You're My 'Perfect Stranger'!. - Chapter 4

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Her head hurt the next day but not bad enough to stop her from going to work albeit half a day late.

Irene had spent the night, that much she knew. The spot next to her was still warm when her alarm woke her up.

She was pretty sure they did nothing because she opened her eyes to find herself tucked under the blanket, wearing her pajamas and with her phone neatly charged on the nightstand.

The most surprising thing though, was the lone cupcake next to her phone.

She remembered 'I's weird question after their second meeting about her favorite dessert but didn't understand why that treat was there. Especially since she knew that she hadn't given her any answer.

'I' didn't leave a message or an explanation - not even in the note app in her phone.

"What's with the cupcake?"

She messaged her on the way to work.

No reply came and by the end of her day, she swore that she would really slap her the next time she saw her.

If there was one thing she hated, it would be the push-and-pull game. Unless she was the one doing the pushing and pulling, of course.

When someone tried to do it to her, she'd leave him before he could even blink.

She wanted to do the same to this renene but, like last night had miserably proven, she just couldn't.

Pathetic, she scolded herself as she slammed her car door shut.

She was about to walk towards her gate when she noticed that silver Mercedes she had come to know well by now.

The luxurious car door opened and out stepped 'I'.

She scoffed and walked on, ignoring her, still feeling pissed that her message was left unanswered all day long.

She knew that the other person was following her quietly, through the gate then the front door. How she wished she could yell at her and tell her to go away but that little, inexplicable part of her heart was secretly happy and excited to see her 'I' again.

Sensing the eyes watching from the bedroom door, she decided to have a little fun and get the upper hand this time. Maybe even revenge.

Forget slapping her. Let's make her suffer a bit instead.

She dropped her bag onto the carpet, pulled her hair up in a ponytail - displaying the back of her neck on purpose - and let it down again casually, stretching as if no one was there.

Her hands then began unbuttoning the loose top she was wearing and took it off.

She cast the shirt aside before strolling towards her walk-in closet, discarding her jeans along the way.

After she had grabbed a towel, she walked out again, expecting to see her 'I' still standing at the door, staring at her.

But there was no one there.

"Where the she-..."

She rushed out of the bedroom to find that woman, temporarily forgetting the fact that she was only clad in her tank top and underwear. Her irritation had reached its peak and any intention to tease 'I' had vanished, replaced by the pure urge to inflict some physical damage to the strange lady.

Weren't Falling InLove At Each Glance? You're My 'Perfect Stranger'!.Where stories live. Discover now