Chapter 18

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* Y/n's POV *

We all goof off for a little bit longer until Newt asks if I wanna go to bed. "Sure!" I answer back. I don't know what's going on, but I feel so free.

We get back to his room and as soon as the door closes he turns around and kisses me, pushing me back up against the wall and lifting me off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist and tangle my hand in his hair, officially deepening the kiss. We stay like this for a while, just kissing and loving. Then he spins around and we both end up on the bed with him on top. I'm laughing and so is he and it's all very ridiculous. I wish I was watching this from like a ghosts point of view. "I like the dress you're wearing, Y/n," he says, his accent really thick tonight.

"Thanks, I wore it just for you, Love," I say, copying his accent, "You know, because it's your bloody favorite."

"You know what's my real favorite?" he asks, smirking, "is when you take the dress off." He slowly slips his hands underneath it and pulls it off. His cold fingers brush my stomach and I gasp. Then he kisses me up my neck, making his way back to my lips.

"Mmmm," I moan, because it honestly feels so good. We go on like this for a bit longer, but everything starts turning fuzzy. I guess we both fell asleep because all I remember is waking up in the morning, curled up with him.

"Morning love," he says, obviously already awake.

"Good morning!" I say stretching and sitting up. That's when I realize I'm not wearing a shirt.

"What the... Newt!" I screech, pulling the covers up. He starts laughing. "It's not funny!" I say, hopping out of bed and grabbing one of his sweatshirts off the chair, trying to preserve what little dignity I have left. "What the shuck happened last night?" I ask, moaning because I have a terrible headache.

"Your guess is as good as mine," he answers, "Why don't you come back to bed, its cold," he asks, giving me puppy dog eyes. I lay back down and he kisses me. "So you really don't remember?" he asks.

"No, do you?" I ask, because it sounds like he does.

"Yah, I remember almost everything," he says grinning, "although I do have a terrible headache."

"Me too," I agree, "We should go downstairs and see how everybody else is. I'll bet you it's those drinks Gally made.

"Yah, and today's greenie day too," he says. He grabs my hand and he's just pulling me out the door when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

"Oh I don't think so!" I say, letting go of his head and walking closer to the mirror.

"You look fine, Love," he says looking at me in the mirror.

"Ok, just let me at least fix my hair," I say putting it up in a messy bun. I look in the mirror. I'm wearing an oversized sweatshirt, short shorts, and my hair is a mess. I can't believe I'm letting him talk me into leaving my dark hovel.

"Come on!" he says, grabbing my hand again and pulling me out the door. The first thing we see is that Winston is passed out in the hallway. Newt kicks him as we go by, "Wake up dude!" Then we get outside and see that almost everybody went to sleep right by the fire. We walk up to Minho and I kick him this time.

"Wake up Min Min!" I yell as loud as I can in his ear and he wakes up with a jump. He looks at me, rubbing his head.

"Guess you guys had fun last night?" he asks, grinning and looking me up and down.

"Shut up, Shank," I say stomping away, after giving him another kick just for good measure, "Get ready for the greenie!" Newt and I go find Alby and together we all wake up everybody else in the Glade. We are all walking around holding our heads and everybody has a headache and honestly it's pretty comical because we were warned.


The greenie shows up later in the day. I help open up the box and get to see his reaction, which is priceless because honestly we all must look like zombies. Newt jumps down into the box with him. "Hey greenie, welcome to the Glade. I'm Newt and that's Y/n, Alby, and Minho. Let me show you around." Is the way that Newt greets him. He walks him around and about half of the Glade doesn't even show up for the bonfire that night. Alby even banned Gally's drinks tonight because we all have to work in the morning.

I go to bed early and am already asleep and dreaming by the time Newt walks in. 

I'm having fun at a bonfire and Gally brings out drinks. I decide not to have any but all the boys do. Newt ends up really drunk and won't leave me alone. "Come on love," he purrs, pulling me along. He pushes me down on the ground and I look up at him and start crying because this isn't him. "Why are you so scared?" he asks, practically hissing the words.

Then all of a sudden he morphs into a griever and tries to sting me. I run away screaming, but none of the boys can hear me or if they can, they don't seem to care. I'm screaming for Newt to leave me alone but he's not listening.

"Y/n! Wake up!" Newt says, shaking me again. I wake up and see him and jump up, falling out of bed. He looks at me strange. "What's wrong, Love?" That's when I realize it was all a nightmare and I break down crying. I'm hysterical and I'm making that ugly hiccupping sound that I get when I cry. He gets out of bed and sits down next to me. "Are you ok? What happened? You were screaming for me to leave you alone," he asks with a confused look on his face. I should just tell him.

"You were drunk an- and you wouldn't leave me alone and then you h- hurt me and then you turned into a griever but nobody heard me screaming," I say, hiccupping again. His face turns even softer if that's possible. He tilts my chin up so he can look me in the eyes.

"I would never do that Y/n. Not in a million years. I would never hurt you!" Then he hugs me and I can finally calm down.

"I know," I say, "I don't know why I dreamed that."


The next day I wake up and head out with Minho. The new greenies name is Cody and he wants to be a runner, but Minho told him he had to try out for other jobs first.

I run through the Maze, feeling the wind in my hair and the cool breeze that blows through the walls. It's so calm and refreshing. I take out some lunch from my backpack and there's a note in it from Newt.

"I love you," it says, "I have since I first saw you and I will till the last time I close my eyes." Ahh, that's so sweet! I hold it to my heart and close my eyes, imagining what he's doing in the Glade right now.


Today is a new day and this is a new chapter and I need a new life and-- ya so... Have a great day! Cute note, right?

xoxo Glader babies!

~ Bekah

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