake up and forced my eyes open, I felt a slight pain on my eyes doing so, my room came into view while the blur slowly departed. My makeup was done for; ruined but, I was awake and I was sure it was midnight by now, I finally stood up about to walk to my mirror anxious to see how bad I looked when suddenly I was stopped in my tracks when my head gave me a throbbing pain and I almost stumbled, I grasped my head hard trying to suppress the pain, then It hit me I had felt this feeling before, the pain finally slowly vanishing, rapidly flashbacks from a few hours ago bombarded my mind. My mom, The laptop she didn't have to drop and that voice inside my head.

     "....Adonisha?..." I whispered almost silently unsure of the outcome.

  I managed to reach the mirror and sure enough, my makeup was history but my mysterious tattoo-ish looking thing was still there, well what do you know...I really liked it! It made me feel special and deep down I could feel Adonsha's excitement wait, why do I feel so connected to her all of a sudden? regardless I still decided that I'm going to Bar Suite which meant I need to get ready. Again. After some time I was all set, I did a simple makeup this time and kept on my jet black long wig and put on a black short showy dress with a neck chain connected to it and of course heels. (Don't ask where I got girl clothes that's a secret) To cover up my mark enhancing my right eye I put on a hat with a mesh veil and let some of the wig hair cover my right eye.



I don't know why I entered that bar last night, perhaps out of curiosity one thing is for sure tho I saw the most scrumptious human ever, those golden hazel eyes weren't shy and timid but filled with a fierce desire and a pinch of loneliness, that's what I saw when our eyes locked, and that turned me on, so here I was again entering the same bar with glistening hope that I may just encounter the same boy, he is really good at making himself look like a girl and I must commend his crossdressing, pity, the others don't know this girl is not who she says she is -uhhh, everything about this boy is so mesmerizing, and that's why I must have his precious blood. 

After comfortably settling into the darkest corner of the bar and a little small talk with the bartender while ordering my drink I was most pleased to see who just prey, and it looks like he noticed me too, lovely. 



 I walked in the bar Adonisha's confidence literally overflowing off me I don't know why I got so confident it's a mystery why, but  I feel like Adonisha is in control now. the moment I entered the bar I scanned the area for a man with silver hair...Bingo and it seemed he'd notice me as well unfortunately before I could approach him, Lennon the bartender came swaggering toward me as if wanting to get my attention quickly, well I can't blame him, I always get distracted, once your eyes locked he grinned widely as if to keep his very eyes from falling.

   ''Adonisha! looking smoking as usual" he slightly bowed his bald head in admiration" come. I have a special guest " with that he swiftly held my hand and escorted me to the hidden addition to the bar a paradise where they say only VIP's allowed, It wasn't a favored area of mine; the rich were so demanding and forget that I'm just doing a favor for my own benefit, and I never took their money unless the request is extremely too much to kissing a woman and sucking on her-er ... well, everywhere. I winced at the fact that I still couldn't forget that traumatic experience. I entered the chamber, the dim blue neon lights gave off a sensual smoky feeling still looking like a bar but as big as a 19century ballroom, normal r&b was playing in the background however the sluggish half-dressed females gave it away that this isn't some typical bar, you thought upstairs was bad well here is worst.

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