The Dance: Our Secret (Part 4)

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Chase's POV
(In this version, every Elite Force member has their own room)

WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?! Kaz and I kissed. More than just kissed. What was I thinking! I can't kiss Kaz! Not only is he another member of the Elite Force but he's a boy! How could I kiss a boy? And LIKE it?
I paced my room trying to make sense of what just happened. I felt my neck where Kaz had left a bite mark and involuntarily blushed. UGH I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I looked in the mirror and examined the mark. How was I going to cover it up? How was I supposed to cover any of this up. I slumped down on my bed and placed my face in my hands.
I'm a guy, I'm supposed to have a girlfriend. I'm supposed to only like girls but Kaz was different. He's kind and funny and not to mention really cute.
Once I started thinking about it, my mind opened to the possibility that I might also like guys. If I didn't like guys I wouldn't have cared whether or not Kaz liked me so much. I wouldn't have let him kiss me and I definitely wouldn't have kissed him back.
I was so confused. How could I have feelings for Kaz and not even notice? I'm supposed to be the smartest man in the world.
I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell Bree because she'll make fun of me and I definitely couldn't tell Mr. Davenport. These feelings could ruin the dynamic of the Elite Force if the rest of the team knew. What was I going to do?
I had to pretend like nothing happened or it could ruin everything.

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