I decided to follow him, although he was not aware of it. I kept a good five to ten metre gap between us but all he did was head down to the entrance of the apartment. When we got to the lobby door I accidently bumped into a heavy object, which triggered him to almost fire an arrow towards me. He aimed the crossbow no doubt on my head then attached it to his backpack. “I could have killed you.” He snapped. “But you didn’t.” I said. “I thought you were a walker.” I looked at him puzzled and he picked that up immediately. “A walker… those things that bite you then turn you into one of them.” I sunk in after he told me. I guess everyone has their own names for those dead creatures. “I wanted to see where you were heading. I got bored and you stormed out on me after being all up in my face.” I exclaimed. He smiled then opened the lobby door where he took out a ‘walker’. I guess that’s a better name than calling them ‘the infected’ it does sound a lot more conclusive way. “Hey! Where are you going?” I exclaimed again.
“You have a habit of just walking off whenever you please and it really doesn’t fly with me. Tell me where you’re going now!” I continued. He came to a stop so I could actually walk up to him and speak to him face to face other than looking directly at his back. “I guess you think your best asset is your back.” I said sarcastically. “Funny,” He said, and then continued. “No, you are just really talkative. Even with my own friends I’m not that talkative.” Daryl seemed like a real shy guy but maybe he was just not the talkative type. “Daryl, I want to get to know you. I want to know you’re story and actually become friends.” He took me back to the apartment where the rest of the group was and sat me down in a room with no one in it and shut the door.
He jumped on the bed and got comfortable. I took a seat on a chair next to a window with a view of Atlanta again. “Good view.” I said examining all the buildings. I looked back and Daryl and saw a look on his face where he was basically waiting for me to ask him something. At least that’s what I thought. “So, what do you want to know?” Daryl asked, fixing his pillow to rest his head on. “Well, how did you get here? How did you meet Rick? What was your life like before the end of the world?” He pulled out a packet of cigarettes then lit one. I ran over to him then took the cigarette out of his mouth. “No. Don’t do that.” He paused then starred at me for a moment. “Why? I’m dyin’ anyway.” I gazed into his eyes then moved away from him. “You don’t want to kill yourself even more by lighting that thing.” I held the packet of cigarettes and played with it in my hands before taking my seat back on the chair near the window. “You didn’t answer my questions.” I said. “I was a mechanic at my dad’s garage.” He started, “That’s all I can tell you about my past life basically.” I got comfortable as well. “When this shit hole started my brother Merle and me were on the road, barely slept, just hunted. Ate a lot of meat. And rabbit. Anyway, Merle and me were hunted near a big hill away from the city and came across a group. We didn’t really feel it at first, but they invited into the group. Some guy called Shane. Turns out Shane was Rick’s best friend and Glenn, Merle and a few people from the group found Rick hiding in some tank in the city. Crazy bastard. Rick handcuffed merle up at some building, I went hunting by myself so I didn’t know what happened until I got back and this new guy, Rick told me he handcuffed my brother to a pole. He said he was safe but not that safe. Said we’d go up there and get him tomorrow.” I was completely dilated within Daryl’s story. Although he spoke like a complete teenage boy, there was something about his voice that calmed me and made me feel secure and safe. “We went back for Merle, but he wasn’t there. Then when we cam back to the camp it was overrun, and that’s when we went on the move. We got the cars and shit together then found a farm. That’s where we found Maggie. She was with some guy, and other people but they died to early to remember them. We took Maggie in after the place burnt down and got overrun, now, here we are. Just trying to survive and find a place to actually live for a while.” I took in everything Daryl said and let it process and play in my mind. “Wow Daryl. Never heard you talk so much.” I joked. He grinned a little bit, which was good enough for me. “Was that a smile Daryl Dixon?”
“No.” He said.
“So what happened to Merle?” I asked worried. He put his head down then stood up and looked out the window. “He’s out there somewhere. I know it. Weather or not I find him, I know he is alive.” He said confidently. I believed Daryl, and someday I would hope that I met Merle Dixon.

Don't Look Back (A Walking Dead Fan Fiction)
FanfictionAndy Greene is a girl whose life is turned upside down when both her parents die in the zombie apocalypse that started almost over a year ago. She is reunited after this time with her older sister Maggie and meets a new group which includes Daryl Di...