You're My 'Perfect Stranger'!. - Chapter 1

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She was looking for fun. Random meaningless fun. It was why she had said yes to her friend's invitation to go clubbing tonight.

And yet as she stood leaning against the bar with a martini glass in her hand, faking one last small smile to the man who was trying to ask her to dance, she realized that fun was the only thing missing from her night thus far.

Ironic, because she was doing everything that had summarized the word fun for her - things she knew would usually cheer her up.

There was dancing, shouting, laughing with her now drunk friends, endless flirting and plenty of alcohol to lighten her mood. And yet that feeling she was searching for seemed to be eluding her regardless of all her fervent effort. It all seemed vain, empty. Almost as empty as her heart.

With a huff, she placed the glass on the bar and texted her friend that she was leaving. The group was dancing so she figured they'd see her message sooner or later and she was too lazy to hustle her way through the sweaty crowd to tell them in person.

I'm not even drunk, she thought regretfully to herself as she walked out of the noisy club.

Pulling her jacket closer to ward off the chilly night wind, she was about to hail a cab when she noticed someone standing alone under the street light, away from the crowd.

She looked around, trying to find a group that the person could have belonged to. When she found none, she decided that the person was probably waiting for someone else, a friend or a lover maybe.

She was about to turn her head in the opposite direction when the corner of her eye caught movements.

The person shifted, adjusted her jacket and flipped her long light-brown hair.

A woman? Alone? Here? At this hour?

Her eyebrows went up in question, observing this woman until the latter turned her head and their eyes met.

She wasn't one to blatantly stare at strangers like this but those brown eyes captivated her. There was a glint to them that she found mysterious yet familiar at the same time. A look that she felt like she had seen somewhere before although she wasn't sure where. Not in the people she was close with like family or friends, and certainly not in those she allowed the privilege of entertaining or satisfying her.

She wondered whether that woman found her just as strange, especially since neither of them seemed to want to look away.

The thought had barely left her mind when she saw her extending her hand out into the street.

She was puzzled for a second until she sensed bright lights coming up from behind her. She turned around to see a cab pulling over right in front of the woman.

The door was pulled open but the stranger didn't go in. She kept her eyes on her, and after what felt like ten minutes, her lips finally moved.

"Do you want to share?"

She must be out of her mind. Sharing cabs with strangers in the middle of the night? In front of a nightclub? Is she suicidal? Or is she some deranged psycho that preys on innocent unsuspecting women like me? But she's too pretty and cute to be a psycho. Heck, I'm even willing to bet that she's just a college student judging by her-...

Weren't Falling InLove At Each Glance? You're My 'Perfect Stranger'!.Where stories live. Discover now