Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


"He's lying to you Cindy."

Those were one of the few words Amber had told me. At first I didn't understand who or what she was talking about, then she sat down with me and told me everything.

"I'm so sorry, even I lied to you earlier." She said.

I knew she and Jake were acting suspicious but I thought that was all cleared up. "Ryan cleared it up so it's all good, don't worry about it" I said and gave her a small smile.

She sighed and shook her head; "No, that was the lie Cindy, and he called us all in later to tell us the lie he told to be the cover story in case you asked again" She answered.

"What?" I uttered. That didn't sound like something he would do at all. He literally looked me right in the eye and promised me that was the truth, and that there were no more secrets. "Wait a minute, you said us? Did you mean you and Jake or are more people involved in whatever this is?" I asked.

She took my hand and looked at me carefully; "What I am about to tell you is huge, and I promise you I am here for you" She said.

"A while ago...Ryan found out about someone who are possibly involved in the organization" she started telling. "Cindy...that person is almost for sure you mother" She said.

I just blinked, not sure if I had heard correctly. "That was the big secret, we all thought Janine had something to do with it" I answered.

"Not Janine, your real mother" She said.

"Uhm...Amber, you know my mom passed, what the hell are you on?" I asked.

"The truth Cindy, I swear to you I am not lying, but Ryan is. He found out weeks ago, all by coincidence. He investigated Janine and her connections with your dad being human and all, and he came across a picture from a surveillance camera, I don't know the whole process, but he think that person looked a lot like your mother. He remembered from the picture you brought with you" She explained.

Disappointment surged through me; "Look, a picture from a surveillance camera? Someone who look like her? That picture is old, and there are billions of people walking the planet, of course someone look like her" I answered, feeling a bit angry that something like this was even up for discussion.

"Cindy, I've seen several pictures of her since Janine didn't destroy all of them after all, but this person doesn't just look like her. It's her, just older. You can clearly see it, the shape of the nose, chin, it is her, I am sure of it" She said.

My heart started beating faster; "Amber, I am going to say it again. It can't be her, my mom is dead, I know that" I answered.

"Hey, look at me. You know me, and you know for sure I would've never brought this up if I thought there was a chance I was wrong. I would never have done that to you, but this time I know. It's a little hard to see but she even has that little birthmark near her eye" She said.

I knew deep down she would never have brought something like this to the surface if there was doubt, but with the certainty and description she gave made me believe she could be right. I didn't know how I felt in that moment. "I...but...she died. Dad told me, he wouldn't have lied about that, he just wouldn't!" I yelled.

"Maybe he didn't, maybe you mom...faked it. I don't know how or what happened, but she is alive Cindy, I swear to you she is" She said.

I couldn't help it anymore, the tears spilled over. It was so much I wasn't even sure what upset me the most. The fact that Ryan lied to me so easily, what he lied about or the fact my own mother may have faked her death and been alive all these years. All these years I suffered through hell because I didn't have a family. And if she really was out there, must mean even she didn't love me.

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