Chapter 4. What, The Hell

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   "Ohhkay" I tried to say calm desperately attempting to usually sound dull.

...I failed

    "What. Are. You"

  "Obviously not your specimen,  hehe" He replied coolly, showing acute fangs then slowly got closer to me looking me in the eyes.

meanwhile, don't judge me I know I'm crazy, I was thinking how rich this dude was;  wearing a luxurious hooded jacket covering most of his hair, his glasses sitting perfectly on his nose seemed to be made entirely out of glass. His eyes were red on the right and light blue on the left.

   "What are you looking at, Human."

   "N-nothing.." I shyly turned away 

   "You're coming with me" The wealthy man  demanded unexpectedly and swung his face around from facing me ready to depart 

   "-Where are you taking me," I asked, my eyes were desperate for an answer.

   "...To hell" he replied tilting his head to the side and never looking me in the eyes.

   "Alright" I barely whispered the word, perhaps I knew it was about time they collected me. Whoever 'they' were.

Harsh winds were heating up outside my little room; the attic, rapidly the atmosphere began to feel ominous and strange.

   "We haven't much time human," my mystery guy said in a clamoring urgent tone 

He held out his hand right hand in front of him and circled it around unveiling a mysterious red light...

 I thought I heard wrong. 

Screeching and screaming could be heard from the other side of the portal and it bored into my ears like a jigsaw tool; the smell of blood turned my tummy inside out, my anxiety sprang up, I didn't even notice I was now trembling, I'd never felt this scared and for a moment I hesitated to move my feet.  



At Devyn's Mansion 

There he lay on my sliver Victorian sofa as if he owns it... Utter disgust. When I told that human to have a seat and don't wander far, I didn't expect him to fall asleep in it! what's funny is never have It been this easy to get a human to follow me... to hell at least, is he mentally tainted; ugh can't be.

2 hours after he willingly walked into the portal with a vampire-demon, I had gone to my office while the human slept like a lifeless gorgon. After this, his life will certainly be troublesome. The time will soon arrive for dinner and I told Jade my versatile butler to leave waking the human to me. I later regret that decision.

Coming down the swirly stairs; Oh how I could smell the rich blood already oozing from the figure laying peacefully unaware of my bloodlust, his skin seemed too delicate and pale, scars impaled on his tiny wrist and a nonchalant look on his face while he slumbered, I inched closer to him now, honestly, he looked as if finally done with life, coal-black hair caught my gaze that later trailed down to mightily pierced ears and long lashes-I. Can. not. Be, staring at this human, I stopped my self just in time to see his eyes open, the hazel glory of them did something to me, captivated I held his sleepy stare, small frigid hands cupped my cheeks and pulled my lips closer to rose-colored ones, my eyes stung by shock unintentionally sent a jolt of fright through the human, instantly his face flushed and his hand left my cheeks.

I was sitting on a footstool next to the sofa, awkwardly getting up.

   "I'm uh ...sorry..." he mumbled "I wasn't thinking" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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