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"the reason of your happiness yesterday maybe the reason of your pain today, but nonetheless don't let your smile vanish because there is still tomorrow"

It's ironical that the person who made you laugh your heart out, made you smile from ear to ear, is also the one who will cause you to bawl your eyes out. It is said that the one who made us happy can also be the cause of our hardest heartache. Sometimes it's frightening to let a peeson so attached to you because you also gave them the power to hurt you, but it is still amazing to ket other's help you and guide you, maybe he/she isn't still the right one for you but still be thankful because he/she isn't made you a better version of yourself. Sometimes change can make you realize that we still have many things to learn, some things are learned in a hard way but nonetheless every experience teaches us a life long lesson.

To the one who is hurt and is hurting, just smile and be thankful for all the things, may it be good or bad but still it helps you become a better version of yourself.

I wrote this when he started to court someone. The pain is still fresh but i can't just sit and bawl because i know that i can make it with the help of a prayer and my family. This is actually my firts entry in my notebook.

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