New beginning

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Hailey Masterson's Diary(2011)

Hey there, it's me again yours truly, are you still reading this, well why? Stop it okay? Lucky you I'm in a good mood today and I'm about to tell you why so grab on your books and pen, cause I'm taking you to middle school, my worst years as a kid and so I begin:

It was the first day into seventh grade mehn I felt like a queen, what I'm I saying I looked like a queen, I was excited so happy I'm finally going somewhere new, new clothes, new school, definitely not new friends I said to myself.

I already made up my mind that Hailey this time, let them come to you, dumb idea but you never know.

So I finally got to school, I should also drop this detail I think, I was going to a boarding school, so as it would unfold it was the first day of class Hailey was sitting alone, suddenly I noticed a girl playing outside on the ground and I thought 'that's dumb who still plays with sand at such age?' then she noticed me looking and I quickly looked away to avoid more awkwardness, I was sitting down with my head bent on my desk when a friendly voice came up to me and said.

"Hi am Hannah."

"Am Hailey." I said back and at that moment it was sealed we were the best of the besties I shall montage it up for you.

We go to class together, we eat together, we would often sleep over at each other's places then it finally happened, yada yada, you know the rest but, on a fateful day Hannah came up to me and suggested I moved to her place with her schoolmom, I was excited I agree immediately, we packed my stuffs and it was finally completed now we'll be together always so I thought.
But that's when the problems started coming, you know that saying that goes like "you love each other until you get to live with other." Well if you don't now you do. The thing about Hannah was that she was a control freak and she always wanted everything to go her way and it did, I was basically her toy every single day, but then I had enough of it and we had a fight, we basically lashed out on each other and we stopped talking, our seniors tried to talk to us but we just didn't want to hear it  But you know you can't stop a force of nature weeks later we started talking out of the blue and everything was good at least for now, living as Hailey is never easy.

Now it's time you meet the star of my diary, I feel like she needs a proper introduction so I will do that now.

It's none other than ZOEY WALKER that girl still haunts me in my dreams, but wait why is Hailey giving so much attention to a friend, everyone got their mere introduction but this, this is different? Good question and I'm going to tell you why, get ready cause this is where middle grade started for me.

It was a fateful day, I was outside writing in my journal when suddenly this girl walked up to me, mehn she was a goddess I won't lie
She was pretty, She had that golden skin, She was that girl everyone wanted to be friends with,
Every guy would want to date
She was PERFECT and she was talking to Hailey I'm going crazy, as things happen she said "Hey could I borrow your pen?" and I immediately said "yes." I was hyper and I wanted to be seen with her, she was done with it and gave it back to me then the strangest thing happened, she told me And I quote "You seem nice want to meet my other friend?" I thought if she's this awesome then her friend will be too, so YES I agreed! We got to her class and it was none other than Hannah double surprise and I told her she's already my friend and we all laughed about it and since then we became inseparable.

Good story, nice life. PAUSE!'s not over yet this is a pretty long entry okay so brace yourselves.

It was us against the world Hannah, Zoey and Hailey, we were the best of the besties, Hannah was the control freak, Zoey was the boss
And Hailey well, Hailey was just there, few times Hannah and Zoey would have their disagreement for obvious reasons, Hannah was stealing Zoeys shine and she did not like it , Hailey on the other hand worshipped Zoey and did what Zoey wanted to the extent they got into a fight and Hannah had it all so she left. It was just me and Zoey it was a dream come true. Spoiler: I always wanted Zoey as a best friend but that's a story coming soon.

As the months went by with us not talking, a new girl showed up, it's all coming together don't worry, this whole explanation will end and the story begins.

Her name was Rhonda! pretty cute but so naive, you see Rhonda was the reason we got back together we had a mutual hate for her and we decided we would beat her up together, Zoey and I ganged up and Hannah showed up last minute and it was a go.

With a full plan we decided to go in but when we met her, she melted our hearts and at that moment, we realized this was the start of something new.

Now Enough of the story now back to reality if you've been following, you'll notice a pattern, Hailey loves meeting new people but not for long.
So far we have, Zoey, Hannah and, Rhonda, The ultimate four right!! Well, Almost complete.

Sooner than expected we bacame a group, mostly separated though, Zoey×Hailey, Hannah×Rhonda. We were unstoppable but we were about to get an addition to this group sooner than we planned, it was sweet Natasha! Fragile, naive and so open to the world a lot like fourth and fifth grade Hailey, she was so much like me and it worried me, I tried to get to her and I succeeded she was in our crew And we were complete and happy. We got into fights? yes, we were stubborn? yes, We were fierce? yes,We were the talk of every corner but seventh grade was finally over.

Hannah left to a new school and it was just the four of us with more adventures to come Stay tuned.

Wow guys don't worry, this is just the beginning of it Soon you will know
What it's like being me.


Lesson of the day:in the end, always keep the your friends closer.

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