Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

There was nothing really useful I had contributed with in the meeting. Just telling how I managed to escape wasn't anything that could lead to Rayna and Sarah. Ryan was still at the meeting, but I had asked to leave because talking about it for too long was just too difficult for me. He reluctantly agreed and wanted to leave with me, but I assured I would be fine. The pack house was safe, especially now with extra security after I got back.

I was sitting in the living room, trying to focus on whatever cheesy reality show was on, but I don't think I really cared at all. There was just something I thought about, but couldn't really make sense of that bugged me. It was clear that my stepmom Janine hated me, but I thought it was me alone, not that she was against human mates in general. Since my father was human and they were mates, how on earth could she be wrapped up with an organization who had the goal of getting rid of human mates? After talking with Ryan and he revealed to me what they were, I thought I finally understood where her hatred came from, not that I agree with it, but I still understood. I thought that was it, but now I wonder if there is more to the story.

Oh how I wish I had dad or even mom here right now. Just a parent who I trusted to talk too. Don't get me wrong, everyone here is very welcoming, but I still don't know everyone that well. It will take some time before I can fully get rid of my walls and just let myself be a part of the family.

"Hey, what's going on with you? I thought you were at the meeting thing?" Amber said as she found her way here and sat down beside me.

"I was, I just left early" I said and gave her a weak smile.

"You're saying that as if it's an explanation" She answered.

I sighed; "I just don't have any way to help except share my story, so after that I left. I just don't like talking about it. I just wish I knew what was really going on" I answered.

"What do you mean, I thought you knew already, about the whole organization thing" She answered.

"I mean about Janine. Think about it. My dad was her mate, and he was human. How can she of all things be wrapped up with people wanting to get rid of people like us. I could understand why she hated me, but now...I just feel like I'm missing an important piece. Something just doesn't feel right." I answered.

"Maybe she doesn't work with them, maybe she just did that one time to get back at you. She may not hate human mates in general, but hate that you are one. Think about it, if you hate a person so much as she does, watching them get a happy ending really makes you lose any sense of logic, especially if she had hopes for one of her daughters to end up with Ryan instead" She answered.

"I guess you're right" I said, but I still had the feeling in the back of my head that something wasn't right about that.

I decided to change the subject as it wouldn't lead to anything good thinking about it further; "So what do you think about Jake?" I asked her.

Her cheeks turned a light shade of red; "You know what, I don't know. I mean...he's weird" She said.

I let out a little surprised laughter; "Weird? How so?" I asked.

"I dunno'...I mean I never expected to get a call saying you went missing, finding you on the road in the middle of the night and then meet my supposed soulmate in the time span of 24 hours. And...I don't know if jumping into a relationship is what I want to do right now, but he's just so...acting like we're already together" She answered.

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