Chapter 1- I'm not a little girl

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I can honestly say my whole life has been completely turned upside down. Since my brother passed away three and a half months ago in a car accident and my dad decided that my other brother and I needed a fresh start. So a week before our senior year was to start, we had to pack up our lives and move to a new town. This might not have been so bad, but for me, I  was leaving behind everything I ever knew. 17 years of my life. My childhood home. My boyfriend.

  The week had flown by in a blur of packing, moving and unpacking. It's been a complete mess but dad insisted we be here for the first day of school. I'm unsure how to feel about attending a new school. It'll be nice not to have everyone talking about my life. I'm sure Carston will fit right in, he's always been the social one out of the two of us. Everyone always seemed to love the caption of the football team but no one ever seemed too crazy about the defensive, sarcastic, boxer.

I finish curling my hair and run my fingers lightly over the loose blond curls.  I take one last glance in the mirror, I have on a simple pair of black skinny jeans, a grey Nike pullover sweater, and a pair of converse. Nothing flashy. I want to be able to go through school unnoticed.

"Chloe lets go!" Carston yells from downstairs. I grab my stuff and hurry to meet him. Carston is waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. I hold back a small laugh when I see what he is wearing. A pair of dark jeans and a grey t-shirt. With his blond hair and matching green eyes, we couldn't look more like twins. We really need to plan our outfits ahead.

The drive to the school is pretty quick and we arrive early. We get our class schedules and are shown to our lockers. With not much else to do I grab my books and set off by myself to find my first class since Carston has a different one. Walking down the hall I can't help but feel very alone. No one here knows me. No one is stopping to whisper or send me a pitying look. I'm so lost in thought that I'm so startled when someone bumps right into me.

"Watch where the fuck you're going," a voice growls at me. My eyes snap toward the voice. The guy is a lot taller then me, with a muscular build. His brown hair sets off his blue eyes and he's giving off major bad boy vibes. I've never been the type of person to back down. All of the anger I've been feeling rushes to the surface and I turn to face him, placing a hand on my hip.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," he smirks. This is new, no one at my old school would have dared to start a fight with me. Hitting things is what I trained to do. Without even thinking I place my hands on him and give him a shove. He looks surprised but then chuckles.

"Want to repeat that?" I demand.

"I'm not going to fight a little girl," he laughs.

I'm not even sure what really happened next. I hear Carston yell my name from somewhere in the crowd of onlookers but it's already to late. Pulling my arm back, I punch this guy right in the jaw. He stumbles back a little bit and he looks pissed. He takes a step toward me, almost like he wants to hit me back but, before he can do anything one of his friends grabs him by the arm, making him stop. Carston reaches me before I can do anymore damage.

"I'm not a little girl!" I yell at the guy as Carston drags me away. I glance back toward the guy, his friend is still holding him and his hair is falling into his eyes. He's watching me and when he meets my gaze he smirks. People move out of our way, staring at us and whispering.

I can't believe she hit Nash!

Shes lucky he didn't hit back!

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