Chapter Four- Lets Train Together

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"Train with me."

"What?" Nash asks as he looks up from his phone.We're sitting in our last class together and it's easily becoming my favourite class. Not only is Nash in it, but so is Kayla, Noah, and Carston. The desks are paired in two and today I chose to sit next to Nash.  We're half way threw the week and it's almost the end of the day so the teacher has given us some time to work on our homework.

"Train with me," I repeat. "You fight and so do I, so why don't we train together?"

I try to sound as calm as possible, when really I'm crazy nervous about asking him. I'm not really sure how Nash feels about me. Some times it's like we're actually friends and others it's like he is barely tolerating me. He's the only one out of our group of friends that really knows me and being around him makes me feel a little lighter.


"Wait, really?" I can't believe that he actually agreed. I thought like everything else with him that this would be an argument and I would bug him until he gives in.

"If you thought I would say no then why did you ask?" he laughs. This is the first time I've really heard him laugh, and at something that I said! My heart feels like it could explode.

"Well I thought you'd start with no but I'd wear you down with my charm and beauty," I grin and he rolls his eyes, turning his attention back to his phone. A few minutes later the bell rings and we pack up our stuff. We wait for our friends before leaving the room. As we leave the school together Kayla suggests we all get ice cream. We're entering the parking lot when Noah and I get into a fight over which ice cream is the better flavour.

"It's mint Oreo!"

"Cookie dough!" I knock my shoulder with his and we start to laugh.

"Mint Oreo!"

"Cookie dough! Carston back me up!"

I suddenly stop walking as I see someone leaning against our car, this causes everyone else to stop too. It can't be.

"Is that who I think it is?" Asks Carston. That's all I need to hear. I start running toward the car, unable to help myself. Once we reach each other he pulls me into his arms. Cade. I hold onto him, practically melting in his arms.

"Chloe, Chloe, Chloe," he's saying my name so softly that I barely hear him. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"I know," I whisper back. I pull away from him just as the others join us. I keep holding onto his arm as if he will just disappear. Noah and Kayla look curious about him and Carston looks happy to see him. Nash isn't bothering to hide his dislike for Cade, since he is out right glaring at him. Cade looks surprised to see me with so many people.

"Are you going to introduce us to your friend?" Kayla asks. I make the introductions and Carston excuses himself to head home since he knows Cade will drive me. I feel a sense of dread that part of my two worlds are colliding. I then inform my friends that Cade and I have some things to do and they don't complain.

"We can do ice cream tomorrow," Kayla suggests.

"Sounds perfect," I smile and as I walk past Noah he grabs my hand, giving it a quick squeeze. He doesn't know exactly who Cade is or what's going on but he's showing me his support. I stop next to Nash, who looks incredibly pissed off.

"Pick me up at eight," I say softly. He looks a little surprised that I would still want to train but nods his head anyway. I know Cade heard and will more then likely ask me about it later. We get into Cade's car and sit for a moment in silence.

"You look happy," he states.

"Yeah, I guess I am. I mean, I'm still working threw a lot but for the most part I've been happier," I tell him.  "Let's head to my place," I suggest. I give him directions to my house. The car ride is mostly silent and when we get to my house I notice my dad is home. We walk past him in the kitchen and he raises as eyebrow at me and I just shrug in response.

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