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Johnson's POV
What happened? One minuet, i'm trying to warn her about Cameron the Dick and the next, she fell off a ladder!
"Johnson! What the hell did you do?!" Gilinsky screamed as he ran into the living room. And Cameron was right behind him. I went down on my knees and supported her head.
"I didn't do anything! She fell off the ladder!" I protested
"The ladder YOU were holding still?!" Cameron fired at me.
"What the hell do you care?! You don't give a damn about Ashlyn!!" I screamed at him.
"BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! Johnson, pick her up! Cameron, go call an ambulance! And i'm going to call my mom and at least tell he what happened." Gilinsky said as he walked out of the room. I looked at Ashlyn. I feel like she was going to be cold. I carried her up the stairs and carefully put on the hoodie that was on her bed already. After it was on her i saw that it said "Johnson's Girl" on the front. I smiled and looked that she was still wearing shorts. I went and grabbed some pants and carried her downstairs. I'm not changing her shorts. Her leg looks extremely swollen so i'll wait for Doctor's orders.
_________At the Hospital_______
Cameron, thankfully, had gone home and me and Gilinsky sat in the waiting area of the hospital.
"So what the hell happened that she fell off the ladder, Johnson?" He asked me, his voice cracking. I sighed and told him everything that happened. "I don't trust him, Gilinsky. He's known for knocking up girls and then bailing. I'm not letting that happen to Ash." I said as a tear slipped from my eye. Gilinsky looked at me with a serious look in his eye. "Johnson, why do you care so much about my sister? You have a girlfriend." I sighed and looked down at my hands. "Yes i have a girlfriend, i know that. But Ashlyn is my best gal friend. She's like my sister." I look back up at him. "It's like i need her... I can't explain it, but i do." I finished with a sigh. Gilinsky stood up and motioned for me to stand up as well. He brought me in for a hug and i hugged him back. As soon as we finished our hug and sat down. A doctor walked out of Ashlyn's room and we instantly stood back up.
"Is she going to be alright?" Gilinsky asked and i looked at the doctor, to see if i could tell what he was going to say before he said it. "Well... She broke her right leg and she hurt her left arm and head pretty bad, but she'll be alright. She just needs to rest right now." I sighed and saw Gilinsky's shoulders slump in relief. "Can we see her now?" i asked the doctor and he nodded. Gilinsky followed the doctor and i followed Gilinsky. The doctor opened the door and said "i'll let you have your time. Please call me or a nurse if you have any concerns."  And with that, he walked out and closed the door behind him. I looked back into the room. Gilinsky is sitting next to Ashlyn's bed and holding her hand. i've never seen him so hurt or sad. "Gilinsky, it's okay dude, it's not like she's going to die."  He nodded and look up at me. "Jack, i was going to let her come on our very first tour with us, but i don't think she'll be able to come now..." his voice trailed off. i sighed. "and her soccer team..." i said. I looked at her. Hooked up to all these wires and machines. I'm glad the doctor didn't;t say she had a major head injury or anything like that. After opening up to her earlier this week, i don't think i could talk to anyone else about that. i looked at Gilinsky. "How about this, you stay with her in the day time, and i stay with her at night. That way, we both get sleep and we both spend time with her?" i suggested. He nodded. "Since it's night time, how about you go back home and get us something like food, pillows, blankets, etc, and i'll stay with her and if she wakes up, i'll text you." He nodded and went to the door. I sighed and sat where Gilinsky was. I held her hand and simply watched her. My mind wondered to what Gilinsky was asking me earlier. Do i like her? No, i'm dating her best friend, Kaelyn. I DO NOT have feelings for Ashlyn. She's nothing more than a sister. i thought with a sigh. "But what if i do?" i asked myself.

"what if i actually do like Ashlyn? what if that's why i got jealous when Cameron was the one to spend all night with her?" I looked at her as a tear slipped out of my eye. "what if i was supposed to ask her to out party and now that i didn't, she'll never be mine..." i put my head into my arms and started crying.

what if i've lost her for good?



Yay! i actually updated fairly quickly! again, if you've read my last update post, i'm trying to cram in as much stuff as i can before Christmas so i can have a cute Christmas chapter. and i have a pretty cute/dramatic plot. ANYWAYS i am going to go work on my other stories and hopefully i'll get more muse to write another chapter today :) 

Later Geeks


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