Chapter 3

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Hinata carried on looking outside until he decided it was probably a figment of his imagination. Ignoring the twisted feeling inside his stomach, Hinata grabbed another piece of paper and doodled a few butterflies and bees flying around flowers.

He heard the door open, but when he looked to see who it was, there wasn't anybody there.

Now Hinata was sure that his feeling of discomfort wasn't his imagination. He slowly got off of his chair, walking towards the door he held his phone at the ready to call for help.

He opened the door, popping his head out just so he could see along the sidewalk (or pavement).


With a sigh of relief, he went back inside, but as he was nearing his chair, he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and his whole world went black.


Hinata jerked awake, opening his eyes he saw an unfamiliar room. Where am I? But when Hinata wanted to get up he realised his hands were tied together behind a chair, and his legs were each bound to a chair leg. He wanted to scream for help, but to no avail, his screams were muffled by a cloth.

It at least seemed to be clean, but Hinata was drooling so much that it was already damp.

Hinata became panic-stricken, hot tears forming in his eyes as the reality of his situation sunk in. His tears started streaming down his face, but the cloth in his mouth made it hard for him to breathe and his vision became hazy. 


Kageyama closed his car door and went inside the karaoke bar, only to see that Hinata wasn't there. He walked behind the counter and saw the cute doodles Hinata had made. Kageyama smiled to himself but his eyes suddenly spotted a phone lying on the ground. 

The realisation hit him like a bus and he ran to his car, he dialled his work's emergency cover line so that somebody could look after the karaoke bar. He stepped on the accelerator and headed for the place Hinata would surely be. Just wait till I get my hands on those idiots. 


Kageyama arrived at the old warehouse that was situated just outside of the city. It had been abandoned after the company who was running it went bankrupt. He climbed out of his car and walked inside through the front door. It's not like they could hurt him. 

He looked around, it had been a while since he was last here. He turned to the hallway on the right of him and saw that there was light coming from one of the rooms. He walked into the room and saw three men. 

As soon as they saw Kageyama, they bowed and said, "Young Master." 


Kageyama frowned and looked at them, " What are you guys doing here?"

"We were ordered by the Master to get rid of anyone who got personal with Young Master."

"I know that much you idiots, but why did you capture the orange-haired boy?"

"He was with you in the VIP room at the karaoke bar, that's considered as getting personal with you."

"I'm the one that asked him to do karaoke with me, release him at once."

"But Young Master w-"

"No buts, your butt, take me to him at once!"

A/N One of my teachers used to say this lmfao

Kageyama's patience had run out and his men knew it, so they just looked at each other and led the way to Hinata.

They opened the door and what Kageyama saw made him furious. Hinata was bound to a chair and had a cloth in his mouth. It seemed he had also been stripped of all his clothes except for his underwear. 

Kageyama blushed furiously as he dismissed his men, too embarrassed to even give them punishment. 

He walked to where Hinata was and untied him from the chair, he took the cloth out of his mouth and saw how his saliva had almost soaked it through. How long has he been here? Kageyama pushed that thought to the back of his mind, he needed to focus on getting Hinata out of there before he woke up. 

He took his coat off and put it on Hinata because he didn't have time to look for Hinata's clothes. Kageyama picked up Hinata, finding that he was extremely light, and took him to his car. 


Kageyama put Hinata on his bed and went to fetch a wet cloth. He wiped down Hinata's body and paused at his underwear. He gulped as he looked at Hinata. Hopefully, he doesn't wake up because I won't be able to explain myself.

With that in mind, he pulled Hinata's underwear down and clEaNsed him. 

Afterwards, he got a clean pair of underwear for Hinata and his smallest pair of pyjamas. Sliding the change of clothes onto Hinata with a dash of speed.

Kageyama sighed as he sat down on his bed. 

He heard rustling behind him and turned to see Hinata waking up. Oh. Oh.

Kageyama jumped up and ran out of the room. Wtf do I do now? Kageyama decided to waltz into the room as if nothing was out of the ordinary and put a glass of water down on his bedside table for Hinata. It played out well in his head at least. 

"WhAt tHe fOrk!" Hinata jumped out from under Kageyama's duvet and stood on his bed. 

"Kageyama?! What are you doing here!" Hinata said as he pointed at Kageyama in shock.

"Well, seeing as this is my room and I just rescued you from my ignorant men, I'd say I was looking after you." Kageyama deadpanned.

"O-oh..." Hinata looked away from Kageyama sheepishly. 

Kageyama chuckled and motioned for Hinata to sit back down. Hinata obliged and Kageyama handed him the glass of water. Taking a sip Hinata realised he was in a different change of clothes. He spat the water out in surprise. 

"What's wrong? I made sure I gave you water and not blood." Kageyama frowned, before realising what he just said.

Hinata just stared at Kageyama, his mouth wide open.

"Well, since you can probably already guess, I'll just come out and say it. I'm what you humans call a blood-sucking and savage creature. I'm a vampire."

A/N Mmm, we love cliffhangers uwu. Luckily I already have inspiration for the next chapter so it shouldn't take to long to write hehe

Thank you to Purplefluffykitten for helping me with the idea for this chapter <3

Kageyama x Hinata - Vampire AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now