The Dance: Our Secret (Part 2)

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Chase's POV

Kaz and I are waiting for my chip to download the ballroom dancing app. It's taking a lot longer than expected and I feel really awkward sitting here. I know Kaz doesn't really want to be here and I don't want to waste his time. I'm actually pretty sure that Kaz hates me. Everytime I talk to him he won't even look me in the eye. I'm not sure what I did but I must've really messed up. I have to make up for what I did even though I'm not sure what it was. Teaching Kaz to dance might be my only chance at making him my friend again. I'm not really good at making friends and there's something about Kaz that I really like. I can't risk losing someone like him.
As soon as my chip beeped signifying that it was done downloading, I shot straight up trying not to waste anymore time.
"It's done. Let's do this." I said reaching my hand out to him. I must've surprised him because he only stared at me. I laughed a little bit and led him over to the Training Center in Mission Control.
"Okay so I've downloaded the Waltz, the Merengue, and Salsa. From my research they are the perfect mix between classy and lively so you will be prepared for any kind of music. Since I already know how to lead, you can take lead on these dances."
"Uhh, alright." he stammered. He started fidgeting into place like he wasn't sure what to do. He must really not be the dancing type. I wasn't going to let this moment pass though, this could be the only chance I have to make him like me again. I don't know why I need him to like me so much, I just don't think I can possibly deal with him hating me anymore.
Kaz put his left hand on my waist, I put my right hand on his shoulder and we locked our free hands. Kaz seemed nervous so I decided to lighten the mood.
"Hey Kaz, watch this." I said smiling trying to ease his nerves. "Training Center, play ballroom dance playlist."
"Playing ballroom dance playlist, Master Chase" the automated voice said. I blushed, I forgot I put such a dumb name down.
"Pffft... Master Chase?" Kaz laughed. "Ego much?" His eyebrow was cocked and his lips raised to a smirk. His eyes shone in the red light of the Training Center giving off a warmth I've never felt before. It was strange but nice.
The music started playing lively Spanish beats.
"Alright, we're going to start with the Merengue. It's a pretty basic dance. First shift your weight to your right, you're going to step forward with your right while I step backwards with my left. You ready?"
As soon as we started dancing, I felt like I was in another world. Despite Kaz saying he didn't know how to dance, he was fantastic. I couldn't help but to smile.
"I thought you said you weren't a good dancer" I laughed. Kaz laughed along with me. It was the most relieving sound I'd ever heard. I could feel us start to connect again.
"I thought I wasn't. I guess I just needed a good teacher." Kaz remarked. His voice was soft and low and his eyes shimmered an amber brown with flecks of gold as we shifted around the room. I never noticed how pretty his eyes were.
I released my hold on Kaz's shoulder and turned him around the outside of my body. I spun twice and landed in Kaz's arms. He smiled down at me and I knew then that he was never mad at me. He spun me back to my original position and we started the first basic steps over again. He twirled adding some Salsa elements into the dance and we landed face to face and hand in hand.
The music continued to play but we stood there in silence without moving. His hand slowly moved from my waist to my hair. I felt my face turn red as he tucked my hair behind my ear. His face moved closer to mine and I could smell his cinnamon gum. My mind raised with thoughts trying to figure out what was happening. Then all at once, my mind cleared and Kaz's lips were on mine.

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