Chapter Seven- Lets Party

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I can't believe I let Kayla drag me to the mall, it's crowded and loud. I'm not a fan of shopping and I'm even less of a fan of crowds. They make me feel trapped and anxious. Kayla pulls me into this cute dress store and is piling outfits into my arms for me to try on. It's crazy and overwhelming, but I made a promise to myself to try. I want to have a fun and honest friendship with Kayla.

"Okay, this is a good start, let's go try them on!" Kayla announces, a giant grin on her face. She pushes me into a changing room, giving me instructions on which clothes to try on first.

I try on a few dresses but none of them really look all that good on. The fourth outfit is a pair of black skinny jeans and a white bralette crop top with an very open back. getting tired but when I slide this one on, I pause as I look in the mirror. This one is actually incredibly cute. It actually makes me look hot. I leave the change room to show Kayla. Her eyes widen as she takes me in.

"Oh wow, Chloe you look hot!" She exclaims, eying me up and down. "With a cute pair of heels you'll look incredible!"

"Heels agin?" I ask wearily.

"They'll make you're legs look fantastic," she nods. I sigh, running my hands over the jeans. It's similar to what I wore last night but this top is a little more revealing. I remember how Noah reacted to it and I can't help but blush."You have to buy it!"

"Okay, I'll get it," I concede. She lets out an excited squeal and I retreat back to the changing room.

After changing back into my clothes we work on finding Kayla a dress. We try a few different stores before she finally decides on a cute grey party dress. Once she buys the dress we can finally leave the mall. It's already early evening so we stop at McDonald's to grab some supper. By the time we get back to my house we only have a couple of hours to get ready,

We curl each other's hair and I even let her do my makeup for me. Carston lays on my bed, watching the process and making small talk. I have to admit, I kind of miss spending all of my time with my brother. Moving has not only changed me, but him too and I'm glad he's happy here. He's going to the party too but doesn't need to put as much time into getting ready as we do.

"I can't believe you're actually wearing makeup," Carston grins and I throw a pillow at him.

"Yeah, well wait until you see what I'm wearing," I laugh. Kayla finishes up my make up and she starts to work on her own. I go into the bathroom to change into thd clothes. When I walk back into my room, Carston sits straight up on the bed with wide eyes.

"No! No. You are not wearing that!" He exclaims, shaking his head. Kayla laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Relax, it's fine."

"There's hardly anything covering you waist up!" He cries out.

"Don't be so dramatic," I sigh. He's always been protective of me but it's gotten even worse since Brandon passed away. I lock eyes with him, hoping to get my message across. "Im a big girl, I can handle myself."

"Chloe..." He sighs, running a hand threw his hair. "Okay, fine. You win."

"Thanks Carston," I grin. I start digging threw some boxes in search of a pair of heels to wear. I find a cute pair of strappy heels to match. Kayla finishes up her makeup and changes into her dress.

"All ready," she announces. "Ready to go? Are you coming with us?" She directs her last question to Carston.

"Thanks but I'm getting a ride with some friends."

With that Kayla and I leave the house. Kayla drives us over to the house and I can't help but feel a little nervous. Although the last one turned out good, I'm still worried that something could happen. I almost always have a constant fear of something bad happening and for some reason the feeling is even worse tonight. Kayla parks the car about a half a block away.

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