The Dance: Our Secret (Part 1)

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Kaz's POV

"GUYS! Guess what?" screamed Skylar as she twirled into the living room. Everyone looked at her as we waited for her to tell us what she was so excited about.
"What is it Skylar?"
"Tonight there is a formal dance for all the aliens on Earth. And guess the best part?" She glowed waiting for us to answer.
"What's the best part, my beautiful alien garnet?" said Oliver putting his arm around Skylar's shoulder.
"Too much." she said pushing Oliver's arm away. She turned to the rest of us and continued, "Caldera is going to be featured! I'm so excited! Between my duties on Earth and the rebellion on Caldera, I haven't been able to celebrate my culture!" she said jumping with excitement and involuntarily hugging Oliver who didn't mind.
Oliver's very lucky, even though it seems totally hopeless, he still has a chance with the person he likes. Me on the other hand.... Not so much. I would do anything to get Chase just to look at me but he's so lost in his gadgets and finding a girlfriend that I don't see how it can ever work out. Maybe it's best nothing happens, it could screw up the entire team dynamic.
"It seems like a lot of fun," Chase said walking in and resting his arms on the head of the couch.
"It will be fun because I'm inviting all of you as my plus 4! There's going to be kiosks and stores and maybe some performances so you can experience different intergalactic cultures."
Bree lit up, "So is this a fancy dance? Like the ones where you have to spend the entire day at the mall buying the perfect dress and the shoes to match it and never wearing either of them again?"
"Yes! It's also the type of dance where you get into a fist fight to the death over your dancing partner then get arrested only to escape at the last minute and having to lay low for weeks until the intergalactic police forget about you!" Skylar said, running over and suffocating Bree with a hug. "Oh this is going to be so much fun Bree!" she said letting go of her and staring at her straight in the eyes. "Now let's go get dresses and sharpen our nails to fight off disgusting boys!" she said, pulling Bree out of the door. As she was about to disappear Bree whispered a weak "Help me".
"Hey wait for me my flower! I want to fight off disgusting boys too!" said Oliver chasing after the girls.
As soon as Skylar came in, she left with Bree and Oliver leaving me alone with Chase. He jumped over the back of the couch and sat right next to me. My face flushed and I tried my best not to look at him. He grabbed the flyer Skylar left on the couch and started reading it.
"Oh this is a FANCY dance. I better download a ballroom dancing app".
"Haha. Yeah. You better." I said nervously. There was a beat of silence. I felt awkward leaving the conversation like that so I continued,"You know you're so lucky that you can just download an app from the internet and BAM now you can ballroom dance. I wish I had that, I'm probably going to make a fool of myself and trip or something. Haha" I looked over at Chase who ignored my awkwardness. I'm glad he's so oblivious or I'd be totally screwed. If he knew I liked him it would just be confusing for the both of us.
"Well if you want, after I download the app I can show you some moves. Trust me, I know about humiliating myself at a dance."  he shivered, looking off into the distance as if he were having flashbacks. "I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy."
He bounced up and smoothed out his light blue fitted t-shirt then waltzed to the hyper lift and looked back at me.
"Well, you comin'"
His dark blonde hair shone in the blue-light of the hyper lift and spun in locks around his face. His cool aquamarine eyes made my insides turn and I felt my face turn red. I felt a refreshing coolness in my throat that was much different than I've experienced with the girls I liked in highschool. Liking Chase was far less painful than what I felt with them. I wondered if this is what it was supposed to feel like. I smiled back at him involuntarily.
"Hell yeah I'm coming" I said running over to him. Even though I knew the consequences of liking another Elite Force member, I couldn't stop.

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