Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


12 hours earlier

The date with Ryan had been amazing. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Which is why I was tossing and turning in bed right now, trying to catch some sleep, but I wasn't tired at all. I sighed frustrated, why couldn't I just fall asleep? I pulled the covers aside and sat up. I quickly put on some baby pink sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I had to go down and make some tea or something, maybe that'll help. I quickly unplugged my phone from the charger and took it with me. I have a habit of always having my phone on me. I quietly stepped downstairs and found myself in the kitchen at 3 am. I looked through the cupboards for tea mugs and tea itself. I wasn't so well orientated here yet since Ryan always made breakfast and such for me. But I eventually found some sort of herbal tea, a mug and sugar.

Tea was one of the easiest things in the entire world to make, so it didn't take long before it was finished. I sat down by the kitchen island and surfed a little on my phone. I had thought about calling or texting Amber lately, but I wasn't sure what to say. I knew Ryan said I could maybe tell her eventually, but I'm sure that time wasn't right now. Bit I could always send her a short text, to let her know I am okay.

I took a sip of my tea as I started typing.

Hey! I'm so sorry I've been MIA, life's been crazy lately, but in a good way. I'm certain leaving with Ryan was the best decision I ever made. I just wanted to let you know I am okay. I will give you a call in the morning 😊

I pressed send. Hopefully she sees it in the morning. It went about 10 seconds before my phone started ringing, with Amber's name on the display.

Surprised, I quickly accepted the call. "Amber-" I started saying.

"You call me in the morning? You left town with some mysterious kind of guy, sends me a text what, like a week later, sends me a text at 3 am and think I won't call immediately?" She spoke so quickly I almost missed what she was saying, but I got the gist.

"Hey, I didn't think you were awake right now, it's really late...or early, depends on how you're looking at it" I answered.

"Well, I am, got caught up on some show on Netflix" She answered.

Of course she did. "I'm sorry I haven't contacted you yet, like I mentioned in the text, life's been crazy. It's like a whole new world to settle in, but I'm really happy here" I said.

"Come on girl, you gotta give me more details than that!" She complained.

"It's not really much to-" I started saying, but stopped mid-sentence when I heard a sound coming from outside.

"What, not much what?" She asked,

"Hold on for a sec, I heard a weird sound" I answered as I walked over to the window and looked outside, but I couldn't find anything out of place.

I decided to forget about it and was thinking of heading back upstairs when I heard the sound again. I went over to the door and stepped outside this time. I went down from the porch and took a quick look in all directions, but didn't think of going any further since I was barefoot. Still nothing. I shrugged it off and turned around, and it was then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I placed my hand on the back of my head and could feel the blood. The world was spinning and I soon fell to the ground. I tried grabbing for my phone which I had dropped on the ground somewhere, and I think my hand found the surface of it in the bushes, but it was too late as I blacked out. The last sound I heard was the sound of someone smashing my phone, like they were stomping on it.

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