The big fight

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Hailey Masterson's Diary (2012)

It's you again I see, still stalking me,
Am I that interesting to you, oh well let's keep reading.

New year, new school year that's right bitches, Hailey is in grade eight, sadly Hannah changed schools so it just me and the gang.

Zoey came back stronger, prettier and the leader of the gang, happy she felt her competition was out of the way, she felt like the queen and yes we treated her like one.

Natasha, quiet as ever was around just being Natasha, doesn't say much but damn that girl could keep a grudge.

Rhonda was the most bullied, never got use to the idea of zoey thinking she's the queen bee so they always had a fight which ends up in bickering, shouting and insults till they give up and continue another day.

Hailey your all star character was banging hard, slaying and being awesome. lol did you believe that, if you did thank you, if you didn't well good cause obviously I lied, Hailey was still a dumb ass Hailey worshipping Zoey literally. Zoey had me at her feets begging for mercy, okay I'm exaggerating but it's true I loved that girl but she just couldn't do the same.

With all that being said and done we were back stronger and more troublesome than we'd come, whole eyes on us, classmates jealous of us, so it came as a shock when this came out, the all star crew which they all thought were awesome had a fight, a fight that ended all friendships.

Eager? well calm your horses down am going to tell you why and what exactly happened and please no judgment but we've all been there right?

It was a boy obviously, what could ruin a friendship if not a stinking boy, ughh boys are the killer of everything and now I'll tell you how it all started.

Like I said, we were the all star crew, everyone wanted to know us, be with us and we loved the attention so, as it happened another popular guy crew noticed us we hanged, we laughed Zoey loved it she was the queen after all, while me and Natasha would be behind quiet. On a fateful day we received a letter, it was from the head of their crew Myron.

Now Myron, well he was okay, sweet, nice and best of all he was the leader who better to date if not him we all thought, the letter was addressed to Rhonda but she declined and said I want no part of this what so ever, Zoey didn't care she had her eyes on another, Natasha didn't even care whatsoever too, so yes Hailey started it like I said, don't hate I was a confused teen seeking attention so I did things you all would have.

So your all star Hailey did something stupid, there was this popular chatting site which all the kids were on, I begged daddy for a phone and I got it, I immediately registered and gave myself a cute username and I was signed up, I added Zoey, obviously she would be on it, I added Natasha and Rhonda well, Rhonda wasn't on it, she tried to ask for a phone but she was turned down. So I knew this was my chance so I added Myron( intense music) lol I messaged him and he immediately replied, oh no what have I done I thought so I quickly came up  with a lie and said it was Rhonda.

Okay so yes I was being a bitch, but I was scared of rejection, what if he didn't like talking with me, so that's why I tried being Rhonda, Now back to the story.

He was happy and excited she was chatting with him, I said a lot of things Rhonda would never do or say and he liked it, then I realized he was a nice guy, so I came out and said it's Hailey, but not completely clean I told him we shared the account and he believed. So days I'd be Rhonda some days I'd be me, it went on like that for a while until some how it got out, someone told him, told Rhonda and everyone knew, I swear the only person who knew was Zoey and I trust she wouldn't betray me, but who am I to judge of course she did, it's Zoey after all she hated me for having all the attention and she wanted that to end.

We got into a massive fight Rhonda felt betrayed and used, Zoey called me a thirsty bitch, Natasha said I was trying to steal him from Rhonda, they all hated me and we stopped talking, people talked? yes I was the talk of everyone.

"She's a whore." "A slut." "She wanted him all to herself." I would hear them say as I walked by But all I did was talk to him I didn't do anything bad, but who am I kidding they didn't listen to me so I let it play out and faced the consequences, we got back home and I apologized to Myron for playing him and deleted the account, I apologized to Zoey as well as Rhonda and Natasha and we were friends again. But it didn't end all nice and sugar no, more was coming and it was going to be worst but this time I honestly played it well.

I was back on social media, I decided to be me and Zoey helped me with it, she opened a new account for me and I was excited to be back.  We created a cute user that fitted my name and a nice about to go with it and I was back, we would chat together sad Rhonda still couldn't join us but we tried to keep her in the loop, we would tell her all that happened whenever school resumed and she was happy to be among us, and as it went on our bond became stronger cause we had more interest, yes she was naive but I wasn't well not anymore, so that's where I help her in, but I didn't see it that way, I was still crazy about being Zoey's bestie that I was blinded and Zoey led me on, occasionally she would call me her best friend and later she goes behind my back and make fun of me.

There was even a day I caught her reading my diary where I would write how I admired her and liked her so much, she was laughing with a group of other girls so I walked up to ask what was funny and they just ran off leaving my book on the floor, I picked it up to see my diary with a page i dedicated to Zoey I was heartbroken my heart was shattered I couldn't believe.

I sat there crying for hours before Natasha and Rhonda came to cheer me up, Zoey came and apologized and swore that wasn't the reason, and I believed her like I said I'm pretty dumb so I forgave her and our crew was back to normal, see why I said she alway leads me on.

So I was chatting one particular night and I received a new friend request, I checked and since I haven't been on for a while it was a lot so I accepted them all, I didn't notice a familiar name was there until  I received a message.

Myron: hey Hailey!

Now wasn't that something, why is Myron back all of a sudden, what do you think he want and do you think Zoey never led me on or she did
And please please please don't say It but was I a bitch or just misunderstood?

Find out what happens next.


Lesson of the day: no matter how hard you push me away, I'll never let you go.

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