Chapter Six- In the ring

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"Okay, so I can pick you up around one tomorrow so we can go to the mall and do some shopping!" Kayla informs me at our lunch table. The guys have joined us and are talking about some show they watched the other night. It's all normal until Carston joins us at our table. He eyes each of the guys suspiciously and by the time I realize what he's going to say it's too late.

"I don't know which one of you guys are sneaking into my sisters room at night but I promise that if you hurt her, I will kill you."

Before anyone can say anything he gets up, leaving the table. I do everything I can not to look straight to Nash because that would be a dead giveaway. James just looks a little surprised, probably more from Carstons threat. Noah is a mixture of surprised and hurt? Finally Nash is doing his best to not look interested at all.

"Relax boys, it was only me!" Kayla laughs. I can't believe she is covering for me. "I had a little bit of an emergency and I needed Chloe's advice."

"Actually speaking of which, can I talk to you again about my emergency?" Kayla asks me and I have no choice but to go with her. I gather my stuff and we leave the cafeteria. Stupid Carston acting like a big brother. We find a spot to sit outside under one of the big trees.

"It was Nash," I tell her before she even asks. Her eyes widen and shock is written all over her face. Kayla is one of my friends and I need to start putting my trust in her like she does with me.

"Nash?! Why was he there?" She asks. "I figured you and Noah had something going on but wanted to keep it quiet!"

"There is nothing going on with either of them! Nash just knew I was having a rough day and he came by to check on me." I explain to her. I almost feel like I can tell her about my problems. Maybe one day soon.

"Well...that's sweet of him," she finally says. Her green eyes look thoughtful. I have the urge to blurt out everything to her. "Who would have guessed he had it in him."

"He made me promise that I not tell anyone how sweet he actually is," I laugh. I feel happy to know the side of him that nobody else knows.

"Of course he did," she rolls her eyes. "And you don't feel anything?"

"No...I mean he's my friend and Noah's my friend. I don't want anything to change with them,"  my voice sounds small. "And I'm just not ready for anything yet since I'm still not over Cade..."

"I get it. No need to rush anything," she grins and it warms me instantly.

"God, leave it to Carston to cause a scene!" I laugh, I can't believe he did that, I'm so going to kill him!

"Don't worry, I don't think anyone noticed and the guys were clueless."

I wish I could be as easygoing as Kayla is. Her smile, her laugh, and her beauty, just came to naturally to her. I would be lost without Kayla. She easily moves on to the next topic and we slowly make our way to our next class.


"Okay, so I didn't exactly tell Noah that you would be joining us tonight," Nash tells me as I slide into the passenger seat. I had taken more time then I would have liked to while getting ready. I had chosen a light coloured pair of jeans and a black lace bralette crop top. I curled my hair so it fell in loose curls down my back and I added a cute pair of black high tops. I'm not sure why I wanted to look cute for tonight, but I had gone with the feeling.

"Will he be mad?" I ask, I can't see him being mad at me for anything. Nash turns to look at me and he stares at me a long moment before saying anything. "What's wrong? Do I look okay?"

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