Falling in love (1)

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Hailey Masterson's Diary(2015)

Back so soon I see, did you miss me? because I did, I'm so happy today, I'm literally jumping in my shorts shaking I was falling in love Yes hailey is in love.

Don't give me that look ok, you know what I can't deal with this right now, I'm telling you the story.

It was still the beginning and we had just gone on break, when I received a text from a stranger, he wasn't like the rest, no he was different than most guys, he was Valentino! He chatted me up on a fateful day and we hit it off immediately, he was very nice to me, but I didn't like him immediately, I only saw him as friend and yes he was In Natty's class.

I suddenly became shy of him, obsessed with looking good all the time, I stopped going to Natasha's class, I was too shy to see him, he was my first crush and still is and as fate would have it, his hall was directly opposite mine, so every minute If I wanted to steal a glance at him I'd catch him already starring. I told Natasha all about it and she was happy for me, we would talk all night, It got to a point my mom seized my phone for late night chatting, but bummer we were still not dating, we didn't even confess to each other how we were crushing hard.

We flirted most times, had romantic talks, exchanged pictures and yes I'm looking at you, not the kind you're thinking, we were basically a fairytale, he was the boy I admired from afar literally! I stare at that boy during tests, exams and he would too. But guess what? we never spoke, we only chatted untill one fateful day, I was coming from class when I saw him, freaking out I tried to ignore him but i couldn't he summon the courage to talk to me.

"Hey Hailey." he said and I melted, I hardly said a thing, I still remember that heartwarming smile he gave as I akwardly left with him staring.

Okay my first crush, I'm I right, he's really cute incase you missed that, now back to my friends, pause on the love life.

Natasha and I became very close, it made Rhonda jealous I think, so out of no where she was back, Natty being typical her Hailied it up. lol see what I did there, she went back to Rhonda and I was alone, I had no friends, I was starting to think it was me, maybe I'm a bad person, suddenly rumors started going on that I stole Myron from Rhonda after all this years some bitch brought it up, everyone believed since well we dated and called me a slut, not new, saying I broke the girl code that I didn't even know existed back then, Rhonda even told me she liked him, she was only playing hard to get, but I swooped in last minute, that bitch changed her words.

So I was all alone, Zoey living her best life, Rhonda and Natasha back together, I was all alone, always alone, This was one of my darkest moment in school, I felt like I was nobody and till today I still am nobody, the lonely walk to class and back as I would stare at Valentino which was my only good moment in every day, we always had biology together, so I always get to see him, and Natasha of course.

As the year went by, tenth grade was ending and I was still friendless, I made a few along side the way, but it all ended drastically, they weren't important which is why I'll be leaving them unmentioned, now back to Valentino, we started talking and hanging out and he finally did it he asked me out, but it was too late.

I still remember the day like it was yesterday on the 15 of December 2015.

We had just resumed eleventh grade and I heard the most shocking news, Natasha transferred schools, and we were just about to settle, we later bonded during the end of grade ten semester, getting into trouble together, I was always there for her and she was always there for me, Rhonda obviously ditched her again so I was excited to have her back, but the day she told me she was transferring, I was crushed, but what could I do, I was back to that lonely life, but more bad news came my way.

The last day of school, as I headed to get my report card, I sighted Valentino and I ignored him, I still regret that day, he was smiling at me but I totally ignored him, which is why I bring you back here now. 15 December I was chatting with Valentino, after getting our cards we went for summer break and didn't show up for the whole semester when we resumed too, so you guessed it, he transfered schools, we were chatting and he did it, he confessed to me and I'll tell you how it went.

"I have a crush on this girl, but I don't know how to tell her." He wrote.

"What's her name?"

"Well it starts with a letter H and ends with Y."

My cheeks went red immediately, I knew he was talking about me, I literally shit myself that day, he told me how he liked me and was crushing on me, but he thought I didn't like him, I told him I did too But it was too late, he left the school and It just couldn't work.

So yeah I never dated my first crush, we decided on becoming besties and let's just say, that did not go to well at first, Natasha on the other hand, we still talk, we tried to talk until we had a fight and till this day, we haven't spoken since.

I'm stopping here today, see you in the part two.

Are you ready? you better be cause it's about to go down and more people coming back, It's like Hailey is fucking addictive.

Lesson of the day: your first love, Will always be with you no matter what, it may seem childish to you when you look back at it, but that was love when you knew it, calm and gentle.


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