《Bunny x Doggy》

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《Third Person POV》

Doggy looked up at the sky, sighing as he leaned on the railing. 

Bunny walked behind him, wrapping her wings around him and earning a smile from the touch of them.

Bunny had gained angel wings from becoming infected and eventually dying from it. How she's on earth right now is another story and far beyond anybody knowledge,

"You okay, Doggy?" She asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Doggy nodded,

"I'm just worried about Y/n..." he mumbled, looking down at the ground. Bunny nodded,

"I'm sure they're fine..." she reassured, walking next to him,

"If you say so..." doggy whispered, leaning his head on top of hers. Bunny chuckled,

"I know so"

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