Chapter 6

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Kageyama's jaw dropped.

"Hinata, don't tell me you, have a boner right now?" Kageyama said with a nervous smile.

Hinata blushed so ferociously it looked like he had steam coming out of his ears. He held back tears as he ran into Kageyama's bathroom, locking the door behind him. He slid down to the flower and held himself in a foetal position.

A/N The back is curved, the head is bowed, and the limbs are bent and drawn up to the torso, in simpler words you hug yourself in a ball shape thingy

Kageyama lightly tapped on the door.

"Hinata? Hinata I'm sorry," Kageyama tried to open the door, but it was obviously locked.

"I really didn't understand what you were saying before, I promise I wasn't mocking you or anything." Kageyama didn't know how he was going to make it up to Hinata. He let out a frustrated sigh.

Hinata, upon hearing Kageyama's sigh, thought that he was mad at him. So he just squeaked and hugged himself tighter.

He sniffled and finally spoke,

"I'm sorry Kageyama," his voice trembled and it was muffled by his legs, but Kageyama heard him just fine.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one that's in the wrong," Kageyama asked in genuine confusion.

"But- you're mad at me aren't you?" Hinata lifted his head from his knees, focusing on Kageyama's voice.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm frustrated because I don't know how to make you feel better," Kageyama confessed.

"Y-you can have a cold shower with me..." Hinata said, half-jokingly, but his voice didn't portray it as a joke and Kageyama agreed.

"Okay, I'll have a cold shower with you," Kageyama said, getting flushed at the thought.

Hinata was surprised that Kageyama agreed, but he decided it wasn't such a bad thing. The only thing that could go wrong was if he didn't calm down.

Wiping his tears, Hinata stood up and unlocked the door. Kageyama burst inside, hugging Hinata as tightly as he could.


"I can't breathe-"

Kageyama let go, still holding onto Hinata's shoulders. He looked him in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" Concern laced Kageyama's words and Hinata let out a giggle.

That tone doesn't suit him.

Kageyama decided to let Hinata be, and walked to the shower, turning the cold water on.

He took off his shirt and motioned Hinata to come closer.

Kageyama slid Hinata's shirt off, but when he moved to his underwear, Hinata stopped him.

"I- I'll take them off by myself," Hinata said as he pushed Kageyama's hands away.

"Okay, just be quick about it," and with that Kageyama took his pants and underwear off in one go, stepping into the shower.

Hinata slowly slid off his underwear, walking into the shower.

Kageyama nudged him to the cold water,

"Let's calm you down, yeah?"

"Yeah," Hinata smiled, feeling all giddy inside.


A/N Yes I just time skipped because nOthing happens lmao

Hinata was lying in Kageyama's bed, trying to take a nap before he had to go to work. Keyword, trying. His mind was all over the place. First of all, Kageyama was a frigging vampire?! ThEn, they kissed under the stars, Hinata got a boner and finally, they had a shower together!

They hardly knew each other but they both felt some sort of connection between them. Maybe it was just mutual affection? Or love at first sight, if you believe in such things.

Hinata was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't even notice that Kageyama had joined him in bed. Kageyama could see that Hinata was lost in thought, and he really wanted to know what he was thinking about. But he ignored those nagging thoughts.

"Hinata?" Kageyama finally spoke up.

"Hm? Oh, Kageyama, when did you get in here?" Hinata suddenly shrunk into the blankets, it looked like he was avoiding Kageyama, which he didn't like.

"This is my bed," he rose an eyebrow.

"But I thought you would start waking up at this time?" Hinata said questioningly.

"Hmm, I usually do, but today is special." And with that, he pulled Hinata closer to him and wrapped his arms around him.

Hinata was a little startled at first and lay stiffly in Kageyama's arms, but he soon snuggled closer. Hinata soon fell asleep, his soft snores escaping from his lips. 

He's so damn cute. Kageyama tried to calm himself down before closing his eyes and joining Hinata in his slumber.


Hinata was late.


"Wahhhh, Kageyama I'm late I'm late I'm lateee," Hinata was running around Kageyama's room, trying to find his clothes but he was really struggling. He had assumed that Kageyama washed his clothes for him but he couldn't find them no matter how hard he looked.

Kageyama blinked his eyes open,

"Huh?" He was still half asleep and very confused about the sudden commotion.

"My clothes Kageyama, clothes!" Hinata said, shaking Kageyama awake.

"I couldn't find them when I rescued you before, just grab some stuff from my wardrobe." He said, flopping back onto his bed.

"B-but, your clothes don't fit me..." Hinata said as he pouted.

"Then don't go to work," Kageyama said bluntly,  sitting up again.

"I can't do that! What will happen to me if my boss finds out I just skipped work?" Hinata said, starting to get a bit more frantic.

"Hinata, you dumbass, I am your boss," Kageyama shook his head, he literally told Hinata this a few hours ago.

"Eh? Ohhh, riiightt, I forgot about that," Hinata said with an awkward laugh.

Kageyama just chuckled and motioned for him to come to sit with him. He sat next to him, but Kageyama held him by his hips and made Hinata straddle him. Hinata gasped in surprise, but he made no effort to move. 

Hinata looked at Kageyama in his eyes, their deep blue colour pulling him in. He wrapped his arms around Kageyama's neck and leaning his forehead on Kageyama's. He smiled in contentment.

Kageyama put one of his hands behind Hinata's head, the other on his waist and pulled him closer until their lips were practically brushing against each other.

Hinata's eyes fluttered closed and Kageyama closed the little distance left between them.

Their lips moved in sync and Hinata's hands tangled themselves in Kageyama's hair. Kageyama's hands explored Hinata's torso, softly feeling him up.

Hinata pulled away gasping for air, only for Kageyama to connect their lips again. He slid his lip over Hinata's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Hinata gladly opened his mouth as they deepened the kiss.

A/N I know it's a cliffhanger but be grateful you're getting another chapter uwu

Kageyama x Hinata - Vampire AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now