The party

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Hailey Masterson's Diary (2013/2014)

Back so soon I see, I missed your stalking ass, so where did we stop?
Ah! Yes the big fight and Myron texting me again.

Before I start just want to let you know you're awesome and don't forget that.

So yes Myron messaged me and I was freaking excited, I couldn't wait so I immediately replied back "Hey Myron." and so it began.  We would talk for minutes, hours and some times the whole day that I started to like him, I didn't think what I was doing was wrong then and I even talked with Zoey and she said there's nothing wrong with it, that Rhonda denied him fair and square so I could, I didn't even know a code like that existed then so I believed her, we talked and I'll always tell zoey what was happening he started leaving me notes in my locker and I would read them, smile and share it with Zoey, I was liking the idea of finally talking about something with her so I trusted her.

On a fateful Myron asked me out and I was so excited, I immediately said yes, and as school resumed I would usually see him and stare at him from a distance, he made me promise I won't tell anyone we were dating not knowing what it meant that time I agreed immediately, but I had to tell Zoey and she kept teasing me all the time and I would end up blushing, I told Rhonda and Natasha what happened but didn't admit to them that I've accepted the proposal and they believed me we had that strong bond and we trusted each other.

 So we continued our relationship in secret, I would go see him few times we would make out and all that and I would come back and tell Zoey all about it, as always it got out and I was at it again Zoey betrayed me and said.

"How could you? dating the same guy a friend rejected, not surprised you've always been the one picking up the trash always." To her bitter surprise Rhonda said she didn't mind and was okay with it.

"I don't like him anyway, and we never dated so I'm okay with it."
Zoey felt ashamed, could this be her she thought, she couldn't believe it so she called the final straw, I was home sick so I left school, for me to come back I heard some shocking news "Zoey quit the squad."
"What do you mean?'' I asked "she can't, we were suppose to be best friends." I said "how could she do this to us?" I kept saying, "why did she?" I asked did we do something please tell me.

Natasha spoke up and said and she quotes, Zoey thinks " we're not matured enough for her."  I was dumbfounded.

"she said that?" Was all I said but what could I do we had to carry on with our lives and so we did. Myron on the other was being a good boyfriend every morning I wake up to a beautiful text and every night a good night version, on days he doesn't text, I get worried and he'd explain and we would be back to normal before I proceed let me take you back to Zoey, she just didn't want to see us happy, she wanted to end us all so she did her last move, It was almost the end of eight grade so  she decided to throw her party, along side her new crew, they made Invitation and started mailing them, everyone was anticipating for that final party to end all parties. We waited but never received our invitation which was odd, so we got mad Natasha suggested we faced Zoey but I said we should let it go.

I was sitting under the tree of my class when Wanda one of Zoey's crew mate walked up to me accompanied with Rachael, they had a proposal, apparently Zoey wanted to do a duet and knowing I was the best when it comes to songs she needed my help, basically why we got along so well, I knew the lyrics to every song and she loved music so we bonded quite easily you'd say.

I told them why she didn't ask me herself, and they replied she didn't want to talk to me I was furious and declined immediately, they decided to call her so she would talk to me, I still remember that day like it was yesterday flashing through my head like a video clip playing over and over again, she was sitting few meters from us with that smile and beautiful eyes as she walked by us, I could feel my heart beat rising, damn it! I still wasn't over her, yes our relationship is weird deal with it she came up to me and asked me with that voice of hers sweeter than an angels call or even the birds singing. I was desperate that was the party of the year, I couldn't miss it so I agreed but on one condition Natasha and Rhonda had to come and she agreed.

I got back to my dorm and I shared the wonderful news with them, they were against it at first but I convinced them and they were on board immediately. The color of the day was pink and black, so with a few design skill from yours truly and fashion skills from Natasha we were ready to go, being a performer my dress was the best and we got there just in time, I saw Myron and he gave me a kiss before going in that bitch!  she invited my boyfriend but not me how rude I thought.

It was time we've been waiting for they announced; now performing the boys Nicki Minaj ft Cassie give it up for Zoey Walker "Wait what?" Natasha blurted  ''she didn't even have the decency to put you in it?"

"whatever!" I said and we went on stage, Lights on me, everyone on me, Myron smiling at me I froze, you guessed it right I had stage fright but to be with Zoey I risked it, everyone kept saying sing already, are you dumb or what?

Zoey took the mic from me immediately and started the verse and I later joined in towards the chorus, after the performance I tried talking to her, but she didn't even want to hear it, I was embarrassed, I knew I wasn't ready but I went in anyway, I was about leaving when I saw Zoey talking with Myron he was giving her a gift and she was hugging him, I felt betrayed and heartbroken that I ran out crying. Myron went after me and told me he didn't know we had broken up with Zoey.

"Well now you know and yes I'm breaking up with you too." I said leaving him there.

Weeks went by and results were out, as usual Zoey came out top and I came in third place, Myron took second place so we had to see each other one last time, I told him I'm not interested in talking and he told me he's living to a new school.

"Wait what? are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes I am." was his reply he pecked me on the forehead and he was gone.

That was it I lost it all I was finally broken, I didn't gave a shit and I did not care again, months went by I tried apologizing to Zoey but she didn't want me back and I was alone So I made up my mind to be the coldest, meanest bitch you could ever know, tenth grade came and it was senior year, brace yourselves things are about to get messy.

Wow wasn't that something, I couldn't pause this, cause Zoey deserved a whole page about her and she got it.

Senior year more trouble.


Lesson of the day: no matter the hard times you went through, always keep the good memories with you.

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