truth or dare part 4

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Hiya guys it's DA author here but ya can call mah random hooman or potato -3- some how I made a mistake sooo vision and Tony ended up getting two turns instead of one but don't mind it  -w-

"So Anthony" vision said almost smirking at this plan. "Dare" Tony said instantly. "Ohohoho feisty today, aren't we?" Vision said with a smile. "Ok then I dare atleast one of your iron man suits." The room went dead silent. " wouldnt...." Tony said. "Yea your right I'm not that cruel" vision said Tony sighed in relief. "Now this is the real dare..." vision said with a sturn voice. "I dare you to jump off the roof...and if you scream you would have to go again...." Tony went pale. "V-vizh?" Wanda asked. "Yea snowflake?" He replied. " have issues" Sam said. With out missing a heart beat vision said "don't we all Samuel?" He said with a smirk. "Come on tony...Dare time" vision said as the group followed him. It was cold outside due to the ran that fell this morning (im Jamaica and it was raining and it's cold now ;w;) Wanda got a little closer to her lover,signifying that she was cold. In response to this vision raised his body temperature. "Come on Tony, jump" vision told him. "Ugh fine- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" his sentence was cut off when vision push him off the building. "TONY!!" pepper yelled. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND VISION!?!?!?!" She screamed. "Relax pepper I have a bounge rope attached to him,plus it was a dare" he said. "O-oh sorry for yelling",she said embarrassed. "No it's alright" he gave her a smile. "He screamed he gotta go again!" Clint said. "Yup" vision said gladly. He pulled up the rope with a force to yank Tony all the way up into the air,and pulled him back on the roof. "!" Tony's mumbling was cut off again when he got pushed off the roof one more time,this time vision kicked him off. "Again!" STEVE shouted. "Yup!" Vision said. Once again he pulled Tony back tot he roof. "Dude....I'm gonna puke..." Tony muttered. "Good" vision Said with a devish smirk on his face. He pushed Tony off again, this time he didn't have enough time to scream. "Oops!" Vision said as he let go off the rope. "VISION ARE YOU OUTTA YOUR MIND!?!?!" Sam yelled. "Yup" vision said as he left wanda's side and jumped off the building him self. (Keep in mind that VISION was in his human disguise so he didn't have his powers so when he jumped he couldn't fly instantly) "VIZH!?!?" Wanda shrieked. Mean while vision was basically free falling in the air, he turned from his human disguise into his original skin and his super suit, catching a falling Tony out of the air. He went back to the roof with a shaken Tony in his arms.  "YOU JERK YOU SCARED ME!!" Wanda yelled as she went to hug  vision, pepper ran to Tony

~back inside cuz I'm too lazy ->- ~

"Alright my turn" steve said, "Loki truth or da-" "dare" Loki said blankly. "I dare you to stab me" steve said, every body was shocked Natasha stood up instantly. "NO WAY!" she yelled. "Jeez Nat I'm just joking" steve said "aww to bad I was gonna do it...." Loki said with a little disappointment. "I dare you to kiss valkyrie" steve said proudly. "SHIP!!" Mia screamed from the other side of the room. "Fine" Loki said as he walked over an d kissed his girlfriend. "My turn" Bruce said, "Vision truth or dare," Bruce asked. "Dare" vision said. And he instantly regretted it."I dare you to put your head up wanda's shirt" he said with a smile. "WHAT N-NO WAY THATS INVADING HER PRIVACY!!!" he yelled "and sooo it's not like you haven't seen them already" Bruce said as he winked. "Eh...i...uh...UGH FINE!" he gave in. " but be for I do somebody the down Pietro" "on it" Mia said as she tied down her boyfriend. Wanda didn't mind it. "Your too slow" she complained as she took vision's head and shoved it up her shirt (that sounds wierd yea I know XD) "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LET ME OUTTA HER SO I CAN KILL THAT OVER SIZED TOASTER!!!" peitro yelled in pure anger. "NO can do sonic" Mia said. "Mhm-Ack! HEY!" Wanda shrieked vision pulled his head form under her shirt "what?" He aksed. "You bit me!" She said. "WHY YOU LITTLE!!!" peitro yelled in pure anger. "Chill DUDE it's NOTHING I never done before" he said as he winked at Wanda. Peitro eventually broke through the ropes and ran towards vision, but the to vision phasing peitro sped into the wall face first. (Thanks for the idea ArtemisLianCrock-B07) "pfft-" vision said as he laughed. " bit her..." Bucky asked horrified. "Yup" vision said with no shame. "Ok thennn..let's continue" Loki said

~after all the other dares I'm too lazy to write them all -_- )

"IM tired anybody else?" Shuri asked. A wave of "yup" "same here" "me" swept through the room. After playing about 3-4 hours of truth or dare it can get tiring.So little by little everybody went to their rooms and went to sleep.

HOIIIII HOOMANS it's kinda long but kinda not at DA same time -3- hope ya enjoyed
Love y'all
Sincerely diSh GaRbAgE bIn  :>

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