Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I have no idea why he kept calling and showing up here, like he went out of his way to be friends, with me, the most closed off girl there ever was. I can't possibly understand why, I was the most boring girl ever. I had waited the whole day until I was done with my chores and the others were asleep before calling him. I had told him I would text him, but for some reason I felt like calling.

I punched in his number and pressed call. A small part of me was hoping he wouldn't answer, so I could just go to sleep and not worry about sneaking out. There was always a chance I would be busted. I held the phone to my ear, and was lost in thoughts so I forgot to answer when he picked up. "Hey, I was starting to think you had forgotten about me" he joked. "Hello?" he asked.

I cleared my throat; "Yeah hey, sorry, I was just spacing out. Sorry if it's too late, but I didn't have time before now" I answered.

"It's okay, no need to apologize, so do you think maybe we could meet now, at our usual diner?" he asked.

I hesitated; "I can try, but I'll be walking so it'll take some time" I answered, biting my lip as I looked out the window. It had gone completely dark out now.

"I'll meet you on the way" he quickly said.

I frowned; "You don't have to, I'll be fine" I answered.

"I insist. Look, I just don't think anyone should walk outside alone in the dark" he answered.

"Fine, I'll be going now, see you in a bit" I answered. I grabbed my washed out black hoodie and put it on, placing my cellphone in the left pocket, zipping it up. I had some experience now sneaking out of the house unnoticed. I just made sure to close the door silently behind me to not wake anyone up.

The night air was crisp and cold but refreshing. I hugged myself as I started walking. It's so weird to think I'm actually going to meet a friend, one who is not Amber. Besides her, I had no one at all. But I'm not stupid, whatever friendship I have with Ryan is something that I know will not last. I know that sooner rather than later, my life will be like usual and he will be gone. Once he discovers what a disaster I am, he'll make a run for it.


He had actually met me on the way like he said and walked with me on the rest of the way to the diner. I had expected him to decide against it after all, and just call me to say he was waiting for me there, but he kept his word.

He had even insisted on paying for my order again, and even made sure I ate something in case I hadn't today. I silently thanked him, since I had in fact only been eating scraps to say it lightly, for breakfast. I don't know why, but it sees like I've been given less and less food lately. Something has changed, and not for the better and I have no idea why.

"So you said you wanted to talk to me about something? Was I something specific or just normal talk?" I asked, chewing on a french fry.

"More specific actually" he said, and he looked nervous for some reason.

"Okay, well, I'm all ears, so fire away" I answered and concentrated on the food also.

"Here when you were at the dance, did you notice something strange, or out of place at all?" He asked. Wow, he was really obsessed with that dance for some reason. I have no idea why it was such a big deal.

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