Is this a mere flipping crush

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I saw a person sitting-
Of course people always have to be barging in my quarters and are always making themselves home, i was done with history repeating itself and felt like punching Thor back to Asgard. Who would it be except the stupid idiot himself Fenrys. Not to forget i was still pissed at the latter saved by Aelin, who out of the whole universe was made my mate like dear rutting wryd there are plenty of fish in the sea why did you have to make me and her mates like anything but mates how about friends or partners in crime or even damn it cousins, but why MATES as much as i dislike the girl I donot want to hurt or fail her like lyria . Well what's done is done . Then I carefully laid Aelin on the bed cautious of not waking her up, and looked up to see Fenrys .
"Well why are you here?" I asked him.
"Oh but why is she here?" He asked pressuring the word She and then smirked making me mad .
"Cut the crap and tell me fenrys why did you show your face." I asked .
"Oh nothing much i heard your giggling from a kilometre away and well my reason of visiting this lovely place is that i came to alert you that another attack is taking place in an hour and the others our on their way." He said.
And i swore colourfully totally forgetting the sleeping princess, and mistakenly woke her up and she got up glaring at me and then fell asleep. Yes that's the advantages of falling asleep that no matter how much pissed you are at someone at the the end you can fall asleep once again forgetting the other person. Oh how! Unfair can you be . So I had to wake the sleepy and mad princess as fenrys left to warn the others and i was scared to say for the least. So i shook her to wake her up and got a grumble in response, so i shook her again and got a snarl and so i shook her again this time an angry go away or i will rip your throat out. And then after a whole lit of shaking she sat up angrily and shot me a dozen glares .
"Shall thee rowan whiteth'rn presenteth me with a reasonable colours on wherefore thee did wake me up by shaking me at such an unearthly hour oth'rwise i am killing thee and proceeding with mine own catch but a wink." She said fluently i was surprised at her knowledge in Shakespearean English. And i took a long breath.
"Look Aelin , i apologize for shaking you but get up because we have a battle to fight and i have no plans to lose." I said slowly.
"Okay you worm head." And then she got up and put on her boots and braided her hair and strapped on her blades in a hurry and perhaps went to know the whereabouts of Leo so she might be able to hide him. And realizing that it was time to fight, a horn was heard indicating that it had begun and I ran down and saw Aelin holding her own ground while slashing the valg. I wasn't surprised at the blood and gore but then what happened , as our men were less we had to handle two side , the tunnel pass and where Aelin was slaughtering.
I was helping Aelin while Fenrys was near the tunnel, and i heard Aelin fighting with one of the generals, and after every moment she would drop a sarcastic comment on him making him confused because it seemed like the valg princes were not quite knowledgeable in the amazing study of sarcasm. It was amazing that she without a battle strategy was fighting this with sarcasm . Oh how funny that the demons didnt know that Galathynius was a demon herself. It made me want to laugh no just kidding , even if she didn't want to slaughter them thinking oh how dreadful it would be that the human in them was alive , she seriously had to upgrade her skills , if she had let me teach her and wouldn't have thrown a fuss every time I'd ask her to shift. And once again she started a conversation with the enemy.
"So these collars do they leak black magic or what, you seriously need to check your clothing like hell does black go with a red and golden cape." She muttered in a hilarious tone.
The valg soldier grunted an answer she mimicked making him slash his sword harshly.
"Doth mother know thou weareth her drapes ." She said making him say something in his wicked voice.
And then their swords clanged loudly the sound echoed and she shut her mouth and as he didnt see Aelin drove her sword into his side and her hidden dagger made its target in his head and with a swipe she beheaded him. She let out a small sigh and then did the same. She looked fierce and was firm that she couldn't let them approach the fortress as Leo and Emrys were inside hoping they all would return safely . And then out of know where a ton of more enemy troops entered and then we knew we might be doomed. So I increased my speed and then straight forwardly beheaded them. Not even leaving a single soldier alive near me . I heard loud cheers and heard the battle cry of Gavriel and so the cadre began slaying the soldiers i saw that Galathynius was missing. Well that's where things went downhill, i was worried a bit only a bit she was my responsibility after all, Maeve had handed the girl over to me for training and now after dropping a tonne of sarcastic comments she mysteriously vanishes into thin air. And then i heard a scream, a very shrill and familiar scream, i then ran killing all the enemy troops in my way just simply beheading them, and as i halted to take in the scene before me , a black shield colliding with a golden one and a princess of fire being towered by four Valg princes who were slowly devouring hr sanity and would eventually kill her, and i after a long time felt helpless as I saw my mate being ended by the demons and i let a tear slide down my cheek, and i made up my mind that i would help Aelin Ashryver Galathynius , my mate , descendant of Brannon Galathynius, i would die with her if it came to it because she went to fight to save other lives but was not going to come back. This was a battlefield and we were going to unleash death upon it and make this field a graveyard, and so i barged in her shield ignoring the calls of Lorcan and Vaughan. And i was hit by her powers trying to push me out as she was trying to hold her ground , i knew my powers would be of no harm to the demons but Aelin's, oh boy her powers could wipe the whole rutting race of Valg from the earth. And then she screamed and my soul felt like shattering , i suddenly felt a lot of pain surging through my body and i fell down on my knees and i knew Aelin was in trauma as she was reliving all those traumatic events that had occurred in her past life. I then saw a trace of a shiny stone on metal and realised it was her sword and grabbed it getting up and stealthily charged on the Valg praying to Mala to find Aelin the strength to fight, i cut off the first ones head and then unsheathed my dagger and began fighting another one while two more were still killing Aelin, she was powerful, too powerful . She shook in fear signalling her sanity and i let out a small sigh in relief but she was still dying. And i beheaded another one leaving General Narrok and another of his soldier valg and then suddenly Aelin let out a wave of power breaking the shield of the Valg and then she stood up with a powerful smug smile on her face and then drove her fiery powers into the princes burning the demon out of them only leaving two ashamed men grunting in pain and looking at Aelin in awe. And then she crushed the two obsidian collars beneath her feet and burned the remaining pieces an then payed attention to the two men who only pleaded to her to kill them and so she did and then strode up to me with a stressed look etched on her face which was utterly beautiful with her two eyes in which i had no doubt gotten lost into-
What. The. Hell was i even thinking. Her eyes well they were pretty, oh boy what is wrong with me , every time i look at her my heart races at her sarcasm and cute gestures. I was in such unending shit now, to say for the least i adored the princess or liked her even , which was once again crazy i am a blood sworn warrior of Queen Maeve who so undoubtedly hates Aelin and i was shocked at the sudden liking i took to the future queen of Terrasen. And so i walked over to her and then we both talking on our victory made our way to the fortress where people were celebrating the victory with ale and we both gossiped about the battle looking like centuries old friends-
"Oh my , Whitethorn and Galathynius you both look like an old married couple." Vaughan said gaining a few chuckles from my so called friends who would continuously bother me about today well except Gavriel, the male was too nice and looked concerned for mine and Aelin's safety, After all he was her uncle .
"Oh shut up Vaughan don't act like i haven't noticed you and Conall cuddling , after a tough day and well it is your routine and the secret glances and hugs ." Lorcan uttered.
"Hahaha look who's talking , it is the male who is wrapped around the finger of a human woman." Conall retorted.

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