Chapter Nine- Me and You

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Its thursday afternoon and I'm on my way home from school when arms wrap around my waist, lifting me into the air and over someone's shoulder. I let out a small scream until I realize who it is.

"Noah, put me down!" I pound his back with my first. I was so ready to enjoy my one free night this week just relaxing at home.

"Change of plans, sweetie." He says, carrying me toward his car. "And I like the view." I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. I let out a loud groan so he knows just how I feel.

"I want to go home," I complain loudly. We reach the car and he dumps me into the passenger seat before sliding behind the steering wheel.

"You're coming to my home," he smiles. We pull out of the school parking lot and he starts driving in the direction of his house. "We can watch movies or something."

"Okay, fine fine."

"You'll have fun, I promise."

Noah holds true to his promise and I am having a good time. Since his mom is home tonight, we're hanging out in his room watching a movie and eating pizza. Although we've been talking more then watching the movie. I love getting to spend this time with Noah, he's truly become one of my closest friends here.

"How did you eat so much pizza?" Noah accuses me, looking at the empty pizza box.

"Are you calling me fat?" I say, faking outrage. Noah looks panicked and at a loss for words.

"What? No! Of course not!" He blurts out.

"Calm down, I'm kidding, you jerk!" I laugh, grabbing a pillow and hitting him with it.

"Oh it's on!"

And just like that were in the middle of a pillow fight. I do my best to get as many hits in as possible. Laughing he finally breaks through my defences and tackles me down onto the bed. I let out a scream followed by a laugh. Just as quickly as the pillow fight started things turn serious.

His hands are warm on my bare waist, he moves one arm so he can support himself and not have all of his weight on me. His face is just a few inches above mine and our eyes lock, neither of us moving. My heart is pounding like crazy. I don't know what to do.

He's going to kiss me.

Oh my God.

What do I do?

Just as his lips brush mine, I start to turn my head away.

It isn't Nashton.

And then, as if the situation couldn't get any worse, the bedroom door is pushed open, startling us both.

"Oh! Sorry!" James says quickly, backing out of the doorway pushing whoever is behind him back and slamming the door. Noah lets out a small sigh and rolls off of me. I quickly sit up, trying to gather my thoughts.

"You can come in!" Noah calls out. The door opens again but more slowly this time. James sticks his head in first making sure Noah wasn't lying. James and Nash enter the room, quickly finding a place to sit.

"Sorry to interrupt," James says, looking sheepish. "We thought you might want to hangout...we didn't know you had Chloe over."

"It's okay, we were just watching a movie." I say softly. Nash hasn't said anything and he's avoiding looking at me. The look on Noah's face says he could have gone without his friends interrupting us but he's too nice to say anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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