one year ago

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          One year ago, a close friend of mine questioned why don't I put my work out for the world to see? I thought it was a very good question. He got me thinking. I had been writing for about three years at this point; I have wanted to publish why haven't I tried making a name for my words? I was not ready.

          I wasn't ready for anyone to know the bits and pieces of my life. I wasn't ready for certain people to hear about my work which may prompt them to read my stories, fiction or not, and my modern poetry, mostly non-fiction. I did not want people to know me, and yet I did.

          So on June 2 of twenty-nineteen, I created an account on this website he told me about...Wattpad. I then created my first compilation known as "All the Good Things". The second compilation created was "All the Bad Things"...for balance. When I had clicked on the "publish" button on the first few poems, I felt like I had accomplished a dream of mine. From that first day, I have written and written and published and grown. I am so much more open and creative in my writing. (So much happens in a year) If it hadn't been for my friend asking me that question one year ago, I would have never shared my work, which is my creativity, my experiences, my thoughts and ideas and opinions and beliefs, and my emotions. But my writing is often much more than just for me. I write for those who don't know how to say what I'm saying. What we want to say. I put my work out to not just satisfy my goal, but to also help people find relatability; because relatability connects people. 

          In a world of division, the connection is so important. Empathy flourishes in a connected community and it breeds openness and kindness and respect for differences. The steps toward a better future start small. 

This is my step. 

To summarize a bit:

"Dude can you write a book? You say things so well and put it into words for people like me who are struggling to put it into words lol..."

This is why I write.

P.S. I will always remeber you  ; ) 

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